"High-And-Tight" Haircuts On Cops

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Dec 31, 2003
Ain't tellin'.
Or on today's "new breed" of 'em, anyway. You know, like on Mr. Buzzcut from "Beavis & Butthead." What's *that* all about? It sure looks ugly. Why would anybody *want* to look like that if they don't have to? I guess it's supposed to intimidate us all. I'd as soon wear a chicken bone through my nose. At least the burly policewomen I've seen haven't starting wearing the "high-and-tight" haircuts, yet. Most of them I see seem to be sporting mullets.

Neat, clean, low maintenance, and it isn't a big grab handle in a fight. This is not a new trend. Many cops have worn short hair for years. Much ado about nothing.
Another byproduct of the ever blurring distinction between military and LE. 15 years from now, maybe they'll have a couple abrams' at their disposal

Well, the Sheriff Hisownself requires us to wear hats as part of The Uniform. Hat hair looks like hell. Plus, of course, Hisownself isn't shy about telling you if your personal appearance does not meet the standards he wishes his deputies to represent. Fascist? No. Militant? No. He's just a 60-something guy who wants his deputies to be neat and clean.
Some may due to regulations. Some may do it as to style. Some may do it for convenience. Some might wear the "high and tight" hair because they just like it.

I did since about '73.

I did it because I preferred to, it was within regulations, and easy to maintain and didn't get messed when wearing the required headgear.

I'd do it now for convenience even though retired.

I suspect most on this site wear their hair the way they want to if they can.

I think law enforcement folks should be able to as well so long as it's within regulations.

I would. If someone didn't like it I reckon he just have to chalk it up to not liking it and find something else of similar importance to worry about.
Not a cop, but I get my hair cut like that for similar reasons plus:

When the sides and back of my head are clipped close, what I've got left on top looks a bit thicker and longer. :neener:

I can go longer between haircuts because when its "shaggy", in reality it's still pretty neat and short.
1) More than a few of cops are former, and in some cases, current military. Those who like and enjoy military structure and discipline often get into law enforcement after they get out of the military, or while they serve in the national guard. Chances are, they like the haircuts, too.

2) Simple, no-fuss. I know plenty of guys who aren't military and who aren't law enforcement who have "high and tights." My bro-in-law for example. Not military, not LE, never been military or LE.

Is there any other cut? I have been wearing it that way since the early 80's. I like it. I am not LE. I am a civilian.

A Marine once told me that hair is vanity. I am not vain; therefore, my hair is low drag, high speed ( and real easy to maintain, and much nicer during those sweaty workouts....shake and hand-comb....on the way)
Another byproduct of the ever blurring distinction between military and LE.
Not really. Just following the fashion cycles to some extent, plus being easy to maintain and in states like where I live, the temperature generally stays in the 90s or higher, it's much cooler. The high and tight haircuts were popular back in the 50s and we ended up with the 60s love-ins.

For the record, being subversive and somewhat rebellious, my hair is mid-back length. Nothing like being a ultra-right wing conservative, Christian, gun fanatic, bookworm, non-smoking, heavy metal music listening, Peter Pan syndrome, adult white male and a hippie! :D
Hkmp5sd quote:

"For the record, being subversive and somewhat rebellious, my hair is mid-back length. Nothing like being a ultra-right wing conservative, Christian, gun fanatic, bookworm, non-smoking, heavy metal music listening, Peter Pan syndrome, adult white male and a hippie! "

You have redeemed yourself to me in so many ways! :neener:
1) No fuss no muss

2) Survives putting a hat on (rain/cold weather)

3) Cheap. (cut it yourself, Cops aren't the highest paid, in fact they are always among the lowest paid Public Servants).

2 cents
Well, I *couldn't* wear a "high-and-tight" haircut if I wanted to. My hair stopped growing on top about 20 years ago. I suppose if I shaved off the pathetic remaining fringe it'd be not merely low-drag, but *no*-drag. (I'm not too sure about high-*speed*, though.)

