Holder: We Want to Explore Gun Tracking Bracelets

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Does anyone else remember the mandatory 1974 automobile seat belt ignition switch interlocks? Most of the circuits were probably disabled before most of the cars so equipped were even delivered to customers. IIRC, this lasted a few months before congress did away with the requirement.

I can't imagine how this idea can possibly work with a simple machine based on centuries-old technology that's designed to be completely disassembled for cleaning.

Does Holder even understand how a gun works?
Probably not...but I'm sure one or several of his tax payer paid highly trained SWAT or Special Forces 24/7 bodyguards can give him a primer lesson on how they work. Problem is he and the other gun control freaks don't have to know how guns work. They just need to know how to work the liberal vote.

Follow the comments on some of the liberal websites forums on gun control. The stupid will stun and nauseate you.
Okay guys, I don't know where to go or even if this belongs here. Today I was over at Redstate.com, and clicked on the article talking about Holder and his gun bracelet.

Instead of immediately getting the webpage, I get the following:

"Careful now!

This website could not be displayed by Firefox because it is not consistent with Mozilla's corporate values. May we suggest another site instead?

Click anywhere to continue. "

Has anybody seen this? Is it time to dump Mozilla and Firefox? Now, they were probably reacting to redstate.com, but redstate's views and articles on gun ownership are the same as most law abiding gun owners. I am concerned that this is the start of Mozilla censorship.
Sounds like the site was hacked.....

I have a better idea. Why not put tracking bracelets on all politicians, bankers and media moguls so that we the people will know where they are at all times. If they have nothing to hide, they shouldn't mind.
I'll let Mr. 'Vast Discretion' Holder answer for me;


Okay guys, I don't know where to go or even if this belongs here. Today I was over at Redstate.com, and clicked on the article talking about Holder and his gun bracelet.

Instead of immediately getting the webpage, I get the following:

"Careful now!

This website could not be displayed by Firefox because it is not consistent with Mozilla's corporate values. May we suggest another site instead?

Click anywhere to continue. "

Has anybody seen this? Is it time to dump Mozilla and Firefox? Now, they were probably reacting to redstate.com, but redstate's views and articles on gun ownership are the same as most law abiding gun owners. I am concerned that this is the start of Mozilla censorship.

Sounds like the site was hacked.....

Not to drive things off topic, but I think its important to clarify so people don't all go uninstalling firefox at once. This is probably retaliation by redstate.com for the recent firing of mozilla's CEO. If you don't know the story you can google it, not gun related.
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Dear Eric Holder,
1. I refuse.
2. This kind of technology only works when, anyone knowledgeable of firearm mechanics, cannot by design, disassemble that firearm. How can YOU stop that, when you cannot keep terrorist Jihadis from possibly killing me?
3. You cannot disable a revolver with technology, as you could a semi-automatic pistol, especially striker-fired, with any kind of electronic device.
4. Again, I refuse!!
Typical lefty bovine excrement. Guns that won't work unless they get a gov't approved signal. Sort of like most folks hanging around the local "gov't benefit service center." 300 million guns in America and growing daily. Dry up the ammo/components: would be just like drying up gasoline, car ain't much use without it. Look for these tools to attack from that front using the EPA. Joe
Firearms have always been, as far as the 'personal realm' goes, mechanical in nature, I don't really like the idea of them gumming them up with electronics, more stuff to potentially fail on a personal belonging that is more likely than most others to be 'when you need it your life depends on it'.
Holder seems to not see those words in the 2nd Amendment... that is.. SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. Not even the 1st Amendment has those words.

Now if people want to buy Magna triggers or bracelets trigger locks or whatever, fine, but only as a choice they make, not some government mandate.

Shall not be infringed is kind of hard to interpret to mean anything but to keep ones little socialist hands off it.

“By making them either through finger print identification, the gun talks to a bracelet or something that you might wear, how guns can be used only by the person who is lawfully in possession of the weapon.”

Except that the ultimate stated goal of gun control isn't about ensuring only law abiding citizens have guns...it's about ensuring law abiding citizens don't have guns in the first place.

Which makes this statement a bald faced lie.
Except that the ultimate stated goal of gun control isn't about ensuring only law abiding citizens have guns...it's about ensuring law abiding citizens don't have guns in the first place.

Which makes this statement a bald faced lie.
But the statement says nothing about "law-abiding citizens." It is about people "lawfully in possession of a weapon." Which mans that as more law-abiding citizens; are added to restricted classes, or more types of weapons are made illegal, all they will have to do is flip a switch to deactivate the weapons. As noted, RFID technology is proven and in used daily. The only researchy needed is how to best utilize it in the best interestes of government.
It's from the White House Cabinet's long checklist of items which, for the moment, are designed to distract the public from the widespread dissatisfaction with the cost increases and job losses (even lack of job growth) caused by the failed ACA, "Obamacare".

All new gimmicks used for what they label "gun control"- Instead of Criminal control-with which to rally the public also simply reflect their anxieties about losing the Senate majority in this fall's elections.
Why not just make gun owners wear the star of David or tattoo us. Other totalitarians have went this route, much cheaper with the same affect. Holder is without a doubt the worst and most corrupt attorney general to every have held office. He makes Reno look competent.
Does anyone else remember the mandatory 1974 automobile seat belt ignition switch interlocks?

