Have you razzled an Anti lately?

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Dec 25, 2002
No Place Like Home
I was sitting with a practice managment person today and we were talking business plans and what not and she asked me if I knew any attorneys.

I replied yes and she was like how did you guys meet.

Well Stephanie we are bonded by common hobbies and she asked me what hobbies we had in common. (The whole time I had a clay thrower sitting in front of her on the floor). I said we like to shoot together.

Her eyes did one of these things! :what: and she said Do you have you gun with you?!!!!!

I calmly said," No ".

Stephanie said, "Good cause I wouldn't want you to shoot someone!!!!"

I calmly looked at her with a serious face and said " Stephanie, why would you think that I would shoot someone."

She said it was just a joke and looked away.

I repeated the question to give her time to better explain herself and she said the same thing and asked me why I was upset. I explained to her it was a pet peeve of mine for someone to automatically assume that just because someone is a gun owner they would just shoot someone. She then asked me if I shot animals. :T I explained to her that I shoot for sport and at this time my targets are paper and clays. So after her continued to embarass herself with her display of immaturity and eventually found an excuse to leave to meeting.

Its too bad that about 70 percent of all the women I work with are anti's.

Moral of the story

When I leave this practice. I am going to only hire gun nuts and have office parties at the range :)
When I leave this practice. I am going to only hire gun nuts and have office parties at the range

More power to you Sir.;)
Inter-office memo:

In order to meet the challenges of the 21st century office environment and the issue of political correctness, all client business meetings shall be henceforth moved from the boom boom boobie bar to the local shooting range.

Thank you for your cooperation.

About 6 or so months ago my boys and i were at the mall,when i saw this lady with a handgun free america t-shirt, i asked her where i could sign up to get a free gun. She said it was an orginization to rid the country of guns i said never mind and left:evil:
About 6 or so months ago my boys and i were at the mall,when i saw this lady with a handgun free america t-shirt, i asked her where i could sign up to get a free gun. She said it was an orginization to rid the country of guns i said never mind and left

ROTFLMAO :neener:
I often deal with people who are totally ignorant of guns and have no agenda one way or the other. That's everyone I've actually met who wasn't pro-gun. I like taking these people shooting if they care to experience what guns are like.

I've not met an anti as far as I know. Doubt I'd have anything to say to one from what I've heard about them. I'd probably be too disgusted to associate on any level. Love it or leave it comes to my mind. These people are deserving of nothing less than immediate deportation.
Interesting this thread is running .. just today i think I achieved a near total conversion .... soooo satisfying. I'll go start a thread on it cos it's worth writing up fully.

Subject line ... hmmm .... that'll have to be ''Whoo-Hoo - another one ''cured''. :p
The local paper just printed an article about repealing our "new" concealed carry law. So, I am in the break room at work when a few of my co-workers (female RN's) were talking about how it would be a good idea to repeal it. I just pointed out that before the law changed people needed no training to obtain a permit in Minnesota. I also pointed out that there used to be no legal provision for buisnesses to post signs preventing legal permit holders from carrying on their property. I lastly pointed out that permits issued in the past year are good for 5 years, so the government would have to set up some kind of rebate, which would cost some money in a time without a whole lot in the budget, or treat permits like a drivers license and allow the ones out there to be good until the expiration date. (We don't require everyone to take a test and get a new license when they change a traffic law, do we?)

As I walked out I made this flippant remark:

"I hope they do repeal it, it sure would be nice to be able to carry in schools again."

There was stunned silence from the sheeple. People who are rabidly anti are never going to let facts get in the way of their opinions, but I have noticed that they really, really dislike having those facts pointed out to them. Maybe at some level they do understand that they are irrational?
I dont know if this qualifies as razzing an anti but here goes.
My wife contributes to friends of animals and Doris Day, so we get all kinds of save the animals mail and phone calls from various groups.One day when I was home and she was not, I got a call from someone who claimed he was from PETA asking if my wife was at home.Isaid no that she was hunting.He said what? I said she was hunting and that it was machete season here in New Jersey and that it takes a hell of alot of work to kill a deer with a machete which is why they only allow you to take fawns.He didn't say anouther word he just hung up.:evil:
"I said she was hunting and that it was machete season here in New Jersey and that it takes a hell of alot of work to kill a deer with a machete which is why they only allow you to take fawns."

PARALYZED with laughter! OMG!!!! What an image!

Well actually that was not the first such incident . Once at a party this unctiously annoying ,self righteous,loud,holier than thou vegan type was putting down hunters and shooters and meat eaters etc. etc.....
So eventualy when she got around to how any one who eats veal is a savage because of the conditions in which they(the calves) are forced to live.I explained to her that the first thing I did when in a resturant is to order veal because if no one ate veal, those calves would not be killed and would grow up to be full sized cows in those little pens.
She stared at me for a while and said something about soy veal I said couldn't eat soy veal because the thought of all those little beans in those tiny cages was heart breaking........She went away
Moment of silence for those poor, poor beans... :(


Last night, I was over at my friend's apt. getting ready to move in. A couple of other guests were there, helping to move furniture and whatnot, when one guy comes across my roomate's crossbow ( http://www.thehighroad.org/showthread.php?s=&threadid=59996 ). He immediately freaks out and says "Don't get that thing anywhere near me!"

I just laughed and asked, "What is it with all these people with fears of inanimate objects?" as I picked it up and put it in the corner. It had no bowstring.

His reply? "I hate weapons, man."

