Anyone who thinks that at close rnge the 380 won't get the job done as well as the 9 is mistaken. It may take 2 or 3 rounds, but so may any gun except a rifle or shotgun. It puts the same size hole in you as a 9, or 38, and with powerball ammo it travels at 1000 fps. At ten feet, your attacker won't know the difference, unless you miss.
There are very little real world differences between the two. You also have a better chance of hitting something with a ppk's or sig 232, carrying 380's than a keltec with 9mm in it. I carried one for 20 years before all these small guns came out 20 years ago, but never felt that it wouldn't do the job, if you shoot well. If not it doesn't matter what you have. Granted they have been replaced because of the availability of many mini guns now. But a 380 was carried by many european police forces for many years and with todays powerful ammo, they will kill you with no distinction or predisposed idea about their inadequate size. ALso your follow up shots with a steel gun are very precise. 9mm kurtz, is indeed an underestimated round. They have killed millions of people who can not attest to this, lol. I used to put them down also whe I went back to my larger 40 and 45 glock and 1911. But I would rather have a 380 with me in a baretta or sig, than a 9mm in a bersa or keltec in a close quarter gunfight.It's penetraton that's the only difference, and some FMJ ammo will solve that if you stack your rounds. I carry one of each, the sweet thing about the 380 is my hand is on it while I am at the talking stage. I can place that anyware I please at that distance, with a gaurantee that it will do it's job well and allow me time if necessary to get to my 9 or 40, or whatever.Usually that's all you need is the element of surprise, it's also very accurate at 25 feet or even out further. But up close only God will know the difference. The misconception that small caliber guns are not potent is foolish, 32's were used by many a gunfighter for their accuracy in a gunfight.