HARVEST ? No thanks I hunt, shoot, & kill.

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when i hear harvesting when used in a hunting context i always think of farm hunting where u pick out a trophy elk or deer that has been fed a high porotien meal all its life and isnt any sport to kill

i say i took or shot
Someone posted a vid of Jimmy Houston in a 1 acre high fence filming a deer "harvest" with a bow. :rolleyes: Always wondered how they got so many deer that close to 'em every friggin' week. I think he got in some hot water over that IIRC, broke some Pa. laws or something doing that. Sort of the Michael Vick of hunting shows. :D

You got a little bit excited didn't you?

You also didn't read my post too well.

I never said my way is the only way it's just my way. You can hide in a tree and blast a deer over a feeder if you like but it's much more akin to harvesting than hunting. I would probably do the same if I had to feed my family with wild game alone, but I don't so I choose something a bit more interesting for ME. I'm far from a great hunter and don't always kill an animal but it's just that more rewarding when I do.

A cougar probably has more range than a bow and could easily take me out if I didn't see him first with an arrow nocked, but he definitely doesn't have the range of a good rifle.

Overall, I really don't care how anyone else decides to kill game, I just care how I decide to approach it.
Over in Africa we use "harvest" deliberately - to remind those people who are not hunters that the animals on a game-farm are there for a purpose, and that purpose is to be hunted - not that the animals are somehow "entitled" to be there. "If the game pays, it stays" is the philosophy - the word "harvesting" just reminds folks of that.

However, amongst ourselves as hunters, we "hunt" - we don't bother with the word "harvest" - that's only for non-hunters.
I don't think the term harvest is so bad, couse I think of game animals as just crops with legs. LOL!!!

and considering all the work I put into creating a healthy environment for those game species, maybe 'harvest' isn't so far off?
My mother-in-law asked me the other day if I caught any deer. I told her ya but they were all to small so I had to throw them back. She did not think that was very funny.
<< So at the end of a succesful hunt, didn't you kill that critter?>>

Some sub-cultures, would/have termed it as; “iced that critter”, or “whacked that critter”. While their are jargon words. These jargon words separate these sub-cultures, to distinguish themselves from one another.
Like in the medical/legal fields, among others. There are legal/medical terms that is used, that makes one stop and say, what the hell, does that mean? Unless, you’re a member of that club (as I’ll put it). Some people call these words/terms sophisticated….Yea. O.k.…that and $2….gets me a ride on the N.Y.C. Mass Transit System.

<< Harvest means to gather the crops that you labored on ( as in plowed the field, watered, fertilized, irrigated) to grow fruits, nuts, grains, or vegetables.>>


<< I first heard the word used in this context back in the early 70's when a professor said he would "harvest squirrels" when was was a kid. Didn't bother me any, I knew what he was talking about.>>


<< No matter, whatever the current in thing is, same procedure, same data collection, different title.>>

Every once in a while someone comes along and tries to alter things, for the better, so everyone can understand (harvest?), and without being abrupt (kill).

<< Dictionaries don't prescribe or delimit use either, they describe it, and often they lag considerably behind actual usage in our evolving language. - especially when you are looking at a 1933 edition. Many words have emerged even since your Chambers Dictionary was compiled, and others have acquired new meanings>>

In the 19 century, their was a scientist who developed a neutral (universal) international language, called Esperanto. Never caught on. But still exists.
Unlike politics, being an Ambassador, let’s say, is more important being political correct in terms/meanings, than in other areas [sports] of use.
I get criticized, from my peers, when I use…in-correct terminology. Language can get boring at times.
I’m one who doesn’t [have to] drink coffee/Texas tea out of a “bone china” cup, to be political correct (happy). Even if one asks me for a cup of coffee, to have to put it in a “bone china” cup, for them. Hey….That mug (if you’re lucky), with the broken handle, or “sip-ie” cup, will work just fine for you. “Where’s the handle”, you say. My (diplomatic) reply; “Over their [pointing]…on the door…don’t let it hit you on the way out”.

With that…… I will disengage thyself and conclude my .83 post for the day.

[Esperanto] Cu iu citie parolas Angle? Adiau.
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