Hoppes #9. 2 Questions....

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Jan 31, 2009
Westlake Ohio
Can't seem to find info on what year good ol' #9 was developed and put on the market.

Was (is) the stuff used by our military?

You can buy...

an air freshener to hang on the mirror of your car from Hoppe's. Sure makes your car smell nice........chris3
I'm active Army, and the good ol "Big Army" has a pretty clear "no solvents" policy most of the time, except for like solvent tanks. I see Soldiers using Carb Cleaner on their M4's and tell them no no. I do use Hoppes on my personal firearms and on my issue M4 as I make sure to use very little and don't leave it on the firearm. I instruct my Soldiers to do the same and they love the big ol bottle of Hoppes that Sarnt V. Keeps by his desk.

-SGt John V.
While not issued to troops, Hoppe's #9 was (once) available in the PX.

Townsend Whelen in his 1909 book Suggestions to Military Riflemen endorses the use of the product. Smokeless powders of his day were quite harsh and metal fouling severe while the military had yet to issue a single all purpose bore cleaner.

Semper circa,
LG Roy

PS: The Hoppe's air freshener is a bit of a disappointment. Not strong nor long lasting enough to truly offend the nonbelievers.
Breakfree CLP and Breakfree Bore Cleaner is much better than Hoppes. Hoppes works better as an air freshener than as a solvent. In a military field environment all I would want is a bottle of Breakfree CLP.
I love the smell of Hoppes #9! The wife says it stinks. I just tell her she married a MAN.
Ages ago when I was young and didn't know any better Hoppes #9 was used by me. But times change and there's lots of better cleaners available now and none of 'em have that wussy purfumy smell that hoppes has.

When I was in the Army - back in the age of stone some would say ('71 to '74) we used trichloroethane. Probly get court martialed for using the stuff now or get cancer or some other nasty disease. I'm still going strong though. Just got lucky I guess.
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