Hillary on guns: 'My father taught us to shoot'

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damnit dcon!!!

I was sitting here doing the slow burn all morning. Done had it out with the ex first thing this morning :fire:, toilet overflowed :cuss:, and my daughter is demanding a new cell phone (after all, her's is almost 5 months old) :fire:. Caught a glimpse of Hillary :barf: in her own swift boat, and now I'm sitting here with a strong case of the chuckles.
Just when I was reaching my PO'd pinnacle. Now I'll have to start all over again. :rolleyes:
Romney - shoots varmints
Bush - shot down a protected bird
Cheney - shoots dude who claims it was his fault that Dick shot him
Kerry - gets a goose.

So Hillary is a sportswoman - get the picture. All the higher social classes of politicians are sportshumans to convince us of the RKBA.

Only Richardson, as far as I know, got a carry permit with something as evil as a G19.
I thought Huckabee said his kid had a permit. Sorry to miss him. Anyway, that's my point. I respect politicians who seem to be able to clearly state that owning something like a handgun for self-defense is important.

Not those who proclaim they have shot down some bird or a squirrel.
I'm pro hunting too, I grew up playing duck hunt on my nes. I even had the grey gun before nintendo decided it was too unsafe and make it orange. Soybomb for president.
Ok - she says she support the Second Amendment. I can believe that...

Now - she needs to define what she believe the 2A protects
AND - Show through previous legislative votes how she supported it

Then - We see what she supports
Here is the table of contents from Hillary's latest book, How to get Elected to any Public Office; Campaign Strategy Guide, 2nd edition

Chapter 1, Pandering to Black Voters..............................pg. 1
Chapter 2, Pandering to Undocumented Workers...............pg. 15
Chapter 3, Pandering to Jews........................................pg. 28
Chapter 4, Pandering to Female Voters............................pg. 42
Chapter 5, How to Gun Owners......................................pg. 58
Chapter 6, Learning from Bad Pandering in the past...........pg. 69
(This chapter co-authored by J. Kerry)
Chapter 7, How to Out-Pander your Opponent..................pg. 84
Just couldn't wait until she gets to Texas to hear that Southern Drawl. The kind you get being from Chicago, Illinois. :rolleyes:
I wouldnt be surprised if John Kerry had an extensive gun collection, including AW and Machineguns. I know Joe Biden Shoots trap and skeet and Hunts ducks.

Neither of these folks is your friend, neither believes in the second ammendment. They are still Gun Banners, even if they own and shoot guns.
What would Teddy Roosevelt have to say about all this? Bully or Bullsh--!
No, I don't really think it's funny myself. I mostly feel MAD that they're insulting our intelligence by such lame attempts to fool gunowners into voting for them.

And then I also feel mad, disgusted, and somewhat nauseous at those that actually WILL fall for it, and/or use it as a talking point a-la: "SEE, Hillary is PERFECTLY SAFE for gun owners to elect!"

If her words have gotten you excessively livid and physically ill, she's got you beat.

To me it's hillarious how depraved some antis are that they would go against their very nature to imply that they believe in the absolute opposite of what they actually do just to get ahead. Their comments show just how debased they are.

You can't control the folks who may believe their smokescreen, but you educate them.

Plus, ridiculing them with their own previous words and actions is more fun.
Isn't it strange how politicians seem to invariably remember having hunted as a child, after years of demonstrated anti activity.
Don't you get it? Guns are only for hunting! Why would she need to get a CCW when she has a heavily armed escort wherever she goes? She just wants what's best for all of us. I am sure that she will propose to give every US citizen a detachment of 5 heavily armed mercenaries for protection just like she has. Of course if any of those guards are citizens, then they get to have their own personal escort, and so on, and so on...

Or Citizens could just protect themselves.
Wouldn't the true test on whether she is pro or anti gun be her stand on CCW... especially in Washington DC?
My God.
I believe that one must butter up people in order to be accepted or keep harmony where there is friction, but Senator Clinton takes it to another level. Even for a politician. Does anyone else find this frightening?
I have little doubt that she is a nice person, but her public persona is just...not...working.
Whenever I consider her, I think manager. Not leader.
John McCain strikes me as a leader.
I'm just wondering if this is really the place for all this worn-out right-wing whining?
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