Heller Oral Arguments Discussion

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How old is Ginsburg? She brought up how the people only meant males between 17-45. So does she think thats all that the 1st applies too as well?
Damn, he just talked about how machine guns may be dangerous and not appropriate for civilian use...
He HAS to keep it narrow, guys, otherwise we get a Collective interpretation.

Notice how our enemies (Breyer and Ginsberg) are pushing machine guns on Gura?
I think you might have a poor understanding of the phrase "strict scrutiny" as it applies here.

As I understand it, it's the same strict scrutiny test that's applied to first amendment cases. The same test that is applied in the US Court of Appeals decision.

And now we've got a lawyer trying to get revisionist on my Constitution. And trying to justify it with the Miller case.
We can fight the machine gun ban later, this will give us a fairly good read on how the justices might view machine guns.

I don't blame Gura for throwing them under the bus right now.
Kennedy just said a machine gun is more relevant to the militia today than a pistol
Militia answer should be, 17-45 MUST participate, outside that range you MAY participate and anecdotal evidence abounds of those who were younger and older who served with distinction........
Gura just took a dump on machine guns.

Well he just turned around and went the other way, discussing Miller.
Don't freak out on machine guns, that really isn't the purpose of this case.

The Court itself has said several times today they don't believe Miller is a good basis.
Kennedy is giving him a chance with the machine guns. He just said miller was deficient too. Damn, plenty of chances to include machine guns, instead he is striking it down...
If the machinegun comment was a surprise to you, you must not have read the briefs. TexasRifleman is right about Gura's strategy. He is trying to keep the court focused on the D.C. law instead of asking them to rule on hypothetical cases that haven't even been presented yet.
We can fight the machine gun ban later, this will give us a fairly good read on how the justices might view machine guns.

Precisely. And it looks like we'll be able to use the Lib Justices' words against them. Well played.
I don't mind him FOCUSING on handguns, but there is no need to throw out machine guns. Push it aside, but not over the cliff. I agree he needs to focus on the case at hand, but don't ruin potential other ones by trying to win this one.
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