Gun Show Vendors: Display Case Question

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Nov 8, 2005
I am thinking about getting a booth at my next local gun show to sell a bunch of stuff. Where do you gun show vendors buy your display cases?

I am thinking of the kind that are a table-top box, with a glass top that props and stays open. I have found a few online but the main ones I find are either cheap aluminum or a laminate wood. I know most guys have nicer stained wood ones. Anyone have a link or a name to look up?

I am looking for a nicer version of this:
Yeah, that is where I started - and it leads me to a lot of links to either the same type of aluminum case shown above or to links to much smaller cases. I have Googled variations of sales case, display case, show case, coin collector display case, trade show display, etc. etc. etc. I have found display tables (with legs) and lots of glass displays that you might install in a full brick-and-mortar jewelery store. There are a few online vendors that have successfully monopolized searching on google and/or distribute their cheaper-looking all-metal cases to a variety of online dealers. I'm looking for wood cases, glass top, at least 3-feet x 2-feet. I know that lots of gun show vendors of all sizes read this forum, and I am hoping one of them has someone they have used or bought from before they can recommend.

Update: I did find some nice cases at: but none that meet my size dimensions. Still looking, thanks!
OK well that narrowes it down, wooden display cases. Here in the midwest we have some of the gun show venders the regulary sell wooden cases. I imange the have a small wood shop at home but do not know for sure.

Where to start for you? Check your local area "phone yellow pages" for wood shops and/or woodworking. With the economy the way it is I would think a wood shop would jump on it. There also used to be a company or two that advertised in shotgun news.

Check this out
With all due respect, "check google" and "check the yellow pages" are not really what I'm looking for. I've been down that route and put a bit of time into this, now I'm looking on the gun forum for people with experience and leads. No offense intended, but the suggestions are rather obvious. And I'm aware there are vendors who sell these at the midwest gun shows, so again, I'm looking for the name of one from a gun show vendor, per the title.
I saw that website before I posted - again, the boxes are too small. None of the display cases sold there approach the size I am talk about. I appreciate your willingness to help, but again, I've already searched all the obvious keywords and am looking for someone who already knows someone who sells what I am looking for.
Sorry I could not be of help, but I am a retired gun show vender, did it for 20 years. The link provided does make cases 18" x 36" which I rarely see bigger at the showes I attend.

Just a thought here, the bigger the case the heavier the case, especially wood. I used Alu. to save weight. Just a thought.
Hey, SJ.

I'm in the process of building an oak display case for my gun dealer. I threw it together enough for him to use it at last weekend's gun show, but now I have it back for the finishing touches.


This one is 50" long and about 18" wide, dimensions established by the piece of 5/16 tempered glass I ran across. It weighs about 60 pounds empty.

He uses it for costlier than average handguns and small items that could disappear easily. The hasp makes it easy to lock up when he needs to step out for a moment. I believe he plans to use it in his shop between gunshows as well. I originally built it so a long gun or two could fit, but with the weight of the glass it really needed that center rib.

Anyway, my carpentry work has been a little slow lately so I took on this little project.

Very nice work - that is just the kind of thing I am looking for. Wanna make another one? :)
Two cases like I showed on my link gave you a combined case of 18 x 72 inches. The other case only gives you a case of 18 x 50 inches. But you stated mine was not big enough? Don't get it, course if you need a case that weights 60 lbs before the first item was even placed inside whatever.

I realize Ihave no experience with 20 years experience doing trade and gun showes for a living. Hope you enjoy lugging weight around, two trips at 30 lbs is much easier than one trip of 60 lbs, especially after 2 8/10 hour dayes in a small space selling goods. But what do I know from experience.
I'm not looking for a 18x50, I was complimenting his work. Jeez! Thanks (again) for failing to read my requirements, and then mocking me for my needs. I don't know why you have posted so many unhelpful replies to this thread, but I will guess that you simply have too much time on your hands. Please stop - you are not helping!
SJ, I could make one for you, but I'd have to check on the cost of glass. This piece I got in a trade, so I don't really know how much it costs.

The weight issue, well, 3/4" oak is heavy - what can I say? I used it because I had it, and I have some more, but any strong wood (maple, cherry) is going to weigh about the same. I tend to build things a little "overstrong" anyway. Perhaps I could channel the sides to lighten it a little, or plane down some stock to 1/2". I don't know about going much thinner without switching to a "carcass and skin" type structure. The glass probly weighs over 20# by itself, but if the center rib were raised to support it, possibly thinner (lighter) glass would work.

Do you ever visit western WA? Otherwise shipping would add another expense. Maybe a woodworker local to you could save you a few shekels - I'd be happy to provide more pics or construction details, etc.

Cool pics on your site, BTW. I like rotational handguns.

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