Here we go...UN Election Observer Update

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The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), a 55-state security group

They may not be 'official' UN but it sure seems like a 'mini-UN' to me...point being...foreign observers observing our elections. While this in itself may be no great cause for alarm, what concerns me is what happens when they 'report' their findings.

The observers already have found problems typical in countries with far less than 200 years of voting experience.

What's going to happen when they find/report any irregularities? Does anybody else see Kerry giving his concession speech and referring to the massive irregulaties the the OSCE found?

I hardly ever wear my tinfoil hat anymore - but this one has my attention.
The purpose, IMO, is to place a cloud over the re-election of GWB and create yet another bone of contention for the left to chew during his entire second term. It has the added benefit of getting national attention to focus on international authority as a legitimate. It is another incrementalist step. It is a very bad move for our national sovereignty.
These globalexchange pinheads want to allow no citizens to vote

. Institute voting and citizenship rights for immigrants
Citizenship and voting constitute the most fundamental rights of our society, and no one who lives here permanently should be denied those rights. The Constitution gives states the right to determine the qualifications for voting. In the nineteenth century some states granted non-citizen immigrants the right to vote in elections. Immigrants should have the right to vote or to become citizens within one year. The U.S. should also join other countries in recognizing dual citizenship in order to make it easier for immigrants to participate in our society without having to repudiate their homeland.

Great idea, maybe we can extent the vote to allow Saddam and his Bathists.
National sovereignty, perhaps?

"Realistic" is the key word. The Democrats were baiting the administration to refuse and would smear it to the nth degree if they did. Jimmy Carter, a Democrat, would instantly be on the news every day talking about election fraud.

Your argument only says that you disagree with the commitment to OSCE. No one with any authority will listen, since you can't just waive off our signature to treaties. GW is not going to suddenly subscribe to some isolationist philosophy and further call into question the results of the 2000 election.

I believe the election oversight may well backfire on the Dems. Election reform laws resulting from oversight of the 2000 election already make it harder for anyone to cheat, but it will be awhile longer before all reforms are in place. The upcoming election will certainly have its areas of controversy, and I'm sure the losers will make sure we hear about it, valid or invalid. It appears that it's going to be Florida all over again, except this time the Sec. of State has less conflict of interest, i.e. is not, to my knowledge, formally a key figure in the Bush campaign.
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