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How do I adjust Iron Sights?

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Feb 14, 2008

My marlin 925 is shooting to the left, can somebody explain to me how to adjust the rear iron sight to the right?
Move the rear sight in the direction you want the bullet to go. For example, if you're shooting low, raise the rear sight. If you're shooting left, move the rear sight to the right.

POA= Point of Aim

1)Bullet hits ABOVE POA..... Move REAR sight DOWN

2)Bullet hits BELOW POA.... Move REAR sight UP

3)Bullet hits RIGHT of POA... Move REAR sight LEFT

4)Bullet hits LEFT of POA... Move REAR sight RIGHT

The Marlin 925 has a DRIFT adjustable rear sight blade, which means your going to have to find yourself a hammer and a brass or nylon drift punch, support the rifle and give your rear sight a wack in the direction offered in the above list.

Don't get carried away with the hammer, wack it gentley until you have obtained your desired result.

:D Hope this helps-
Uncle Mike, my next question is how do I move the rear sight if it's fixed on a dovetail? So it's only adjustable for elevation but needs a hammer and punch to move it side to side.
Okay Uncle,

I whacked it and moved to the right. It lines up with the front sight. Does this guarantee that it will shoot where I am aiming as long as I'm still and have proper shooting technique?
If the front sight is in a dovetail the best way to adjust it is with a sight pusher. But, if the front sight is fixed and only the rear is in a dovetail - as your sight probably is - you have to resort to smacking the rear sight with a brass punch. That is a 'Smack O Whack, Hit O Miss' method of sight adjustment. There is no way I know of to measure the amount the rear sight moves when it is hit. As a consequence, you have to hit it and shoot it until you get it close to right or until you get tired of moving it back and forth.:banghead:
Okay Uncle,

I whacked it and moved to the right. It lines up with the front sight. Does this guarantee that it will shoot where I am aiming as long as I'm still and have proper shooting technique

Guarantee..... there are no guarantees with anything in life but the love of Jesus and dying. Lest it be taxes. hehehe lol

The drift method of sight alignment is a 'trail and error' type thing.

Drift a bit... shoot... if needed, drift some more. Simple-

And... you won't know if the front and rear sight is 'lined up' until a day at the range!

How far off was it shooting? A few thousands of an inch movement at the rear sight moves the bullet impact quite a bit, in respect to the yardage your shooting at. :D

Let us know how you did...:D
... guaranty... good one! One more thing, just to throw you off forever,
his instructions above are spot on, but sometime in the future, you may run across a pistol or rifle, that has a more movable front site. you then have to
REVERSE ALL THE ABOVE DIRECTIONS, when moving the front site.
Ugh. Well maybe I'll just scope the next rifle I get including this one if I feel like it. If I wanted to get another rifle with irons, I'd get an M14 with the nice peep sites and easy adjustable for windage and elevation.

Okay so I took some shots today. 4 shots at each triangle. After each group I adjusted the irons. #5 is the best I got after moving the rear sight and adjusting for elevation. Thank goodness my rifle can shoot, I was worried... Marlin925June1.jpg
Very nice!
I own a 925 also and love it. It's an absolutely fabulous rifle at a very reasonable price, and great fun to shoot. I bought a cheap 4x scope and some of those rings that mount right to the rifle without bases. It'll just about drive tacks at 50 yards now!

My daughter and I use it to keep our muscle memory and habits going between deer seasons before breaking out the centerfire toys.
I love shooting rifles! Was an 870 fanatic, and I love dusting clays, but marksmanship is a whole new hobby of mine!!!!!
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