The potential for disaster there is illustrated by the current hullabaloo over auto ignition switches that wear too easily under the weight of key chains, resulting in deaths attributed to the ignition switching off while driving. A seatbelt interlock would also be subject to wear and tear. Not everyone can afford a new car every couple of years or so like Congressmen and executive branch government officials.

The Glock is one of the most successful firerarms of all time, in part because of the low parts count (what is it? 34 parts total?) KISS Keep It Sweet and Simple for reliability. More complication, the more potential for failure.

The "smart pistol" has been quoted at $1400 with $400 for the activator bracelet. If the $1800 smart pistol became mandatory, the incentive to make convetional firearms in underground workshops would be tempting. In Australia, the outlaw motorcyle clubs build MAC10 clones in garage and basement workshops and I'll bet the raw materials don't cost more than $100 per gun.

This is like legal marijuana with a $300 an ounce tax: the black market there will not disappear at those prices. What is the point in stimulating support for a black market in guns?

"`He that is born to be a man,' says Wieland in his Peregrinus Proteus, `should nor can be anything nobler, greater, or better than a man.' The fact is, that in efforts to soar above our nature, we invariably fall below it. Your reformist demigods are merely devils turned inside out."--Edgar Allan Poe in Marginalia 1844
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only 2 options with this technology if the electronics fail?
1) Electronics fail/short out, gun becomes a normal gun
2) Electronics fail/short out, gun does not work at all

So either everyone would find a way to short them out, or they would have a much higher risk of failure.

Also, if it ever became law (like in NJ where it would be instantly) what are the ways they could check if a gun were in compliance? (on the street/ out in the field general compliance checks I mean)
But the statement says nothing about "law-abiding citizens." It is about people "lawfully in possession of a weapon." Which mans that as more law-abiding citizens; are added to restricted classes, or more types of weapons are made illegal, all they will have to do is flip a switch to deactivate the weapons. As noted, RFID technology is proven and in used daily. The only researchy needed is how to best utilize it in the best interestes of government.
Yes, RFID technology is proven and is used daily but I know four friends and relatives who've had to have their automobiles towed in because the key chip technology malfunctioned. When I need my gun to defend myself it can't be at a time when the volatile electronics technology decides to malfunction.

The problem with Holder is that he believes more in banning or nullifying so called evil guns than in attacking and curbing the root causes of crime. All of the energy, money and time put into removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens can be channeled towards cracking down on drug traffickers, improving education, job training, and emphasizing family values and discipline....... but, because so much of this economy is supported by infusions of money gained through criminal enterprise, corruption, the prison industry and illegal immigration, there is little incentive for corrupt politicians like Holder to do things the right way.
The problem with Holder is that he believes more in banning or nullifying so called evil guns than in attacking and curbing the root causes of crime. All of the energy, money and time put into removing guns from the hands of law abiding citizens can be channeled towards cracking down on drug traffickers, improving education, job training, and emphasizing family values and discipline....... but, because so much of this economy is supported by infusions of money gained through criminal enterprise, corruption, the prison industry and illegal immigration, there is little incentive for corrupt politicians like Holder to do things the right way.
It's because they don't care about crime, crime is just an excuse to disarm the American people. Crime/safety is just the easiest/best avenue to do this. It's happened countless times in history.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there only 2 options with this technology if the electronics fail?
1) Electronics fail/short out, gun becomes a normal gun
2) Electronics fail/short out, gun does not work at all

So either everyone would find a way to short them out, or they would have a much higher risk of failure.

Also, if it ever became law (like in NJ where it would be instantly) what are the ways they could check if a gun were in compliance? (on the street/ out in the field general compliance checks I mean)

This depends on how the device is designed to function. Which, in turn, is based on the design "failsafe" condition.

The problem here is who decides what that "failsafe" contition is...the end user who is concerned that the gun function as a gun when he needs it or gun control advocates whose concern is that the gun NOT function unless al "safety features" are 100% operational and in effect.

Given who would makeing these types of decisions on a safety device/gun control measure that nobody want's installed on their gun anyway, which way do you think the failsafe will be designed?

Maybe my tinfoil hat is a little too tight, but I can't help but believe that the DOJ will want to put an external "kill switch" (no pun intended) on these so that they can just turn off civilian firearms when they see fit.
It's from the White House Cabinet's long checklist of items which, for the moment, are designed to distract the public from the widespread dissatisfaction with the cost increases and job losses (even lack of job growth) caused by the failed ACA, "Obamacare".

All new gimmicks used for what they label "gun control"- Instead of Criminal control-with which to rally the public also simply reflect their anxieties about losing the Senate majority in this fall's elections.

People certainly get worked up when someone like the now defunct AT starts trying to generate some love for the party. What EH says has about about as much credence as any other politician on his way out. The dems now own gun control and hope that it will be enough to keep them afloat. From everything I've seen coming from congress it's a dead horse.
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