hillary to Troops: Support for War Fading

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Dec 25, 2002
Serious question:

Why isn't she being tried for treason???

This is just sub-human.


Saturday, Nov. 29, 2003 10:18 a.m. EST

Hillary to Troops: Support for War Fading

In a demoralizing message to U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq, visiting U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton told them that Americans back home were growing increasingly skeptical of President Bush's decision to send them into battle.

Describing two meetings with GIs over turkey dinners in Baghdad, Clinton, D-N.Y., told reporters later that soldiers wanted to know "how the people at home feel about what we are doing."

Clinton said she told the troops, "Americans are wholeheartedly proud of what you are doing, but there are many questions at home about the [Bush] administration's policies."

She suggested that the U.S. could eventually lose the war in Iraq. "We have to exert all of our efforts militarily, but the outcome is not assured."

Despite her sour pronouncements, the former first lady insisted that the soldiers were just as glad to see her as they were President Bush, whose surprise visit less than 24 hours earlier was greeted with standing ovations.

"It's a positive for the commander in chief to visit troops in the field," Clinton told reporters, adding, "the troops [also] seemed to appreciate seeing myself."

Speaking from a secure location just over the Kuwaiti border, Clinton launched one verbal salvo after another at the White House. She argued that Bush officials had been "obsessed" with getting Saddam Hussein and said the perception blinded them to the difficulties of deposing his regime.

"The Pentagon tried to make do with as few troops as possible, as light a footprint as they could get away with," Clinton said. "Now we're playing catchup. ... Unfortunately, I don't think they fully appreciated the conditions we would encounter."

The top Democrat reprised her charge that the White House is being less than candid when it comes to apprising the American people of the costs of the war.

"The obstacles and problems here are much greater than the administration usually admits to," she said. "Everybody has to be honest."

Editor's note:
Hillary has a bold plan to capture the White House – Click Here Now>
God, how I hate that witch!

Yesterday, after having breakfast with my father, I walked him out to the car. There, on his car seat, was a copy of Hillary's book. He's been a lifelong Democrat, but I just about upchucked my eggs and bacon at that point.

As I recall, treason includes "...giving aid, comfort, and/or counsel to the enemy..."

Pretty much sums up Hitlery's actions, eh?

There are many here who disagree with you and I.

:rolleyes: :banghead:
the former first lady insisted that the soldiers were just as glad to see her as they were President Bush, whose surprise visit less than 24 hours earlier was greeted with standing ovations.

I guess that's why the Army had problems finding soldiers to each lunch with her. If they'd managed to come up with an even dozen "volunteers", she'd be claiming "the soldiers were more glad to see her than they were to see President Bush."

I wonder what it would take to get her to realize that many Americans, both in and out of the military, despise her. Perhaps a campaign trip to Dealey Plaza?
One should always question the government, and as a Viet-era vet, I know too well how the government will lie, but at this point, making that sort of statement in front of the troops, on station outside the US, really, really sucks. He comments on troop strength are particularly ironic in view of how her husband gutted the military

Just when I think my opinion of her couldn't get any lower, she goes and exceeds herself. I have long thought Slick Willie was a sleazebag, now I know where he learned it.
When I was in the service and a congress-critter showed up at our location, the first shirt would ask who was from 'Neva-Colo-delphia" or whatever area the visitor was from. The GI from that district would be instructed to be close by when the Dee Cee visitor came around. Sometimes when we could not produce a person from that district, someone would be delegated as being from there. I refused to go along with the charade so I was asked to make myself scarce sometimes.

Hillary wanted to be one up on visiting the troops, the very same troops that she and Bill 'loathed' so much. It would have been great if everyone would have stood at attention when she arrived and then done an about face untill she left the room.

troop strength are particularly ironic in view of how her husband gutted the military
But if you ask them, they didn't gut the military. They merely trimmed away the fat. They are taking credit for creating the military force that was able to take out two countries in short order.
We are living in totally different times. Remember? "Hanoi" Jane couldn't get her feet back on the ground after it.

Be assured that New York will re-elect their senator, no matter what happens.

She won't get my vote. Heck I think I would rather vote for someone like Al Sharpton instead, at least he is pretty public about being a slimeball. I got on my knees and thanked God when the :cuss: Clintons decieded not to move to Skaneatless, that town is bad enough already.
Be assured that New York will re-elect their senator, no matter what happens.

Depends, this time she may have to run against Sir Rudy for her seat. It won't be so easy when she faces the first string and a man who is as or more popular than her in NYC.
I am a gentleman and cannot post what I truly want to say about Hillary.
Suffice it to say that I would do anything, short of selling my soul, to get her out of office! Hillary is an anti-American piece of filth for playing politics with the troops. :fire: :cuss:
I especially like the part where she was sitting on the anti-aircraft gun with the helmet on.


That's her in the middle, isn't it?
"Americans are wholeheartedly proud of what you are doing, but there are many questions at home about the [Bush] administration's policies."
I can't find anything that's not objectively true about that statement.
"We have to exert all of our efforts militarily, but the outcome is not assured."
Again, pretty elementary, but obvious. Are you saying the troops can't take the slightest bit of realistic assessment?
"It's a positive for the commander in chief to visit troops in the field," Clinton told reporters, adding, "the troops [also] seemed to appreciate seeing myself."
What do you expect her to say? Anyway I liked a quote I heard from her on NPR. To paraphrase, she said the prez's visit was positive for the troops, but no substitute for a plan.
"The Pentagon tried to make do with as few troops as possible, as light a footprint as they could get away with," Clinton said. "Now we're playing catchup. ... Unfortunately, I don't think they fully appreciated the conditions we would encounter."
Again, obviously true. Does anyone think the war is going exactly the way the admin. planned?
Why isn't she being tried for treason???
Because anti-free speech facists don't quite control the country yet?

Obligatory disclaimer to avoid death threats: I hate Hillary as much as anyone. (Well, make that any sane person. Not that I'm a sane person, or anything, but I'm not obsessive about her the way some seem to be.) I just don't see anything about the quotes reported here to get worked up about. I especially think it's reprehensible to suggest that the free political speech of an elected official amounts to treason. Sounds pretty unamerican to me.
PIAPS knows about as much about the military as I do about the Pope.. and I'm not even Catholic! What a pos..............:fire:

"The Pentagon tried to make do with as few troops as possible, as light a footprint as they could get away with," Clinton said.
After 8 years of emasculating the military, that is the ultimate in hypocrisy. Throughout the Clinton administration, the service hardest hit by cuts, the US Navy, had skilled personnel leaving the military in droves because they were spending so much tiime at sea. There simply wasn't enough sailors and ships to handle the all of the little fires Clinton kept dumping on the military.

Now, her and her cronies are complaining because the troops have been separated from their families too long and the "Bush Administration" cannot even provide them with a date on which they can expect to rotate home.

At the same time, spewing from the other side of her mouth are accusations the administration won't send enough troops to Iraq to handle the job. For some reason, the military professionals at the Pentagon don't seen to understand the situation in Iraq and are not capable of sending sufficient forces to handle it.

Of course, Hillary and her draft dodging spouse know exactly how many troops are required and also how to speed up the rotation for troops in country.
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