Houston THR shoot

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I'll be the pudgy 30 something WASP in the tan Molon Labe cap standing next to the skinny Chinaman in the black Molon Labe cap.

I'll be the almost 30 somthing WASP in a blue jeep with a tan molon labe hat.
It was fun

Here I was all set to meet up with a bunch of dangerous gun crazy fanatics and what shows up...polite, friendly, intelligent citizens that shoot well. Not only was I the oldest but also the one most in need of a haircut. I had a great time out there and enjoyed meeting and shooting with you guys. Nice guns.

We were down on the far left of the pistol area. Stayed there till about 2. It was fun.

Man, now I'm really bummed that I couldn't make it.... :(

I found out early Saturday the my wife had plans of which I was not privvy.... Didn't think it a good idea to tick her off too bad on Mother's day weekend. :banghead:

I hope another one of these gets organized soon!
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