Guns Raise Male Testosterone Levels, Aggression

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Handlin' guns raises testosterone levels...Okay. So does watchin' Sunday afternoon football and slow-dancin' with sexy women. Guess we need to regulate those things, too.:rolleyes:

Some folks got way too much time on their hands. If they had to go get a real job, they'd probably quit worryin' over such silliness...

I got into this discussion with someone a few weeks ago. Men aren't allowed to be men anymore. Women aren't allowed to be women anymore. Everyone is expected to be some kind of nondescript, middle-of-the-road gender now. My wife has "friends" that think she's some kind of anomaly because she stays home to raise our son. I'm a knuckle dragger because I expect the house to be clean and food cooked. It works for me and my wife, but the social experts deem it needful to "correct" us.

For my friends, give me men who know what it is to be a man and strive to embody all that is good about mankind. For my wife, I have found one who is fiercly independent, yet kind and nurturing, having all good qualities that make up a woman.

Screw the P.C. crap.
It's burka time

I guess if your argument for regulating guns is that it raises testosterone levels and aggressive behavior in men which leads you to the leap that guns must cause violent behavior then you must see that the presence of women also raises testosterone levels in men and must advocate the requirement of women wearing burkas. Either that or lock them all in the basement. After all it's "for the children".
That "scientific study" was some undergrad's project for a class. Be interesting to see what grade he got on it. :rolleyes:

Small sample size. . . . check.
Convoluted, tortuous reasoning required to find a connection between the experiment and the effect it was supposed to measure. . . check.

Yup, undergrad. I'd say he started three . . . . no, no, wait, more likely two weeks before it was due, after putting it off for around 6-8 weeks.

"Oh, man! I gotta come up with a project or Dr. J's totally gonna fail me, and it's too late to withdraw like I did from Physics. . . ."
If you start with the assumption that maleness is a bad thing, this study could be very alarming.

Personally, I like men. ;)

They're missing something, here

This hot-sauce trick has been used before. The more aggressive a man is feeling, the more hot sauce he tends to put in the next guy's drink.

Sure enough, testosterone went up about 100 times more in the men who handled the gun than in the men who handled the children's toy. And the gun handlers put three times more hot sauce in the water -- on average, about a half ounce -- than the toy handlers.

The more a man's testosterone went up after gun handling, the more hot sauce he put in the water.

They should also have tested how much hot sauce the guys put in water, for THEMSELVES. I know a couple of hot-sauce vendors who bring their most eevil stuff to gun shows. :::NOTE TO SELF::: Go to the Dale City show this weekend, and see if Jerky Guy has any more of that habanero venison.
I just looked up Frank's Red (the stuff she used in the "study")

It's time for a serious fisking. Frank's RedHot is freakin' KETCHUP. Their XTRA Hot is so weak, I couldn't use the stuff. I get heartburn from large amounts of vinegar and other acids. Trying to use this stuff in chili or something, would be like chugging pickle juice.

Scoville Scale [1]
Frank's RedHot Original 450
Frank's RedHot Buffalo Wing Sauce 284
Frank's RedHot XTRA Hot 2,085
Frank's RedHot Buffalo Sandwich Sauce 305
Frank's RedHot Gold Fever Zing Sauce 272
TABASCO Red 3,050
Texas Pete 747
deja vu all over again

THR > Social Situations > Legal and Political
> New Study -- Guns Rile Men Up

I am not sure that this study is the same one or a new one,
but I bet the "researchers" can quote McKinnon and Dworkin
in their sleep. (Just being my ol snarky self).

Male aggression is the root of all evil in the universe,
and testosterone is the source of male aggression.

(But that does not explain PMS now does it?)
got to agree with Don Gwinn and Yooper about the test subjects used (18-21 year olds). not exactly an accurate sample of the entire male populous. im glad we don't have scientific experiments that are only conducted on 18-21 year olds that are then applied to every male in the population. imagine if we developed prescription drugs that way, by testing them on 18-21 year olds then prescribed them to 50-60 year olds? i suspect the manufacturer would be sued!

i can think of alot of things that can raise an 18-21 year old's testosterone level:

1. porn
2. sex
3. beer
4. rap music
5. fast cars
6. cute girls
7. XBoxes and other video game machines
9. go carts
10. miniature golf

the list goes on and on. i can't believe some idiot actually accepted this test as scientific? more like a political test that someone said was "scientific". :confused:
you must see that the presence of women also raises testosterone levels in men and must advocate the requirement of women wearing burkas

Yup, making women dress so that they are barely visible sure quelled the violence in the middle East!:uhoh:
I have been to 4 colleges (looong story) and I am still going to the 4th one for my Crim Justice degree. One of the others was Western IL Univ, which is somewhat close to Galesburg if I remember correctly. One thing I have learned at all of the colleges is that most of the students and faculty are liberals who dont know ANYTHING about the way the world really works. Pay no heed to their studies or thoughts.... ever.... :cool: (refering to the liberals, there are always smart humans among the sheeple)
I love my guns, about as much as one can love an inantimate object, but they never make me do anything. They never say "Load Me! Aim Me! Fire Me!"

Heh! Yeah, that's just silly. My girlfriend has said something similar, however...

But as to the testosterone, I have to agree with the other members who have said that it's essentially a meaningless politically motivated study even if it appears not to be so on the surface.
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