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Honest Summary of the Gun Grabbers Long-Term Plan

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Apr 2, 2009
Southern Illinois
Prof. Eugene Volokh has posted a portion of Charles Krauthammer's 1996 article in the Washington Post, in which he lays out the motivations and plans for enacting an AWB with the eventual goal of total disarmament.

See here: http://www.volokh.com/2012/12/19/assault-weapons-bans-in-the-words-of-some-of-their-supporters/

Everyone should read this. It is the most bluntly honest summary of the true motivations of the gun grabbers and their long term plan. It is also the reason why we cannot willingly give up a single inch no matter how inconsequential the proposed restriction may be.
I started a thread a couple of years ago about Charles, asking his position. The article says he is 'decidedly anti-gun', but I didn't see that at all. He said it is entirely symbolic, and that it will have no effect. Moreover, this is the ONLY anti-gun passage I have ever heard from him. Put into context of everything he has said since, he certainly cannot be shown to be our enemy NOW. He now speaks of how ineffective the ban was and how it would be useless to reinstate it. Charles is brutally logical and practical.
Did you not read the whole article? After stating how an AWB would not be effective, Krauthammer next states, "Nonetheless, it is a good idea, though for reasons its proponents dare not enunciate."
He then goes on to state that the true purpose of the AWB is to get people used to the idea of gun restrictions, so that the next time there is a tragedy, a little bit stronger restriction can be enacted, and then the next tragedy, another slightly stronger restriction can be enacted, until restrictions with actual bite become possible.

How the hell can anyone say Krauthammer is not anti-gun? He goes on to say in his editorial that, "Ultimately, a civilized society must disarm its citizenry if it is to have a modicum of domestic tranquillity of the kind enjoyed in sister democracies like Canada and Britain." He advocates for total disarmament!!
If he has specifically recanted, I'd like to see it and maybe my opinion would change. Certainly, people change their views over time. More likely, in my opinion, is that he has wised up and realizes he won't he achieve his goal of total disarmament if he is broadcasting their true strategy to everyone.
He probably figures he said too much already and is keeping quiet about it.

The only kraut hammer I find useful is the one hanging on my wall I use for smashing cabbages.
Krauthammer has posted his first opinion piece for the Washington Post since the CT shooting. It's not strongly anti-gun but it's also not remotely pro-gun rights in any way. Reading between the lines, I think Krauthammer is still anti-gun and is suggesting in this latest article that some kind of additional gun control law should be passed.
But he also flat stated that the ban, which he supported, didn't work.

"The reason is simple. Unless you are prepared to confiscate all existing firearms, disarm the citizenry and repeal the Second Amendment, it’s almost impossible to craft a law that will be effective."

And he certainly isn't asking for that. Charles is one of the most lucid commentators in the business.
Be careful of referencing material over a dozen years old without researching current thought by the person you're citing.
His purpose and intent is clearly stated, his goal is to disarm us all, one small step at a time. If you don't see that you are pretty dense.
The only way to ensure that the cattle car trains run on time, filled with political dissidents, is to disarm those dissidents first. History has proved this time and time again... and most folks are so tied up with what's going on with Snooky and the "real" housewives (you know, 21st Century bread and circuses) that they'll let it happen pretty easily.
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