Has anybody ever bought an EMA Tactical AR-15 countdown mag?

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Quote:" Don't take it so personally"

Its hard to judge tone and determine what somebody is inferring over the net, but maybe you have a good point. Historically though, I can honestly say that in just about every thread I have started, there is at least one waterwalker with an aire of arrogance that takes away from the thread. Hopefully you can understand my frustration, and believe me when I say I'm not a troublemaker that goes around trying to instigate arguments, I'm just a lil thickheaded. Respectfully, DustyVermonter
You asked about a Mag, we gave you a much better option. The "Your Doing it wrong" was a reference to the long running joke that another person already posted.
I'm actually going out to get some P-mags today, but because I am impatient and don't want to wait for them to come UPS, I'm gonna have to spend almost twice as much as what they list for on the net. As for the Joke, my apologies, I guess I got a wee bit defensive. No hf's,
No, just order them online and wait patiently for them. No reason to overpay. You won't be dissappointed!
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