How do you carry your CCW permit?

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I have worked in industrial environments in which neckties or anything else around your neck is considered a safety hazard. I don't like anything around my neck. I've seen dogs and cats die getting hung by their own collars. I know that wearing IDs around your neck is more common than it used to be, but it still makes me uncomfortable.

If you are going to wear one, please use a neckband with a breakaway link to avoid any injury to your neck. If I were in your situation, carrying without a conventional wallet, I would laminate my card and carry it on a wristband.
It's all beak-free straps for safety (even for office workers and "carpet engineers") and has been for at least 20 years.

13 years of martial arts makes me uncomfortable in neckties. I'm considered having a few altered with snaps in the back of the neck.

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