Heller Tomorrow

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44Brent said:
Has anyone forgotten about the resolution passed by the Montana legislature? They threatened to sever their relationship with the rest of the U.S. if the Supreme Court didn't give them a ruling to their liking.

While I appreciate the gesture on their part, I'm sure we can all remember what happened the last time some states decided to sever their relationship with the US.
Don't feed the trolls!

What's trollish about believing in the bible and the Constitution?

The two are absolutely and inexorably linked. You cannot have the American Constitution without the Bible. The Constitution recognizes the importance of the Bible as the source of valid legal authority.

The gospels are quite clear in terms of weaponry as well. As I said, read Luke 22:36, there's nothing trollish about telling people that they have not only a Constitutional right to be armed, but a religious obligation as well.

Christians need to know what the bible says, few actually do, and it is very sad.
With all of this waiting, hours seem like days.

Hopefully the court will not swing the other way with the next administration. If not I guess we will all be facing the Kobayashi Maru scenario. Beam me up.

If that were the case, it would be a no-win scenario...and I don't think Sulu is on our side:scrutiny:
When Christ returns will He find His followers forming up into units armed only with over-sized foam fingers and plastic bottles or will He find them armed and ready for war?

What bible are you reading?:uhoh:
Has anyone forgotten about the resolution passed by the Montana legislature? They threatened to sever their relationship with the rest of the U.S. if the Supreme Court didn't give them a ruling to their liking.

I don't think it would happen, but it would open an interesting set of events. Montana is landlocked. Canada wouldn't be open as their gun laws are worse than ours. Idaho may join as would the Dakotas and possible Wyoming. Lets see, oil, uranium, wind and range, it might survive.
I am reading the Holy Bible, the scriptures of the Old Testament and the Gospels that bear witness to Jesus Christ. As well as the Book of Revelation.

I've read the entire thing several times over, I suggest you do likewise. Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, along with Revelation, are probably the most important books in the bible.

If nothing else, read...

Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Matthew, John, and Revelation.
Wow... I made it to the end of page two, then decided that this thread has lost it's mind!

Topics addressed:

1) Holy war (sorry, but this is crazy talk)
2) Collapse of the United States (I sincerely doubt it)
3) Civil War (part II)
4) Montana seceding from the union (yeah, right)

No offense guys, but I think we're getting a bit crazy on this issue at this juncture. First, I don't think this ruling is going to be nearly as sweeping as everyone is predicting (either way). Second, I don't envision a group of internet commandos coming forth to challenge the force and might of the United States government over whatever ruling is handed down. Civil wars are possible even in these modern times (as many less developed countries have proven), but it will take a lot more than this ruling before the citizens of this country rebel against our government!

I also don't buy that the justices are playing their hand for popularity points. Remember, they are given lifetime appointments to the US Supreme Court, and this is done for a reason. They are the highest body in the country that is dedicated to the interpretation of law, and they aren't faced with re-election concerns. As such, I doubt they really care if they are popular with us!

Anyway, here is my prediction:

We will likely receive a very narrowly defined victory that says, in essence, that Washington's outright prohibition of guns is illegal. But, I think this victory will be tempered with a statement about how "reasonable" restrictions are legal.
Eotechrulesall said:
The Second Amendment is as much about personal rights as it is a religious obligation that was recognized by our Founding Fathers.

Luke 22:36 requires all genuine and true Christians to be armed, no matter what, even if they must sell their clothing to procure weapons. Any government that seeks to interfere with a Christian's obligation to be suitably armed, has declared an unholy war against Christianity.

It is the right and indeed obligation of a Christian to maintaim as many weapons as he (or she) can reasonably afford, and can reasonably keep on his property or in caches located elsewhere.

When Christ returns will He find His followers forming up into units armed only with over-sized foam fingers and plastic bottles or will He find them armed and ready for war?

Yeah, and let us not forget the First Ammendment:

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

... which provides us with the freedom to practice whichever religion (if any) that we might choose. No offense partner, but you can fight this holy war by yourself.

I'm not buying it, and I don't think most "genuine and true" Christians are either. I was raised Christian, and attended church regularly as a child. I was never taught that it was my obligation to "maintaim as many weapons as he (or she) can reasonably afford"

Plus, let us not forget that our country is a collective of Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, Hindus, and folks from any other religious background that you might envision (perhaps some Scientologists?).
Yes, hone in on one typo... Lovely...


Luke 22:36
Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

It's not my fault your church didn't teach gospel... If they did, you'd have known Luke 22:36 and your Christian duties and rights.
Plus, let us not forget that our country is a collective of Christians, Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, Hindus, and folks from any other religious background that you might envision (perhaps some Scientologists?).

