United Nations WILL monitor Presidential election

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I admit that I haven't heard of the OSCE before...but it doesn't sound like part of the UN. The US joined that organization in 1990 and its purpose is to monitor elections in member nations. (US is a member)
Bush is a traitor

Pretty severe accusation considering the facts. I don't like this either but we are a member of this election monitoring organization and the current President had nothing to do with that. I hate the idea of "yeilding" to the 13 Congresscritters though...We'll see how this pans out, as usual both sides are pretty extreme...the truth is in the middle somewhere.
Everyone should calm down a little.

This WorldNet Daily (consider the source, folks!) article says "UN" about 50 times, trying to inflame passions, but the UN is not, and will not, get involved in any country's elections WITHOUT AN OFFICIAL INVITATION FROM THE GOVERNMENT.
The U.N. immediately responded that such a request could not be accepted unless it came from the U.S. government. Otherwise, a spokesman said, it could be considered"intervention in a country's sovereignty."
Sounds like the UN is doing the right thing, huh?

When we joined the OSCE, we agreed to mutual inspection of each others' elections. And the Bush administration validated that agreement by welcoming the group.

Big deal. They are observers, not overseers. If our elections are honest, they'll say so. If they're not, they'll say that too.

Wouldn't YOU want to know if there were crooked elections in your state?

So tell me: Where is the harm?
My friend from Chicago tells me that outright buying votes is the normal way of doing business there. What happens if the UN decides to face off against the Daley machine? [/QUOTE

What will the UN say when they find out that Jimmy Hoffa voted three time in a Chicago precinct?? :confused:

The UN may even ask Al Gore to run the observation process :scrutiny:

The organization doesn't appear to be overtly linked to the UN. It does seem to have ties to the European Union.

Somehow I don't feel any better.

OSCE will find irregularities in the US elections. All human institutions have faults. The findings will be used by Tort Terrorists employed by the DNC, Soros.org, or the Clinton Wing of the party.

While I think it laudable to take the High Road and make conclusions based on known information, I smell trouble ahead. Instead of publically exposing the future assault on the electoral process, our esteemed president appears to stick his head in the internationalist sand and hope it will go away.

George Washington has sound advice about entangling alliances; a lesson we seem to have forgotten.
Smart politics; bad precedent

The 13 asked for this expecting to be turned down, which would allow them to claim that the Repubs were trying to fix the election. Bush called them on it to take away an issue from the Dems. If the Repubs were smart (I only wish) they would make sure that the areas that the Dems have been cheating in for years got as many observers as the areas that the Dems want covered. That probably won't happen because the Dems will scream racism or some such and the OSCE and Repubs will back off.

This also would depend on the OSCE being honest (European Socialists!).....................ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Wouldn't YOU want to know if there were crooked elections in your state?

So tell me: Where is the harm?
There have been several that were very questionable, and even the Fed Election Commission said so---2 years later. Big deal; the election stood as first called so what good did the oversite do?

The harm? Here's a scenario: The OSCE says that there are "irregularities" in two key states but the count by US officials gives Bush the win. He also loses in the popular vote again. What credibility will he have? To make this more interesting other observers find the usual cheating in Dem areas but the OSCE says "cheating, what cheating?". I see potential for blood in the streets.
What's their agenda?

Big deal. They are observers, not overseers. If our elections are honest, they'll say so. If they're not, they'll say that too.

Not if their agenda is to have a more "One-world" friendly...meaning deep pockets...United States.

If you think the OSCE and/or the UN wouldn't like to have a bigger slice of the USA's pie, you're living in a world Disney hasn't even dreamed of yet!

What happens if they cry "FOUL" when the votes are tallied? Do we let the UN come in with blue helmets and then "oversee" our elections? Maybe they should "observe" our NSA, CIA or FBI. Observation of a Supreme Court session and decision might be a good thing. Is that law the Congress is voting on really the right thing for the whole world? Was the voting really on the up-and-up? Let the world (UN) decide.

Anyone who would allow - much less invite - this kind of thing is pretty anxious to give our country away.

Just my uneducated two cents worth...

Let them monitor.

Maybe they will learn something about the Democratic process as it developed in the United States and take it back to their respective nations.

"What happens if the inspectors face off against the Daly machine..."

Then they will be soundly beaten in true Daly Machine fahsion. :)
We also need to get Rid of Baron Hill here in Indiana. He supports this.

Anyway. I work for the party here in Indiana and will probably be a poll watcher. If there are indeed UN inspectors at any polls then I plan on watching them extremely closely.
Someone pass the foil

How many times has the U.S. done the exact, same thing? Do you supose just maybe, possibly we've done it numerous times in South and Central America, the Carribean, the Baltics and Africa? Might we do it in a little place you may've heard of - Iraq?


The UN will be doing it anyway from their desk at the Alien Tech Center at Area 51.

Y'all have'nt yet realized that Al-Jazz will have observers here, too?
Anyone who thinks this is okay does not get it. The international community just got approval to meddle in our elections. The camel's nose is in the tent.

What we do is none of their business. Think about it. What would you have done if Al Gore had been president and pulled a stunt like this?

GWB is NO conservative.
The Democrats LOVE the UN, EU and the rest of the half baked socialist world out there ... so if Kerry loses now, how will they be able to claim the Wascally Wepublicans "stole" the election with their eurotrash buddies looking over their shoulder?

Methinks this will backfire on the Dems.

Although this monitoring from the outside of our elections is not a habit we should get ourselves into.

I gotta admit, the whole thing smells a little fishy (or froggy).


very good, Justin

and who was the antigunner who spouted that in 1994 when the Brady Bunch unveiled phase II?

