gun show sucked

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Troll Alert!

Go through Favorite .22's posts carefully and you'll see what I mean. Especially look at his now locked thread about setting up a booby trap in his house.

Don't feed the troll.
ok now that i have been named a troll i will crawl under the house. thanks to all the people that tried to help me . thanks to all the rascist biggots that suscribed to this thread. i feel alittle better now . just remember that "black guy" you may see on the street when you walk by and you "tactically" grip your ccw, or that hispanic you see and you think "illegal" will one day be the soldier that fights for your freedom, your boss, or your son in law.:neener:
Racism, bigotry and name calling will not be tolerated on this forum.
I do not give a damn what color your skin is, or who you worship.
You missed your chance to edit.


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