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Sorry guys, but guns and schools do not mix. Furthermore 18-22 year olds are not mature enough to be trusted with guns. If you think otherwise you have never been to a college party or bar.
Sorry but you are wrong. These people are adults. They can vote, work, go in debt for life, be charged as adults for crimes, be held accountable for contracts they sign and fight for their country.
They are grownups not children. Some of these students are very likely servicemen and women.
Guns and alcohol don't mix just as cars and alcohol don't mix. I do not see anyone advocating a ban on autos because these college "Kids" might party and drive.
I know, I know.....guns are somehow different.
If there is a problem with students carrying on campus and drinking it should be easy to solve. Lock them up.
By the way, they can't even own a handgun until they are 21 years old. I would hope that they would have matured enough to be able to exercise the same rights as everyone else by that time.
And just to get this back to the original OP, the vote is now:

Yes (Ban Them) - 11%

No (Don't Ban Them) - 89%
I have been in numerous situations where someone was armed and in my face with a gun and I was not. Everytime I was able to deal with the situation with my wits. If I had been armed also I very likely would not be here today. Those with a gun and an attitude are like a lit fuse waiting to go off and it is another threat that usually will trigger them. It is a grounded mind that is your best defence, not some gun. Again, this is my opinion. If you guys want to be armed to the teeth have at it.
If you feel that way I agree you should not carry one.

Voted . Do you think polititians will care what polls such as this indicate? Cornman. Not a slam . Just wondered where you are hanging out to have numerous times when guns were pointed at you .

To echo what everyone else here has said, what you argue is EXACTLY what the anti-gunners say when they say we shouldn't carry at all.

To get a permit the students would have to be 21, which is going to squeeze out most of them anyway. And if 18 is too young, I guess I should take all of my soldiers' rifles away.

I attend a university where carry is permitted, up the hill from where John Browning designed my 1911, and in the criminal justice department, no one even looks twice if you open carry. I'm not anticipating a violent outburst ANYTIME SOON.

Selecting universities as a place where magically people are safe and there is no need for self-defense defies all reason.
Yes, we've done it, 90% now support guns on campus, out of 1362 votes.
This calls for a victory dance!
Im pro CC on campus I think it should be important to note however that in some states such as NH one can CC at 18. Also people who are under 21 own handguns all the time.

Im one of those people who has a Concealed carry permit at 18. I guess Cornman would have me disarmed even though I can be tryed in Big Boy Court.

On another note, I am goin to college soon and am wondering what other gun folks did for storage and such?

Should the Colorado State Board of Governors ban guns from CSU campuses?
Yes, they should ban guns 10%

No, they should not ban guns 90%

I don't know 0%

I don't care 0%

Total Votes: 1429
Yes, we've done it, 90% now support guns on campus, out of 1362 votes.
This calls for a victory dance!
Let us know when the University Admin changes the rules and says carry away.


Don't hold yer breath waitin' for it to happen though...
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