Me: "You use hammers, circular saws, belt sanders all the time, right?" (his fav. hobby is woodworking)

Him: "Yeah, so?"

Me: "I have a [and this is true, folks] fear of circular saws like you wouldn't believe. One got away from guy I knew about ten years ago. Cut him up REAL bad. Blood everywhere. Even now, the sight of the blades or the sound of 'em makes me cringe like crazy."

Him: "Well, that doesn't mean circular saws are bad. Sure, stuff like that can happen, but they do more good than harm."

Me: "But guns are?"

Him: "Yup."

Me: "Why?"

Him: "Uh... they, um... *sigh*" and proceeded to change the topic.

:uhoh: Fear of inanimate objects indeed... :rolleyes:
I had a lot of fun where I used to work. Everyone knew that guns was one of my hobbies. I would hang up my good targets in my office and lots of people would ask about them. Fortunately we didn't have many rabid antis to spoil the mood.

One of my favorite things to do at lunch time was take women to the gun range and teach them how to shoot. Lots of them were interested but didn't want to learn from their husbands. All of those that I taught did really well and had a great time. They would even hang their targets in their office and brag about them.

At my going-away luncheon, they acknowedged this by thanking me for "Arming and training all of the women in the building".
When I moved in

With my girl friend,her roomate put up a big stink about how she didn't want "guns in the house". She ended up moving out and I saw her coming home from work and she was with her friends on the bus,being an armed guard I was wearing my gun she asked real loud "is that thing loaded"
my reply "of course it is,you can't shoot some one with and unloaded gun"
A guy she was with wanted to know how you get to carry a loaded gun when your a security guard, I told him only NRA members were permitted to carry:cool: ***
Another day in a toursist spot I work at an English women was real suprised that I get to carry & I'm not a cop,she wanted to know when I'm allowed to "shoot someone" I told her,when I'm in a bad mood,drunk or hung over. She got the joke and said "thank God you're in a jolly mood then eh?"***
I guard the truck some days while my partner goes around the corner
and this upset guy comes up to me and wants to know if I am with the armed guard around the corner. Maybe I am, I say.
He tells me that the guard looked at him and put his hand on his gun
gripping it in a hostile manner. I said "we are required by law to do what ever the little voices tell us to do":evil: he decided to leave the area
Last Month, i spent an entire evening camped out in front of Leah Barrett's Assault weapon Ban Fundsraiser with my TRT group.

As they came & left i snapped pictures of the more prominent Antis

One wanted to know why i was taking pictures,
i told her i wanted to see if vampires show up on film.

Where's my dam Websters'????

"Once at a party this unctiously annoying ,self righteous,loud,holier than thou vegan type was putting down hunters and shooters and meat eaters etc. etc....."
unctiously Entry: oily
Function: adjective
Definition: flattering
Synonyms: bland, cajoling, coaxing, compliant, fulsome, glib, gushing, hypocritical, ingratiating, insinuating, obsequious, plausible, servile, slick, smarmy, smooth, smooth-tongued, soapy, suave, supple, unctious, unctuous
Concept: behavior (bad)

Sure, make me stop reading the boards to look it up and edudicate myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:confused:

Good Lord, I haven't laughed like this in quite awhile!:D

I can't wait to use some of this stuff on any ANTI's I happen to meet.:evil:
One of my little bros friends came over the day I got a surplus ammo can via UPS. The top of the can says "AMMUNTION FOR CANNON - WITH EXPLOSIVE PROJECTILES." He looked at me and asked "Um, Zach, why do you have cannon ammo?" And of course, in true Burt fashion, I looked at him with a confused facail expression and replied "My cannon..." He hasnt been back since. Cant say I'm sorry either...
My history teacher ia a severe anti and it really bugs me. History teachers are usually the coolest people around. He actually is a cool guy but everytime we discuss the bill of rights or gun control i always find myself defending my gun ownership. It's pretty light hearted and never too serious but i present my arguements and he struggles and then says somehing to the degree of;

" Well, i grew up in center city, philladelphia and i crried a blackjack and always felt safe. I had to use it once, and that was it, no harm no foul. I didn't kill the guy or have to go to court. I WHACKED him and ran."

To which i respond, "If you show a bg a gun you usually don't have to use it."
Then we change subjects.:rolleyes:

O well, i respect him and his beliefs, but some people don't get it.

On another note, When we went over WWII he really spen a lot of time discussing fire power and tanks and so on. Really cool stuff to learn about.
Iron Mike,

Thanks for getting a snowy, nasty day off to a great start....I laughed for 10 minutes over that one.....good thing the students aren't here today, they'd have thought I was crazier than usual.

>"I dont know if this qualifies as razzing an anti but here goes.
My wife contributes to friends of animals and Doris Day, so we get all kinds of save the animals mail and phone calls from various groups.One day when I was home and she was not, I got a call from someone who claimed he was from PETA asking if my wife was at home.Isaid no that she was hunting.He said what? I said she was hunting and that it was machete season here in New Jersey and that it takes a hell of alot of work to kill a deer with a machete which is why they only allow you to take fawns.He didn't say anouther word he just hung up"<
I have the luxury of pressing an anti's buttons without having to go further than my own family. I think that my mother is seeing the light, slowly but surely.

If someone is ambivilant rather than anti, I try to educate them. If they are rabidly anti (read idiot) then I'll press their buttons.

One thing that's easy to catch a Vegan on is their leather boots, shoes, belt, jacket etc.

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