Homeland Security claims another victim...

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Don Galt

Sep 5, 2003

This supports my long suspicion that the reason for TSA was not security--- after all, who's going to take a plane down with fingernail clippers? But an escalation of the drug war. 9/11 just provided an excuse.

(And by the way, does anyone know where the idea that 9/11 planes were hijacked with box cutters came from anyway? Since all the planes were destroyed, how could anyone know?)

Think we'll ever see murder charges as a result of this death? Somehow, I doubt it.


ObRelevance: Civil Liberties, as they are eroded, the erosion supports the justification of the War On Guns. We should have more armed people on planes, not less. The TSA is anti-firearm--- for citizens anyway. Furthermore, this was an illegal search.
I would imagine that they also would have known from interrogating the so-called '20th hijacker'- Zacarias Moussaoui (spelling corrected.)
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Well, there's a problem with that. You can't call on a cellphone from a plane.

Near as I can tell, all those supposed calls are made up.

Now, I think the planes have phones, so maybe someone called from one of the in-flight phones. Have to look into that.

Its amazing how little real evidence there is to support 9/11, and yet, the papers had all the names of the hijackers within 48 hours.
Ummm...Don, you can call on a cell phone from a plane. Its just that you are not allowed to by our friends in the government, since they have only approved those freqs. for ground to ground transmission. Service can actually be quite good since there is no terrain to block the signal.
Well, there's a problem with that. You can't call on a cellphone from a plane.

Near as I can tell, all those supposed calls are made up.

Now, I think the planes have phones, so maybe someone called from one of the in-flight phones. Have to look into that.

Its amazing how little real evidence there is to support 9/11, and yet, the papers had all the names of the hijackers within 48 hours.

EEEHHHHHHH!Sorry Hans, wrong guess...would you like to try for double jeopardy, where the scores can REALLY change?

I used to have SprintPCS service with mobile web, and when I'd be heading out to CA from JFK International I'd often be reading news and checking stocks on the internet directly from my phone. Easier than making calls because I could hide the handset much quicker if the attendants did a walkthrough. Even leaving my phone on during the flight I'd notice decent signal strength when over the tristate area.

The whole thing is about cell phone broadcasts possibly interfering with the various systems on the plane.
My Standard TSA Mantra:

"Until every flight over America has a trustworthy armed American on board, all domestic security precautions are posturing, pretense, and BS".

Now as for cell phones, there was even some short lived discussions post 9/11 about dropping the "No cell phone" regulation on airliners.
All belongings are subject to search...

So don't be an idiot and carry drugs/drug paraphanalia through screening

If you are being arrested don't resist

A good lawyer probably could have gotten her off if she had gone quietly

But what this has to do with homeland security is really beyond me.

She screwed up.

And yes ...cell phones work on planes....

But the Apollo missions never really happened.....pass it on!!!
The search was not illegal. It was in fact de facto concentual, in that all items one brings or attempts to bring onto an airline are subject to search. Everyone knows this.

The item in question was illegal.

TSA personnel report suspected illegal items to the proper authorities.

Said authorities react accordingly. "Accordingly" is determined by state and local laws in most cases.

Accordingly most certainly includes restraining subjects who resist arrest.

It also includes attempting to revive subjects who choke on whatever it is they have desperately tried to swallow.

Vicitm? Hardly.
The whole thing is about cell phone broadcasts possibly interfering with the various systems on the plane.
That is an old concern that deals with old cellphones that ran on a different frequency. FAA rules prevent the use of a cellphone even on a small aircraft flying VFR. The problem actually has to do with the fact that a cellphone on a jetliner is line-of-sight to several "cells," and thus can really tie up traffic on the cellular network. The cell companies have come up with solutions to the problem, and obviously a satellite phone wouldn't have such a problem, but the FAA hasn't implemented new rules (and likely won't)
The problem actually has to do with the fact that a cellphone on a jetliner is line-of-sight to several "cells," and thus can really tie up traffic on the cellular network.

Correct. Oh, and we didn't land on the moon either. :scrutiny:
So, what was TSA to do? Give a dugout back to a doper?:confused: "Hey, dude, here ya go. [surfer laugh]"

Here's a little hint that I get from doing my gig, don't bring evidence TO the police.:D

Cell phones work great in planes, but I thought everyone knew that. The cell phone calls on 9/11 were real, but not all have been released.

I am not sure why this denial myth about the 9/11 cell phone calls was created. Sort of like THR and bears.

