Gunsafe Law?

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As example, in keeping with my cheapskate tendencies:

Most hardware stores have larger versions of the screw-eyes common to screen door hooks. Take two of the 3/8" size and screw them into wall studs. Take a piece of 3/8" chain and loop through. Padlock your one and only handgun to the chain, also locking the ends of the chain together. This way, the eyes can't be unscrewed and removed.

This is stronger than the on-sale $79 safes at Wally World (I have a couple) and totals out around maybe $15 or $20.

:), Art
No matter what kind of storage you use, make sure to lock up your reciprocating saw, grinder, boltcutter, hacksaw, drill, axes, hammers and chisels.


I think Calif. has some law like that. I bought some gun and had to sign a form stating that I had a safe and had to describe the name & model.

California requires that all firearms be sold with a trigger or action lock. The only way to escape having to buy a lock is sign an affidavit that you own a DOJ approved safe.

No Way

Gun safes make sense for storing all but your home-defense weapon. As already stated, if you have to get inside a locked gun safe to defend yourself at home, you gotta problem.

WA state does not charge sales tax on gun safes, which makes so much sense I can't believe this state even thought of it (assuming it was an original idea).

I believe in gun safes, having been the victim of a break-in many years ago (didn't own a safe then, unfortunately). If folks can afford a good safe, I highly recommend purchasing one.
But, that choice belongs to the person forking over the cash...not the gov't.

The only effect of such a law would be to criminalize more gun owners, to keep poor people and the less dedicated from buying, and to make self defense nearly impossible. It would not make homes safer for children.

Oh yea, I am aginast any such law.
In "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand, Dr. Floyd Ferris tells Hank Rearden:

"...We're after power and we mean it. There's no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren't enough criminals, one makes them. One declares so many things to be a crime that it becomes impossible for men to live without breaking laws. Now that's the system, Mr. Rearden, that's the game, and once you understand it, you'll be much easier to deal with...."
Take it easy guys...I am not in the gun safe business. I ask the questions sbecause I want to know the answers. Cheers.
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