Have Rush or Sean mentioned the run on guns?

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Nov 25, 2008
I don't listen to those two because they stabbed traditional "conservativism" in the back for 8 years. However I'm asking those who do listen if either of those two have mentioned the massive run on guns. If they haven't mentioned it or barely mentioned it then their true colors are still showing.

I don't think there has ever been two individuals who SHOULD have helped gun owners more but who have ignored us the most. After the last 8 years, every time I would tune into either of them, I would be stunned and ask myself "THIS is conservatism??? Why do these two all but ignore the 2nd amendment when there are major BATF abuse news events (too many to list)?"
Limbaugh has often spoken of the 2nd Amendment and supported our Right to keep and bear arms.

He doesn't speak much about specific firearms, because he doesn't know much about them. I think I heard him once say he hadn't shot a gun but once. May have been a shotgun when he spoke at the NRA National Convention. (???)

Can't blame him for not knowing the difference between an M16 and an AR 15. Nor a Glock 22 from a Beretta 92. Just not in his area of expertise.

He is very much on our side when it comes to the protection of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.

I would guess his professional bodyguards are well armed. Afterall, there are many, many "progressive" Marxist Socialist inspired liberals out there who would love to see Limbaugh "exterminated."

I listen to Rush for entertainment occasionally, but I don't find Sean entertaining at all. But Sean sometimes has Gingrich on, and what Newt has to say is more relevant. That being said, I don't see either of them being big libertarians or primarily interested in the Bill of Rights, regardless of the amendment in question.

I'm listening to Sean Right now , and yes they do refer to the 2 Amend as our Right. Andrew Wilkow talks about it more often than Sean.
They're both political hacks. Same with Coulter.
Their job is to do/say whatever it takes to get people riled up so they continue to get paychecks. Period. Same thing with people like Randi Rhodes and Bill Mahr on the left. They make their living stoking flames - and nothing more.
He is very much on our side when it comes to the protection of our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.
See I don't agree. If rush was "very much on our side," he would use that thing in front of his face (the microphone) to show it (more than a passing mention once in a blue moon).

Limbaugh has often spoken of the 2nd Amendment and supported our Right to keep and bear arms.

He doesn't speak much about specific firearms, because he doesn't know much about them. I think I heard him once say he hadn't shot a gun but once. May have been a shotgun when he spoke at the NRA National Convention. (???)

Can't blame him for not knowing the difference between an M16 and an AR 15. Nor a Glock 22 from a Beretta 92. Just not in his area of expertise.
I DO blame him because he doesn't seem to care. Liberty centers around the right to keep and bear arms. If a person doesn't GET that fact then they are no friend of mine. Rush doesn't know about guns because he A. doesn't get it, and B. doesn't care. I didn't know much about guns either until I spend the effort to learn, and I spend the effort because I care and I get it.

I think that both rush and sean only mention the 2nd amendment because they know they HAVE TO in order to keep up the charade that they are "conservative." After years of off and on listening to them, they mention the subject the bare minimum.
See I don't agree. If rush was "very much on our side," he would use that thing in front of his face (the microphone) to show it (more than a passing mention once in a blue moon).

He doesn't bring it up because there are anti-gun conservatives that would get uppity about it. He only takes a stand on issues that tend to break more neatly down party lines. Can't upset the people that pay his salary. I gave up listening to Rush years ago for this very reason. After the whole drug thing - it was pretty clear he didn't really practice what he preaches anyways.
I listen to both if not doing anything else. They both seem to talk about what is going on at the moment. When the AWB comes back around then we will see.

They make their living stoking flames - and nothing more.

UHHH? Thats what they get paid to do. Whats wrong with that?
UHHH? Thats what they get paid to do. Whats wrong with that?

For entertainment purposes - absolutely nothing.
If sitting around beating your chest saying "that's right! me too!" is your thing- by all means they are absolutely the ones to tune in on.

If you want to actually get something done and make any kind of progress in "winning hearts and minds" so to speak - these type of political talking heads are about the last people you want to give the time of day.
I DO blame him because he doesn't seem to care. Liberty centers around the right to keep and bear arms. If a person doesn't GET that fact then they are no friend of mine. Rush doesn't know about guns because he A. doesn't get it, and B. doesn't care. I didn't know much about guns either until I spend the effort to learn, and I spend the effort because I care and I get it.

I think that both rush and sean only mention the 2nd amendment because they know they HAVE TO in order to keep up the charade that they are "conservative." After years of off and on listening to them, they mention the subject the bare minimum.