I can certainly remember, not so very long ago, when how a man wore his hair was a *big* issue, and not just to his boss or military superiors. Total strangers would insult, threaten, and even attack a passerby whose hair was a little longer than they thought it ought to be. I won't even get into how different a traffic stop went for someone with a buzzcut and someone with long or even longish hair. The latter was about, oh, 800,000 times more likely to be "asked" for consent to search his car, or to have it defiled by muddy/manure-pawed dope dogs and even have it essentially physically torn apart, since everyone just *knew* that anyone with more than an inch or two of hair *had* to be some kind of doper. Myself, I have never even so much as taken one hit of pot/reefer/whatever you want to call it in my life. I never even wanted to, and I still don't. (It *would* be nice to be able to drink a beer without all the heavy surveillance, though.)

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In past threads, how many officers have justified the wearing of ski-masks because of the added warmth they provide? ;)

Now, it seems like the high/tight shaved head would be a tad *drafty* for these same temperature-sensitive officers, during regular (non-swat) details in the winter months?:confused:

I could really care less, perhaps someone else could bridge the logical disconnect that presents itself here..

...unless the real motivations are really different than all the practical rerasons offered up?:uhoh:
I liked the cops better in the '70's:

Perhaps some of you would be happier if we just disbanded all the police departments.

Trend towards militarization? Come on, get real. My 18 year old wears a high and tight. It's actually a popular haircut with kids his age around here.

How would you guys who are upset with this prefer your employees to look? Appearance is one way to avoid having to fight. If you look competant, good haircut, uniform pressed and professional, equipment clean and carry yourself confidently you are less likely to be challenged then the officer who needs a haircut, has a stained and unkempt uniform, unshined shoes and his equipment looks like it will fall off his duty belt if he has to run. They have been teaching this to rookie officers for more years then I can remember. Now some of you are intimidated by it? Why?

Hair style don't bother me so much... but... I do have a problem with the Smokey Bear hats! Just kiddin! :neener:
This is OT but yes, I would be happier if we radically changed the whole notion of law enforcement. LEO's are not there to protect us and cannot protect us even if they wanted to, so we should stop that whole thin blue line nonsense. LEO's should primarily be there to investigate crimes and enforce court orders. I can and do protect myself just fine. I don't need them and in fact in most cases I fear them more than the criminals. They are far more difficult to avoid and reason with than criminals, and far more lethal when angered.

Besides, any pretense that cops actually protect citizens from crime is falling by the wayside. The cop on the beat today serves primarily as a means of raising revenue for cash-strapped cities and states. I find this use of police only slightly less immoral than the outright taking of bribes. In fact I'd rather give bribes because it's far more honest.
I like the "no fuss" styles, too.

Wash, part down the middle & hang a quick "bamby" on the pony-tail.


Um, bamby?

I won't even get into how different a traffic stop went for someone with a buzzcut and someone with long or even longish hair. The latter was about, oh, 800,000 times more likely to be "asked" for consent to search his car, or to have it defiled by muddy/maneur-pawed dope dogs and even have it essentially physically torn apart, since everyone just *knew* that anyone with more than an inch or two of hair *had* to be some kind of doper.
As someone whos had a buzzcut, and now has long hair, I can tell you hair length does still make a difference with some LEOs, wether you look like a yuppie or a hell's angel. However, honesty, attitude, respect, and cooperation go a lot farther.

I look like an HA most of the time.

Main Entry: 1bi·as
Pronunciation: 'bI-&s
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle French biais
Date: 1530

a : BENT, TENDENCY b : an inclination of temperament or outlook; especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : PREJUDICE c : an instance of such prejudice d (1) : deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates (2) : systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others
Kee Riced All My Tea.

You're trying to tell me that people so bloody gormless that they're intimidated by hair?!

Adult-type people? Are scared of a haircut?

"The way his hair is cut intimidates me."

Gawd almighty. No wonder this country is going to hell.

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