As Santayana said....
"Anyone who thinks this is okay does not get it. The international community just got approval to meddle in our elections. The camel's nose is in the tent."

Oh please.

Please tell me exactly HOW they are going to meddle in the US election in ways that they don't already do so?

Are they going to write a strongly worded report?

Are they going to shake their fingers at us disapprovingly?

Are they going to cluck their tongues?

Oh, wait, they already do that on a regular basis.

What the hell else is new?

There is absolutely NOTHING that these so-called inspectors/monitors can do that makes a bit of difference other than makes a few idiots on capitol hill feel good (and hence shut their damned mouths), and a few others run in circles in a "the sky is falling" complete and total panic.

I get the feeling that quite a few people think this means an imminent invasion of black helicopters and troops in baby blue helmets.

Get real.
A different track

As much as I am against outsiders being "observers" to me there is a different thought and something that needs to be looked at.

Who the heck is paying these foreigner who know nothing about our system?

I don't want any of my tax money going to the unknowing.

Just think, a week or two vacation at whose expense??
If the Democrats want foreign observers, let the pay them out of their coffers.

How many "observers" and just which polls are they going to "observe at?

They just may find that some Americans are not very friendly with ouside "observers".:evil:
JPL, Bush just legitimized them. He did this due to his habitual character flaw of appeasing the left. He appeased them on campaign finance reform, illegal aliens, patriot act, and free medicine for the geezers. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

But, because he has an "R" next to his name, people think he is a conservative. America is screwed. Kerry the proud communist or GWB the closet socialist. Nice choice.

I can't wait until our collapse. America is dead. What remains is a socialist nightmare.
Simpley put, Dear God this cannot being happening to us.

Oh come on, get a grip. This non-issue is a pathetic excuse for Bush bashing and UN bashing.

I have a concern about the legitimacy of our elections. I don't have a better idea. I don't jump on every excuse to bash the UN. When we have a concern about another country, we obtain permission from the host country and send someone in with UN blessing. What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I am reminded of how ineffective weapons inspectors were in Iraq because of their restrictions, imposed by the host. They certainly weren't free to go and do whatever they chose to, and the reports had to be based upon factual findings, not hunches or unfounded accusations.

When invited to leave, they had no options. They were empowered only to officially comment within the scope of the assignment.

If Bush needs to throw the UN a bone, now needing more cooperation, this would be a good way to do it.

If someone believes the US should drop out of the UN, that doesn't mean we should or that Bush agrees. He isn't a conservative. He is a centrist, like any other effective President, who was able to get elected.

I see this administration as unusually decisive and proactively religious. Beyond that, I don't see much that is very distinctive. Four more years projects to work for me, considering the realistic alternatives and in spite of some strong objections on some issues.

We see fashionable political stances here, but that doesn't mean there is a consensus or that any one viewpoint has an ounce of relevance to gun ownership. Isolationism and gun ownership advocacy are not one and the same. UN election observers is a lo-o-o-ng way from international gun bans, no matter what hysterical tin foil hats may say.

I would be more concerned about the US endorsing a gun ban for the Iraq Constitution. I would be a lot more concerned about the threat of our own politics than about a few supervised foreign visitors.
I hope the Blue Helmets know where all the cemeteries are in Detroit so they can watch all those dead people vote.
. . . . . . and this just in . . . . .

Seems the upcoming election is not the first time OSCE has observed a US election.

http://www.cnsnews.com//ThisHour.asp#International Observers to Monitor US Presidential Election

International Observers to Monitor US Presidential Election

(CNSNews.com) - For the first time in American history, a team of international observers has been invited by the U.S. State Department to be present for a presidential election, according to a report from CNN. The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will send representatives to monitor the Nov. 2 election, said spokeswoman Urdur Gunnarsdottir. "It's not legally binding, but it's a political commitment." Based in Vienna, Austria, the OSCE has sent more than 10,000 personnel to monitor more than 150 elections and referenda in more than 30 countries during the past decade, Gunnarsdottir added. In November 2002, the OSCE sent 10 observers on a weeklong mission to monitor the U.S. midterm elections. The OSCE also sent observers to monitor the California gubernatorial recall election last year. Read News on the Web
1. We've spent THE LAST 4 YEARS with the Dem's saying "The Republicans stole the election"

2. We've signed a treaty (or agreement) with OSCE stating that the signatories can MONITOR other signatories' elections

Now, here's the $64,000 question, boys and girls -

Just WHAT do you think the Dems would do with the info if Bush reneged on the treaty? Look at the field day the Dems and everyone else had with the ABM treaty...

C'mon, people.... :uhoh: :banghead: :cuss: I'm not saying Bush is perfect, but he's a DURN sight better than Kerry...
"JPL, Bush just legitimized them. He did this due to his habitual character flaw of appeasing the left. He appeased them on campaign finance reform, illegal aliens, patriot act, and free medicine for the geezers. He is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

But, because he has an "R" next to his name, people think he is a conservative. America is screwed. Kerry the proud communist or GWB the closet socialist. Nice choice."


And that has anything to do with the fact that these monitors have absolutely NO power to do anything in the United States other than observe, how?

Legitimized is somehow equal to acquiescing into status of slaves, how?

I keep reading panicky posts about how this is the camel's nose under the tent...

For what?

An immediate invasion of the United States by blue bereted minions of ultimate power who will immediately render the United States defenseless by deputizing all police, National Guard, and active military, and militia into the UN World Army?

You speak as if no other US president has ever had any sort of dealings with the United Nations...

It's an insidious, paranoid plot, alright, but I'm not so certain it's a UN plot.

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