Gun slang!

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I recall a lean huge man screaming at me, "BOATS CARRY GUNS! MARINES CARRY RIFLES!" (No, I am not and have never been a Marine! This was a guy I used to shoot with)

When my friends used to get together on their farm and hose down some unfortunate piece of machinery, dead appliance ,or old car in a fusillade of simultaneous fire: "Let's make it loud, boys!"


Double Tap

Buzzgun, burpgun, bullet-hose, subgun.

"Stick" -- magazine for a subgun.

pistol caliber subguns not big enough for you? "fire for effect"
Weapon naming

Several years ago I barrowed the idea of naming my rifles and pistols with female names as seen in "Gone in sixty seconds". I liked the fact that my friends and I could say eileen (my .357 6in. stainless GP100 :D ) and know what was being refered to.
I detest it when people call magazines clips.

Sigh.... I went into a gun store once and asked if they had magazines....and the guy behind the counter said "No, but we carry a few books." :banghead:

What do you think it will take to get people to replace the term "revolver" with "rotator?" Technically, the cylinder rotates, it doesn't revolve.
Sigh.... I went into a gun store once and asked if they had magazines....and the guy behind the counter said "No, but we carry a few books."

THe other day I went to WackyWallyWorld and asked the guy at the sporting goods counter if they carried .25ACP. He said, "No, but we have the regular .25's!" :banghead:
Sometimes I like to turn money into noise. Send a few dollars downrange. Empty the wallet on the ol' bullseye. Well, you get the picture.
"The whole shootin' match," as in, "Get those barbeque tools over here, not just the tongs or the mitt, I mean the whole shootin' match!" Synonym for "everything included."

"Stick to your guns."

She's a real pistol," meaning a high-strung, go-off-on-you-any-second temperament.
I also remember hearing a guy refer to a revolver as a "pinwheel" a while pack. It's similar to "wheelgun", wonder if that's a derivitive? Another one I heard at a shooting range was "lead roller".
My favorite variation on the "bust a cap" theme came from a buddy at Jamestown. J. was driving along, saw a hitchhiker and picked him up. Bozo pulls a knife on him. J. reaches down behind his seat, and pulls out a Queen Anne pistol. Sticks it in the guy's face, and says,


"Don't make me chip a flint in your ass!".

Made the guy get out, leave his knife and wallet on the passenger seat, and walk. Snagged the $$ out of the wallet as an aggravation fee, and then left knife and wallet at a police station.
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