Have you razzled an Anti lately?

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only recent flying feathers was with that liberal ding-dong who couldnt believe that CCW's were given out to people that didnt demonstrate a "NEED" for it, since obviously there is no real crime that occurs and whatever anectdotal occurances there are would never happen to me or anyone i know.

when she asked why i carried, i said "to compensate for my small sex organ!"

might as well go with their absurd arguments. :D
My ethics prof has made anti comments. When I was checking guns in at the police station so they don't hurt anyone one day:rolleyes: he walked by and I got the standard hoplophobic projection; 'have to be nice around you since you have guns' :rolleyes: I haven't said a word i just started wearing my glock hat and bringing gun mags to class.

My history teacher ia a severe anti and it really bugs me.

Maybe you should ask Mr. History if he has ever heard of the Holocaust. When he says, "yes, of course," you ask him if he's ever seen any of the actual films of the camps in operation, or at liberation. When he says, "yes, of course," you then ask him "So, how many of the people transported to the camps had guns?" For more on this topic, you might want to refer your teacher to the following website for Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership: http://www.jpfo.org/ You might also use the information on the JPFO website to inform you teacher that the 1968 Gun Control Act in this country was lifted, almost word-for-word, from the 1938 Nazi weapons law - which was used to "legally" deprive Jews and other "undesireables" of weapons with which to defend themselves.

You might also point out to him the utility of having guns in the hands of ordinary people by using the example of the Warsaw Ghetto uprising: a few dozen Jews armed with rusty old pistols and single-shot rifles managed to hold off many thousands of German soldiers for several weeks.

Another historical example of the good that guns do is the quote from Admiral Yamamoto of Pearl Harbor and WW2 fame: "You cannot invade mainland United States. There would be a rifle behind each blade of grass." He was advising Japan's military leaders of the futility of an invasion of the mainland United States because of the widespread availability of guns. It has been theorized that this was a major contributing factor in Japan's decision not to land troops on North America early in the war when they had vastly superior military strength. This delay gave our industrial infrastructure time to gear up for the conflict and was decisive in our later victory. By the way, this quote was found on: http://www.sightm1911.com/Care/Gun_Quotes.htm
You will find many quotes related to guns on that page, and will be given an instant education by doing so.

Of course, another example of the use of firearms to fight tyranny is the American Revolution iitself. In fact, you could point out to him that the Battles of Lexington & Concord (which were preceeded by Paul Revere's famous midnight ride) occurred because the British military governor of Boston ordered his troops to those two towns for the purpose of confiscating the militia armories located there. Thus, all of our freedoms, including your half-wit teacher's ability to denigrate our right to keep and bear arms, came about because many individuals - armed individuals, decided to fight gun control.

Finally, you might point out that the dead white males that drew up the Constitution and later proposed and ratified the Bill of Rights, were very serious folks. They didn't go through a bloody and costly war with the world's most powerful nation, then argue for years about the proper design of a government intended to "...secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity..." all for the purpose of securing the right of a bunch of beer-swilling, pot-bellied, cousin-marrying, racist rednecks to go around in the woods killing Bambi's relatives. The 2nd Amendment ain't about duck hunting, it is about revolution against tyranny. If he tells you that the "militia" of the 2nd Amendment is the National Guard, remind him that the National Guard wasn't created until 1903, whereas the 1792 Militia Act specifically refers to individual citizens as the Militia (as does current law - Title 10, Section 311 of the US Code). Additionally, you can refer him to the Federalist Papers #46, where Madison (the guy who wrote the Constitution), speaks of how an army controlled by the government could never overcome an armed populace.
Be careful using that Yamamoto quote, IIRC it's an urban legend.

Apologies if I'm wrong about that.
I'd be interested in learning more about whether that quote is genuine. It certainly jibes with what Yammamoto warned about. He warned that to get the US to surrender, the Japanese troops would have to march all the way to the White House.
Actually, the moral of the story is:

Stick with the pro-gun girl you already have. She's a keeper. ;)


See ya this weekend!
I was at the barber shop 2 weeks ago and a local talk radio show was talking about the CCW vote in Wisconsin. The barber went off on a rant to another customer how its going to become dodge city and blood of children is going to flow in the street. When it was my turn for a haircut he started into it again. I told him politely that I've been shooting competitions with pistols, rifles, shotguns for over 20 years, and could assure him that when I get my CCW, children aren't going to be shot. I also mentioned that his scenario has never played out in what is most of the rest of the country that allows CCW. I had to be polite because if the guy didn't have the emotional maturity to trust himself with a gun, then I shouldn't get too comfortable with him having a sharp shiny object near my head:uhoh:

I think I'll go to the barbershop down the street from him next time, the one with deer headmounts on the walls- it looks alot more promising :cool:
Oleg gave me an RKBA sticker one day. (The white oval one) I promptly put it on the lower left of my rear windshield on my car.

Well, I had traveled to one of my remote offices and was standing out back smoking with some of the therapists at this office.

Therapist: What's that sticker on your car?
Therapist: What does that mean?
Me: Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Therapist: Well, we just won't go there.

That's been at least 5 months ago now and this lady still won't talk to me. I've known this lady for about 3 years and NOW she doesn't want to talk to me. Amazing, I was such a nice guy before she knew I liked guns. :rolleyes:

What's even better? The other therapist at that office took the gun safety class with me and has her permit also! :D
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