House Fires First Shot, So to Speak, on Universal Background Checks

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Surprise, if you posted on any gun social media, they know who have the guns. Push the HPA and national reciprocity as amendments.

However, Kavanaugh will save us. Don't worry.

Suggesting Civil War is not acceptable on THR. Futher discussion in that vein will shut the thread.

Read history if you think civil wars aren't one of the worst things that can happen. Get real.

IF this was directed toward to my post. I explicitly said I do not want it and DO NOT advocate for it. I simply pointed out (that globally in history it has happened and has not always been a bad thing).
Why do you (and so many others) waste your time explaining the “well regulated” part when any literate person already understands it? Who with an ounce of sense would misconstrue that? Then you completely ignore the “militia” part which is the crux of the matter. So you worry about what well regulated means but act like militia isn’t even there. Militia? What militia? I don’t need no stinking’ militia. Whachu talkin’ ‘bout militia?

It probably doesn't matter much why since your seem to be stuck in a troll bait switch pattern. :confused:
There are sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs. You can choose which one you want to be. I truly believe that the Anti gun party wants to turn all Americans into defenseless sheep.
Once all the law abiding gun owners hand over their guns, the wolves will have a hay day. I also believe that we will have a return to the Wild West times of yesteryear to fix it.
And if they want to do away with semi auto, then they should all go. And we can start with their bodyguards, police, FBI, CIA, DoJ, and military. (Yeah like that’s ever gonna happen)!
There isn't a single gun right I would want (silencers, national reciprocity, class III, anything) in exchange for universal background checks. That is the closest you can get to wanting registration as you can get without saying it blatantly. No. No. No.
Oregon already requires person to person transfers to go through a FFL. When this first passed most FFL's charged $10 background check fee + $20 transfer fee to cover their time. Now the FFL's are charging $50 total... that is a pretty good hit on a used weapon. It also allowed the FFL's to raise the prices on their used guns. I won't support any FFL that charges $50 to a p2p transfer.

I have no proof but I have a strong feeling there are a lot more "Back Alley" transfers going on these days.
That is the closest you can get to wanting registration as you can get without saying it blatantly.
Once again, a UBC system can be designed that precludes registration. Sen. Coburn proposed such a system in 2013. What is certain is that you won't get such a system, and you will get backdoor registration, if you refuse to engage in the process.
Oregon already requires person to person transfers to go through a FFL. When this first passed most FFL's charged $10 background check fee + $20 transfer fee to cover their time. Now the FFL's are charging $50 total... that is a pretty good hit on a used weapon. It also allowed the FFL's to raise the prices on their used guns.
Exactly. That's why I suspect that a lot of FFL's are secretly rooting for this. Just because a guy sells guns, it does not necessarily mean that he is your friend.
Oregon already requires person to person transfers to go through a FFL. When this first passed most FFL's charged $10 background check fee + $20 transfer fee to cover their time. Now the FFL's are charging $50 total... that is a pretty good hit on a used weapon. It also allowed the FFL's to raise the prices on their used guns. I won't support any FFL that charges $50 to a p2p transfer.

I have no proof but I have a strong feeling there are a lot more "Back Alley" transfers going on these days.
In CA where I thankfully no longer live, a transfer is $75, plus you have to pay CA sales tax, AND then still wait 10 more days to get your gun. In AZ where I thankfully live now, I can get a transfer for $20 and walk out with my gun in a few minutes. So nice to live in a free country! :)
There are sheep, wolves, and sheep dogs. You can choose which one you want to be. I truly believe that the Anti gun party wants to turn all Americans into defenseless sheep.
Once all the law abiding gun owners hand over their guns, the wolves will have a hay day. I also believe that we will have a return to the Wild West times of yesteryear to fix it.
And if they want to do away with semi auto, then they should all go. And we can start with their bodyguards, police, FBI, CIA, DoJ, and military. (Yeah like that’s ever gonna happen)!
Uh, no. Just no. Enough with the sheepdog crap.

We're not gonna return to the "Wild West times of yesteryear," although I know some of you probably wish it'd be so. Gun owners will not "hand over their guns." Civil disobedience will have new meaning. Guns will be kept until needed. I foresee lots of private FTF sales pre-dating the commencement of all the new UBC laws and mayhaps more'n a few unfortunate boating accidents. The USA will simply become like Mexico or most European nations where gun ownership isn't allowed by private citizens ... yet, strangely, the prudent citizens all stealthily possess guns in case of potential SHTF situations.
Oregon already requires person to person transfers to go through a FFL. When this first passed most FFL's charged $10 background check fee + $20 transfer fee to cover their time. Now the FFL's are charging $50 total... that is a pretty good hit on a used weapon. It also allowed the FFL's to raise the prices on their used guns. I won't support any FFL that charges $50 to a p2p transfer.

Exactly. That's why I suspect that a lot of FFL's are secretly rooting for this. Just because a guy sells guns, it does not necessarily mean that he is your friend.

Believe I noted this phenomenon back in posts #38 and 40, but it's okay that y'all don't have time to read through a five page thread.
Believe I noted this phenomenon back in posts #38 and 40, but it's okay that y'all don't have time to read through a five page thread.

I think it was Art Eatman who said that wants a thread gets beyond 4 pages the signal-to-noise ratio goes way down
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