Rush Limbaugh & Sean Hannity have what are called "event-driven" talk radio. They don't do a "topic of the day" ie., gun control, or how the M-16 differs from the civie AR-15. Political and social events drive the topics of their shows. The past year the election consumed much of their shows, as well as the economic turmoil we've experienced and the politicians' reactions.
If you want to have a radio show that does "2nd amendment issue for today" type shows, neither host will do that; the best thing you can do is start your own, not complain because Limbaugh and Hannity DON'T. They're the ones who have to earn their keep, they're the ones who have to make the ratings and prove to the radio stations they can make a profit and earn their keep.
They are both conservatives and have earned their keep by espousing conservative principles in ways that entertain and build an audience. Despite claims they've "stabbed traditional conservatives in the back" I don't think they have. Limbaugh specifically has been deeply critical of Bush's spending and his reaching out to liberals.
Many liberals whine Limbaugh and others take their "talking points" from Karl Rove .... I just don't see it. Sorry. Limbaugh's spent too much time criticizing Bush and his myrmidons for me to believe that claim.
Over all, there is much more to successful conservative talk radio than ONLY second amendment rights, like it or not, and a nation wide syndicated talk show host will have to appeal to a far wider audience if he plans on becoming as successful as Limbaugh or Hannity.
As to my own preferences, Limbaugh any time ... Hannity has too many screetchy rough edges.
Here In about 20 minutes Cam and Company will be on at
or the Patriot channel 144 Sirius

Cam talks about the 2 Amendment for three hours + he has a talk back feature so you can write him a quick note . If its good enough he will bring it up.
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SINXSTAR & SHTF, you have the right to believe whatever you want, but Rush Limbaugh has a great deal more to do each day after his show to prepare for next day's show, than sit down and pour over six or eight gun magazines and study all the gun sites on the Internet to learn more about firearms and how they work and the 10,000different brands and types and models and variations and calibers and various kinds of ammunition and bullets and all the 22,000 gun laws on the books around the country, Federal, State, and local.

Apparently you think that if Rush Limbaugh were a "true" conservative, he'd spend 15 hours of radio time each week talking about firearms, laws, and whatever each member of various legislatures, Federal, State, and local, are trying to pass. Were he to do as you think he should, talk incessantly about guns and gun laws, his audience would soon dwindle down to a few thousand and that would be all she wrote for Limbaugh and "conservative talk radio."

I judge Limbaugh by his conservative approach to hundreds of topics each year, rather than just one.

Leanwolf - i don't care if he talks about guns or not. My problem with Rush has nothing to do with his support or not of gun rights.
My problem with Rush is that he's a blowhard ninny that drives me up a wall, and is about as transparent as a piece of glass when it comes to the stuff he says.
It bothered me during the campaign that guns and gun control did not take center stage as a campaign issue. This happened because both McCain and Obama had some previous stands favoring varying amounts of additional gun control. But clearly Obama took the cake on that one from our standpoint. Obama simply said when addressing the issue that he believed that owning firearms was an indvidual right in accordance with the Heller decision. When asked about additional control legislation, he said he didn'tthink their was legislative support for such.

The issue was totally difused unless the media hammered at it and they didn't. Neither Rush L or Sean H speak much about guns unless there has been something in the news that drives their discussions. I do take some offense, buy it is outside their radio formats to get very involved in the gun control or 2A discussion.

I get really tired of listening to Sean Hannity. Rush is far more interesting and he is far from a ninny. Most of his views are right on the mark. The NRA would not have invited him to speak at the national convention if he did not support 2A rights.

Sinxstar, how would you feel about Rush or Hannity taking a stand in support of strict gun control legislation? They have very powerful microphones.

The talk show host to listen to is Neal Boortz. He repeatedly has mentioned firearms in his talk show. Katrina changed or probably strengthend his views on gun control legislation and the Second Amendment. You can listen to his show on weekdays between 8:30AM and 1:00PM ET from the WSB AM750. The national portion of his show runs from 10:00-12:00. Just go to Boortz.com and listen. He's a liberatarian.
That's not Rush's fault.It's because you are a liberal and his ideology turn's your stomach.
I have no problem with your rational thinking's.
Just don't listen to who you perceive is a "blowhard" and you'll be cool.
He's not going to change your mind any any issue,that we know,Sinixstar.

lol. his ideology doesn't turn my stomach. His methodology turns my stomach.
Basically what he does is this:
I am a conservative, and I am always right. The solution to the problem is simply to be more conservative. All the time, always, no question. Even when i'm wrong, i'm right, because i'm a conservative. All you need to do to correct the problem - is to realize that i'm always right, you're always wrong, and everything will be fine.

That's just, ignorant.
I've admitted i'm a Democrat - but i think the "liberal" term is a bit much. I have no problems admitting when Democrats have crossed the line, and I regularly call 'em on it. I believe debate and dissenting opinion is a good thing, and I am highly skeptical of the motives of those who believe otherwise.
Some of the core ideas Rush has talked about in the past (i admit i don't listen to him anymore) are not unrealistic. I don't disagree with some of it. His rhetoric, and his vileness in the way he approaches the debate is beyond counter-productive, it injects a level of toxicity to any level of discourse on the matter.

I also don't think he has any true core personal values. I don't think he nor Coulter actually believe the crap coming out of their own mouths. I think he is deep down a conservative, but I think he's a greedy bastard first, and will take views to an unhealthy extreme if it means theatrical flair that will bring in more listeners, sell more books, bring in more money - whatever.
I'll give people like Bill O'Reilly and Hannity at least some credit in that regard - as I do think they actually believe in what they're talking about, and will try to practice what they preach.

