Hall Director "Very offended" by one of Oleg's poster, any similar experiences?

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How about posting the e-mail addresses of these folk(?) who oppose not only the 2nd amendment but the first as well. I'm sure our fellow High Roaders will send some enlightening info their way. Quantrill
I'd prefer a THR mass email bombardment not occur, that could cause me a lot more problems than it would solve.

Just keep putting it up. What are they going to do, write you up? That is a joke and a half. A bunch of my buddies got written up for smoking weed in the dorm room. That was about it...the school didn't call the cops and the school handled everything internally.

If they are anything like my school they have no teeth, or at least no spine to use the teeth. Keep putting the poster up...just make lots of copies because it is going to get torn down a lot :-( Think of it as a little civil disobedience.

Find 10 or more things that offend you on the floor where you reside. If you have to, pretend to be offended by some things. Then decide on a plan of action.

(1) Send the RA and the owner of each offending things an anonymous (or signed) letter stating that you find these things "very offensive". See how the RA responds. If they're not taken down in a day or two, put your poster back up, next to the "Thought Criminal" sign (credit to Phantom Warrior for this twist).

(2) Meet with the RA and try to get into a serious discussion. Have the list ready, and be prepared to ask her if she'll request that the owners of the "offensive" material would take it down. Why or why not?

(3) See if you can get your poster on a bulletin board in a public place, where the RA has no jurisdiction.

Whatever you do, do it with a smile and a soft, caring voice. :D

I know what not having free weekends is about. I'm a nursing major and flint is a mech engineering. We still find time...you gonna make it to the PA THR gathering at the end of the month?

You won't have to run home to get your guns, there should be plenty for anyone willing to chip in for the ammo.
UDel gets back from Spring Break on the 28th, and I've been warned to expect an on-site interview with a potential employer on or about the 29th. Hopefully if that interview goes well, I'll be attending future PA THR get-togethers, but I'll have to miss this one. (The job location is Harford county, MD, 25 miles from Oxford PA or Newark DE, I'll probably choose to live in PA over DE)

This is my 3rd interview with the organization, when my previous 12 first-interviews have gone no-where, so I'm hitting the knees pretty hard at the moment.

Good luck with the interview, dood. A regular paycheck is a good thing. I gather PA is more gun-friendly than DE anyway. Welcome (soon) to the real world.
I was an RA for two years. All the following advice is based on the rules at Monmouth College in Monmouth, IL. YMMV.

1. She can be offended all she wants, but that means little unless you do other stuff she's been letting slide. Things she really could bust you for.

2. If she did want to get you thrown out of the dorms, 75 days is probably not long enough. She's got to do the writeup, convince somebody that you should be kicked out over one offensive poster, then you've probably got 30 days to respond. Even if that goes against you, you can probably then demand a hearing which will probably take another 30 days. You can string it out that way forever. I had people who had bombarded people three floors down with beer bottles and urinated on crowds below their balconies who were safe from eviction because the Dean didn't even want to bother trying.

3. There's a good chance she thinks just saying she's offended will cause you to back down whether you really have to or not. I'd leave it up unless you know she can get you.

4. It's amazing what passes for offensive, isn't it? Suggest pointing a gun at a RAPIST, and you're offensive. Put up pictures of the Jetsons and the Flintstones committing unnatural and wholly disturbing acts in all possible combinations, and you're just a rambunctious college kid.

I was an RA, but I had my own run-ins with the "establishment." My Dean thought my job was to enforce whatever he said, whether it was in the rules or not. HE didn't want to set the quiet hours earlier because it would upset people, but when Himself was working late one Friday night he called me and told me to tell everyone to shut down. This was 10:00 on Friday night. The quiet hours began at 2:00 in the morning (yes, that was idiotic, but it was his idea.)
I went to everyone one by one and told them that it was my duty to tell them that Dean Ambrose wanted them to be quiet and go inside. When they objected, I told them "Hey, I didn't say I cared what you do. Doesn't make a bit of difference to me until 2:00. He told me to tell you, not to make you do it."
Man, it was loud. I hated the noise in that place with a passion, but I enjoyed it that night. :evil:
not College Park MD (my little brother is at College Park, talk about a cesspool of crime and such, at least no UDel'ers have been killed during robberies...)

tell me about it. This past saturday at about 12:30 am (a time when people are still out and about on Fridays and Saturdays) a guy was attacked and robbed by a bunch of animals about 50 yards from my girlfriend's dorm. My girlfriend carries pepper spray (which I've been meaning to buy) and I carry my kershaw blackout daily (but not for self defense, because that would make it a "weapon"; possession of which is worse than getting attacked by some SOB according to the laws here). However, with the f'd up way the MD knife laws are written, if I used it on an attacker, I'd almost surely be charged with assault with a deadly weapon, posession of a deadly weapon. If I ever have to make the choice between allowing some slimeball to kick the sh*t out of me and using it, I'm not sure what I'll do. :fire:

on a friendlier note, what's your brother's major? What year is he?
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