You can keep your collective... I'm not a communist... I didn't invite any of those people here, and I was never consulted by the government about removing laws that previously kept them out or kept them from having a role in government/society.

Nobody consulted me (or my ancestors) about transforming the nation that the Founding Fathers created, into a third world cesspool.

Not only did I never consent to it, I was never even given the chance to consent to it.

What America is today, was forced upon the American people by traitors and heartless globalists. Real Americans are disgusted by what their nation has been transformed into. The foreigners and alien elements amongst us who have absolutely no understanding of what it means to live in a society where you're supposed to have freedoms, rather than existing on the whim of a dictator or local warlord. They want to strip our freedoms and liberties from us so they can feel a bit safer, because they hate things such as firearms, things they do not understand.

You take people who come from a background of 2000 years of tribalism and violence and bring them into a nation comprised of a people who have a background of 400-600 years of democracy (extend it back further if you want to count Greece and Rome) and then wonder why things don't go smoothly. Hell, you gave the new-comers a year or two to "get a feel for things" what went wrong?

Two years cannot overcome 2000 years of cultural traditions and inherited (passed down) customs and values.

I didn't ask to be part of this collective, nobody gave me a choice. I want to be part of the America that my ancestors built, fought for, and often died for. I don't want to be part of the America that has resulted from the hijacking by the globalists and other domestic traitors. Nobody ever asked me, nobody ever asked anybody. It was forced on real Americans, by foreign elements from without, and treacherous alien elements from within.
Woah, slow down there. Freedom of Religion is also part of the BoR

Anyway, I think we should take Colbert's posistion on this, rule it only for militias, then make everything a militia.

You and your family, a militia! You and your drinking buddies, a militia! You and your gun, a militia!
Indeed it is part of the Bill of Rights, and to me that means that while somebody doesn't have to agree with my religious views (and according to surveys/studies/etc, about 99.8% of people do not agree with my fundamental religious beliefs) I should expect to receive the same respect that they expect from me.

I don't agree with their views, or their worshipping whatever heathen god or goddess they are worshipping, or how they are worshipping (insulting) my God (Yahweh) with their failure to adhere to (or even read/know/understand) scripture, but I can tolerate their existence as long as they don't get in my face or try to deny me my rights.

To me tolerance means I leave them alone if they leave me alone. When they start agitating against my guns, that means they're not leaving me alone. If anybody wants to take my guns, I'll take it as a declaration of war.

I respect their right to believe whatever they want, or refuse to believe whatever they do not want to. Of course I'll say in my view they are wrong, but I'm not about forcing people to believe what they do not want to. However, I am greatly worried by the troubling times we find ourselves in, where so many neo-con evangelicals show themselves to be nothing more than aspiring tyrants who would love to persecute people such as myself, harass me (and those in my life) with all the so-called legal tools at their disposal, if not outright kill me. They want to make themselves into little junior gods and run the lives of everybody, all in the name of their twisted theology and their gross misunderstanding of the scriptures and gospels.

They'll demonize you, slander you, get you fired from your job, get you labelled as a cult member or cult leader, charge you with bogus charges ranging from hate crimes (for your words- ie thought crimes), bigamy, child endangerment, etc...

If you name it, they can charge you with it...

They won't even let me (legally) live my life as I see fit in the state of Ohio. If I was to walk down to the county court-house and say "I am officially married to one woman although I have two women in my house" I would be charged with bigamy. http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/2919.01

Although this is not the case, I am not violating any laws (nor do I advocate doing so), as I am not officially married to anybody, nor will I be. But we're not here to argue about the laws of our respective states...

Suffice to say, I've never expected anybody to agree with any/all/most/any of my religious views, I just expected to be left alone to pursue my happiness and live my life as I see fit (as my understanding of the Bible tells me). If America really cared about religious freedom, they wouldn't make some people resign themselves to hiding in the shadows because of fear of ridicule, loss of jobs, loss of children, etc...

Anybody who wants to continue this debate/discussion, is more than welcome to PM me, or if we have a section for non-firearm related debates. Although this does have an aspect of firearms rights to it. If you wind up a victim of religious persecution or you are convicted of thought crimes, you may very well lose your right to keep and bear arms.
1. We don't do religion. Period.

2. Too many Heller threads, all saying the same thing (ZOMG! TOMORROW!!!!!11111ONE!!!!!)

3. You people are killing me:
With all of this waiting, hours seem like days.
Nicely played.

Mike :)
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