Also - don't think these criticisms are leveled solely at the right-wing flame-throwers. There's plenty of people on the left that are the same way. Mike Malloy and Randi Rhodes come to mind as equals to Rush and Coulter, where as people like Bill Mahr and Rachel Maddow seem more in line with O'Reilly and Hannity.
I could probably sit and go on and on about these people - but basically what I don't have time for is blowhards who are blowhards simply for the sake of being blowhards. Show some real spine, show some real conviction, some at least some basic desire for discourse - and you have my respect.
I am a conservative, and I am always right. The solution to the problem is simply to be more conservative. All the time, always, no question. Even when i'm wrong, i'm right, because i'm a conservative. All you need to do to correct the problem - is to realize that i'm always right, you're always wrong, and everything will be fine.

That's just, ignorant. I've admitted i'm a Democrat - but i think the "liberal" term is a bit much.


That's called humor. Since it's the opposite of self-deprecating humor, let's just call it self-aggrandizing humor. If there's one thing I've noticed about Democrats (and liberals in particular), it's that they have little sense of humor.

Rush and sean

There sheets are starting to show. They both lost any amount of credit that they ever had when they started crying about Bio- Fuels and crops then started to shill for GM on how great there cars are. Talk about talking out of both sides of your mouth.:neener:
GM was an advertiser for the Hannity radio show. Hannity owns at least one GM product; a SUV as I recall.

Limbaugh is probably the best spoken conservative in the country these days. I find that he is seldom wrong from my way of thinking. Rush has his own problems like the rest of us. Like most of us, I don't think Rush has an answer to the economic crisis we are in at the moment. I trust that others more knowledgable than I know what they are doing. I'm not optimistic at the moment. I could easily see the whole world slide into a depression and they will affect just about everyone. Just remember, we have elected a new president to take office in January. I wish him well in finding reasonable solutions to some of the problems that he will be involved with daily. I still think he will find time to get his pen out and sign a permanent AWB if it comes to his desk.

To call Rush's rhetoric "toxic" is almost a joke to me, maybe not to a libeal Democrat however. Sinxstar, you really need to listen to him more. You should keep up to date on your biases. I am also glad you post your views here.
My biggest problem with the talking heads is that they are repititious. It's that they have three some-odd hours a day to till up, and they don't have three hours' worth of things to say.

Rush hammers the republicans very often for failing in their conservatism. Hannity does the same thing but in a more passive way, he spends less time directly criticizing current republicans and more time wishing Reagan was in office. They are both absolutely correct in that republicans are losing right now because they are afraid to be republicans. We don't need a new conservative party. (Libertarians.) All we need is for the republican party to man up and do what we elected them to do.

I have heard both Rush and Hannity speak against politicians who want to ban guns, and that gun laws are ineffective. I won't hammer them because they don't care about guns as much as I do. (Few people do.) I will support them for making as much trouble as possible for my political enemies. They are persistent, and they don't back down.

As for the GM thing, everyone has to eat.

As someone else stated, Glenn Back is much more active about guns. If you want gun talk for gun people who like to shoot and talk about guns, listen to Tom Gresham's Gun Talk on sunday afternoons. If he's not on in your area, download the podcast.
It is entertainment, that's it, nothing more.
Like Bill Mahr, I watch his program, it's entertaining. And it is pretty funny, you know it would be impossible to hold such childish and moronic views, and still be able to function in polite society.:evil: Ok, an exception for Al Franken, but then, he is a moron, he doesn't just play one on television.:neener:

And there is always the simplest solution, if you don't like their programs, don't listen to them.:eek: I don't like Howard Stern, I don't complain, I just don't listen.:scrutiny:

I WOULD like more of Gordon Liddy!:D

Yeah, but Coulter is HOT!

Laura Ingraham is hotter!
Getting paid to bash????

Must be nice to get paid ,for sitting you fat a## , and criticizing the rest of the world,while overdosing on med's and pointing the finger, at everybody else, all the while his thumb is pointing right back at him in (hipocracy), but none the less he's managed to develope a ''cult like'' following, at the end of the day he's the winner ,he's pulled the wool over alot of people...now i'm not a demo ,but i definitly like to think for myself on alot of issues important to me and my family.
Well paid. Don't underestimate the influence of these guys in entertainment or politics. Rush signed a new contract a few years ago, I don't remember the dollar total but it was staggering.

Howard Stern is the highest paid piece of talent in entertainment, PERIOD, and all he does is feed controversy. Like his own research showed, people who HATE him listen to him MORE than people who like him. Ignore them, and they go away. Apparently it's not so easy for a lot of people.
I WOULD like more of Gordon Liddy!

Are you kidding me?
i mean, really....

edit: let me clarify that.

When we talk about the "well regulated militia" being necessary to defend ourselves against an overzealous government - it's to defend ourselves from people like Gordon Liddy. I'll admit he makes some good points from time to time, and he's a smart guy - but in the bigger picture - he is exactly what's wrong with this country.
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