How can we help Levy & Gura in arguing Heller?

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Dec 29, 2002
What can we do to help Robert Levy and Alan Gura in arguing DC V. Heller? :confused:

DC has managed to hire a prominent anti-gun law professor to head up their case.

Levy & Gura have done a magnificent job to date in getting the case to this point. The opposition, doubtless financed by the Joyce Foundation and similar groups, are bringing out the (excuse the expression) big guns to craft their case.:uhoh:

I'm not suggesting that Levy & Gura aren't up to the task of arguing our interests before the Supreme Court, but we should dig in and provide whatever resources may be necessary to hire the very finest legal minds possible to craft our case, anticipate and devise the most persuasive arguments against every conceivable point the gun-grabbers may bring up. Folks, this one is for all the marbles.

I, personally, will pledge $1,000.00 to aid the cause, if necessary.
I asked this question before (thread).

Levy and Gura are not taking donations.

However, I got a nice reply back from Mr. Levy:

Many thanks for your email ... We're hopeful that the case will be
reviewed by the Supremes and we'll be working hard for a final victory

Bob Levy
Robert A. Levy
Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies
Cato Institute
c/o 93 Orvis Stone Circle
Biltmore Lake, NC 28715
Phone: 828-670-1611

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 11:03 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Thanks for your work on the Parker case!

I'm not a lawyer, and I understand that you're funding the case out of
your own pocket and not taking donations.

So the best I can say is "Keep it up!"

If the case goes to the Supreme Court, I wish you good luck, sir.

If you want to help the Heller (Parker) case, then the main thing to do now is help build public opinion in support of it by writing well-thought out letters to the editor, calling in to shows, and showing your neighbors responsible gun-ownership.

The antis are already launching everything they have. Just this past week, I've seen two stories on "bad guns" and a "study" from the usual suspects discussing how blacks account for 50% of homicides (despite being 13% of the population) because they have greater access to firearms. The antis know that one element of a Supreme Court case is the cultural war and they are going to be doing everything they can to paint us as the minority who can be safely ignored. We need to challenge that every time.
Levy & co need to convince five of nine USSC justices that the DC Court of Appeals ruled correctly, and there's actually not a whole lot that "we, the people" can do at this point except sit back, watch, and chew our fingernails...
Bartholomew Roberts wrote:
"The antis are already launching everything they have. Just this past week, I've seen two stories on "bad guns" and a "study" from the usual suspects discussing how blacks account for 50% of homicides (despite being 13% of the population) because they have greater access to firearms."

Please sir, would you post a link to the article claiming that black have greater access to (or greater ownership of) firearms? I would like to counter that falsehood, as it is absolutely untrue.
Please sir, would you post a link to the article claiming that black have greater access to (or greater ownership of) firearms? I would like to counter that falsehood, as it is absolutely untrue.

Here is a link to one such article, although this is just a smaller newspaper that picked up the story from AP or a larger news service. The Dallas Morning News ran a story that was substantially similar to this one:

The actual DoJ study doesn't actually reach that conclusion as I understand it; but several "noted researchers" from different groups appear to be "suggesting" that as the problem in the news stories I've seen.
What if about 10 million concerned gun owning Americans showed up in DC right before the Court's decision.

Think that would help?
Quote from Bartholomew Roberts:
The antis know that one element of a Supreme Court case is the cultural war and they are going to be doing everything they can to paint us as the minority who can be safely ignored. We need to challenge that every time.

The VPC came out with an updated "study" that claims that gun ownership is at an all-time low.
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