Maybe people cannot bring themselves to imagine the Eloi knowingly going to their doom and not doing anything about it other than whimpering??? Don't know, be a good spinoff thread.
Cellphone networks do not support phones moving across cells that quickly. I find it amazing that people are assumign that because the airlines tell you not to use them that THAT is the reason I'm saying they don't work. ITs not, its the technology of the phones. IIRC someone also tried to recreate these 9/11 calls and was unable to make it work. But that makes sense, given the assumptions about the speed a cellphone would be moving built into the cell network.

The search was illegal, and unconstitutional-- no warrent was provided. Just because they do it regularly does not make it constitutional.

Furthermore, I doubt she was carrying drugs.

But this is how the socialists have taken control of the country-- they just have to give a one word expalanation, and people stop holding them accountable. "Terorrists" or "Drugs" and nobody seems to care about the constitution anymore.

Its easier to believe that all cops are honest, and the constitution is really being taken seriously, than to confront the reality that these are not the case and thus your country is not what you were brought up to think it is.

And this is why its going to be so easy to ban guns once and for all.
cellphones do not tie up several cells at once... they are engaged with only one cell at a time, and are handed off between them.

There is an assumption in the handoff protocol about how fast the phone is moving. On a jetliner, the phone gets handed off to the next cell network, but is already out of range of it.

Stock quotes and such should work because they are a different protocol... the phone doesn't need to know which cell it got the info from, its just broadcast. Its not an actual connection....
The search was illegal, and unconstitutional-- no warrent was provided.
What was unconstitutional about it? Keep in mind that the constitution doesn’t say there must be a warrant in order to search or seize. It only says there can be no “unreasonable†searches and seizures.
Well... did I just figure out that if there are recordings of those calls there must be recordings of ALL calls on ALL cell phone conversations?

If not, then how were those conversations (at the very last miniute) recorded or extrapolated or ...??? It must have taken "live monitors" some time to locate and record them... the time window being rather small.

So much for "private" conversations, huh?
The search was neither illegal nor unconstitutional. It was, in fact, consentual. She consented to the search by offering her bags up for inspection. She also consented to the search of herself by passing the inspection point of the airport. If she wished to not be searched (a perfectly worthy desire) she needs find an alternative means of transportation.

And as to all of the phone convos being made up, 9/11 being faked...



Mike :rolleyes:

PS yes, the truth is out there. I'm blind to it. yadda yadda yadda...
ok. after reading Don Galt's made up nonsense in THIS thread, and his equating military service to slavery in another, I know not to bother reading his crap anymore.
Well... did I just figure out that if there are recordings of those calls there must be recordings of ALL calls on ALL cell phone conversations?

Yikes, and given how fast they found the 9/11 calls it must not be too hard to find. But, judging by the amount of people I see walking around town blabbing into a cell phone, there must be billions of calls each day!

As far as the "9/11 was faked" nonsense, I thought it was only over in the middle east where they thought the Mossad/George Bush/Israel was responsible, but I guess not.
There are no recordings of the cellphone calls from the airplanes-- where did you guys get that idea??? There was a recording of someone calling an airline office.. where they have recorders to record the calls. ITs not cellphone calls that were recorded.

By the way, I gave an explanation for the cellphone issue-- and nobody has responded to it, but al ot of people have pooh-poohed it without argument.

So, I should believe that you know I'm wrong because the government told you so, and that's all you have?

The federal government has no authority under the constitution to search every air traveller-- it is an unreasonable search, and thus unconstitutional.

As long as you guys cheer when the constitution is ignored, you don't get to complain when the rights you do care about are ignored.
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The idea that it's normal and acceptable for a person to die over a bit of plant matter is totally absurd. Isn't it fascinating how desensitived people can become to complete irrationality? All the issues of whether the search was legal, how it was her fault for having the stuff in the first place, yadda yadda yadda are beside the point. It is absolutely rediculous for anyone to even be put in a situation where they can be killed by the government for having pot. Does this not occur to anyone else?
So somebody with drugs on them walked through a security checkpoint. The drugs got noticed and the "victim" decided to boogey when the police showed up. Police catch her, she resists, she gets taken down and cuffed. It is my personal opinion that if you end up dead as a result of resisting arrest and/or swallowing your drugs, and there was no use of excessive force by the police, its your own fault. No rights are violated if you give up your bag to be searched, she could have turned around and walked away and no search would have taken place.
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