GW & AG Gonzales want 1993 Crime Bill Permanent

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To say, though, that you doubt Kerry would be much different is fantastic on it’s face. What is there in his entire voting record against guns, for licensing, and limiting access, that you find comparable at all? Do you understand how this is far more “apologist�

I make no apologies for Kerry. He lies just as much as G. W. Bush, but the President doesn’t get a vote—at least not really. Facing an opposed Congress, a President Kerry would have had a much more difficult time advancing gun-control legislation than President G. W. Bush will, if he so desires, with a friendly one.

~G. Fink
make no apologies for Kerry. He lies just as much as G. W. Bush, but the President doesn’t get a vote—at least not really. Facing an opposed Congress, a President Kerry would have had a much more difficult time advancing gun-control legislation than President G. W. Bush will, if he so desires, with a friendly one.>>>>>>>>>>>>>> G Fink

GF- Clinton closed down one half of all FFL holders during his tenure as President. Congress had nothing to do with that. Clinton made appointments that injure us to this day. What damage could a Kerry do? Plenty.

Making it an even question or choice between Kerry and Bush is words, not reality.

Actually, GF, the premise of the thread start is the renewal of the AWB.
Kerry would lobby actively for the Renewal.
Could he impose new or rasie fees on the background check? I'm not entirely sure if he couldn't pass by Presidential edict a ban on private sales without a BC. HE could further intimidate and red tape FFL holders until the number shrunk further. He could mandate all kinds of nasty stuff through bureacratic decree and bypass Congress.

Do you want to imagine what he might be able to decree under the powers of War acts and the Patriot Act?

His judicial appointments at lower and mid levels would haunt this nation for decades to come, including ultimately renewing the AWB and a host of other bans.

Kerry could do both short term and long term harm; as a fly both eats the food in front of it and lays eggs that hatch into maggots.

Bush is by far the better choice of the two....

Some folks just detest "Dubya" to the point that they can't admit that.

That's O.K..

Bush remains the better of the two choices for RKBA.

Let's wait and see what Gonzales actually does, rather than the Schumer appeasing he's done to be confirmed.

Whatever else Bush is or is not, for a President, he has remarkably clear ideas. You know where he stands on many issues. Kerry does not stand; he hops, skips, and jumps. For persons without clear vision he is a Godsend.

I agree with just can't help but admire old "Dubya",
especially for his tenacity. :D

Gordon's opinion may be a tad different..... ;)
Assault Weapon Ban = Not Today! :) We have a "Head Strong, Pro Gun Congress" on the gun issues. On the other hand I can't say much for anything else on their plate. :banghead:
Let me lay this out in equation form.

G. W. Bush + support for Second Amendment + support for “assault-weapons†ban = anti-RKBA liar

J. F. Kerry + support for Second Amendment + support for “assault-weapons†ban = anti-RKBA liar

This does not preclude the possibility that G. W. Bush is less anti-RKBA than Kerry. His judicial appointments may even be more favorable to the RKBA, but I believe they will also be more threatening to many of the other rights I hold dear.

~G. Fink
GF- it is your right to vote for Kerry. It is not reality to state George Bush's Judicial appointments may be more favorable to the RTKBA than those of Kerry. That is sophist nonsense, and you are smart enough to know it. Please stop prevaricating and using denial; you are simply willing to risk damage to gun rights out of concern to damage to other rights you percieve Bush could be. I don't agree with that- but that at least has some logic.

The Patriot Act was passed overwhelmingly,and rights historically suffer during times of war. Roe vs Wade will not be reversed, but if it were, that would not end abortion in this Country, it would send the issue back to the States. WE can adjust and work on the Patriot Act. Once gun rights are gone, they almost never come back. The only reason the AWB dropped was because of votes for Republicans in Congress and George Bush.

The thing is GWB was just a little less anti-gun then Kerry. Anyone would be a fool to think GWB is pro 2nd amendment. The country is in a hell of a shape when the best two that we can come up with to run for the white house are GWB and Kerry No wonder why our Constitution is going down the tubes so fast. I regard both as traitors to our country
I never said John Kerry would have been better, but I don’t think he really would have been much worse either.
It depends on what your baseline is, Gordon. I fully understand and agree with where you're coming from-that a politician who proposes/supports/endorses any anti-gun legislation is in fact anti RKBA. That said, the reality of such legislation is that it's incremental. We gunowners tend to move our 'line in the sand' to adapt to what is rather than what should be. So in reality the 'lesser of two evils' when it comes to the RKBA is a significant issue.
You know, GF, you watered down the line between the two on gun rights, and I called you on that. But I have to give you credit for taking an unpopular position in a gun forum. It can't be easy.

We both look at the same facts. You see what you want to see, and I see something else.

Once again, I hope you are right.

~G. Fink
Sadly, lostone1413.....

"Anyone would be a fool to think GWB is pro 2nd amendment. The country is in a hell of a shape when the best two that we can come up with to run for the white house are GWB and Kerry No wonder why our Constitution is going down the tubes so fast. I regard both as traitors to our country."

There is truth enough in that statement to give us all pause....

If you think "Dubya" is a sell-out as a 'conservative',
you should experience our own little Australian P.M., John Howard :barf:

Gordon Fink:

"You see what you want to see, and I see something else."

Perhaps it's through those "hate Bush" lenses...they tend to filter out what good "Dubya" does. ;)

"Once again, I hope you are right."

As do we all.

Thankfully, we won't have a President Kerry for at least four years, and hopefully never.

I am confident that our RKBA is safer with "Dubya" in the Whitehouse than with Kerry in the position.

On the other hand,
we could do with the likes of Theodore Roosevelt again. :)

"Gun-control" is one of those populist causes that sells well for a politician, particular where the voters are ignorant of the issues.

Whatever the political flavor of the politician, we have to keep up the pro-RKBA pressure on them while at the same time doing our utmost to educate the folks who vote.
If you like Gonzales for AG - wait until Shrub nominates him for one of the Supreme Court vacancies. The rumor mill is he's at or near the top of the list for one of those "jobs for life".
The state of American politics is that an outspoken 2A supporter is not electable. The fact that a candidate openly supports 2A rights more often than not is indicative of an unwillingness on their part to further pervert the Constitution, i.e., no more "free stuff" for the wankers of America.

Nope, not electable. :(

Perhaps it’s through those “hate Bush†lenses … they tend to filter out what good “Dubya†does.

When G. W. Bush does something good, I acknowledge and even defend it, much to the consternation of the Democrats in my family. :D

~G. Fink
Well, Gordon....

We can't legitimately ask for more than that.

My sister is aghast at my support of "Dubya" :rolleyes:


I don't think a comment with the appellation "shrub" merits a reply.

A bit like "So, hey, what's slick willy doing these days?" :)

Still, there are worse nominees for the Supreme Court....
The sort that Kerry would have made, for example. :eek:
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