How Do You Grade GW Bush (President of US)?

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I'm of the opinion that the two part system is now worthless. It produces individuals that only care about re-election and loyalty to their group. Actual issues mean nothing. No behavior on the part of the leader can be criticized.

When folks who don't have to be dominated by the leader and party break away from the Dems and GOP and debate the issues, perhaps there is a chance.

I watched GOP morons defend every stupid action of Bush as I watched Dems go jump through hopes to defend Clinton during his scandals.

All hail the leader and my re-election.

Next election, ban any candidate from either party. Libertarians, Vegetarians, Greens, Far right conservatives - whatever - they would be better than the position hungry money grubbers we have now!! :cuss:
Next election, ban any candidate from either party. Libertarians, Vegetarians, Greens, Far right conservatives - whatever - they would be better than the position hungry money grubbers we have now!!

That wouldn't be my assumption. Sounds like chaos to me, not to mention a total collapse of the investment market. Whatever changes are sought will need to be gradual. Short of a revolution and financial collapse, evolution and patience will be necessary. Personally, I would like to start with revisiting the Constitution, adding more things than deleting and setting aside some "settled law", stare decisis be damned.
Biker - "Still evil though, eh Mike?

"Evil" may not necesserily be the right word, but he's still the better choice than Hanoi Kerry or Al Gore, who was a solid advocate of Second Amendment rights, up until he came into office with Billy Jeff.
when our guys are getting killed defending a foreign countries borders and we open ours even though the majority of us want them closed to illegals...the action speaks for itself and is self the mexican flag on the white house lawn while our guys are dying...they say you are fighting for freedom...NOLA gets destroyed..and the mexican fox says..and implies that his "people" will rebuild it..(we know americans dont want to do those kind of jobs-even black americans) can bush "just say no" to his pal foxie.

Restraining growth of government: F
Border Security: F-
Fiscal responsibility: F
Protecting the 2nd Amendment: C
Fiscal responsibility: F
Protecting the 1st Amendment: F
Fiscal responsibility: F
Waging a Protracted War: C-
Fiscal responsibility: F
Foreign Policy (overall): D
Fiscal responsibility: F
Ability to learn from mistakes: F
Fiscal responsibility: F
Standing by his cronies: A

Overall: D-
Hank B......You got that right!

These last two Supreme Court Nominations was the cream on top of the illegal alien cake, on top of every other weak kneed policy in between.

I hope the Repubican base stays home next time during the mid term elections AND the next General Election too. Let the Democrats sweep in and wake up these useless Republicans.

When I stay home, it'll be the first time in 32 years that I did that! I use to think that guys that voted for an obscure 3rd party candidate or who didn't vote at all were just plain I see how there can be NO CHOICE!
I just wish more people would vote based on their core beliefs of less Govt more individual Liberty than based on chance of winning....etc.

1776 the revolution had no real chance of winning either, but the collective conviction of Individuals carried them through.
Let the Democrats sweep in and wake up these useless Republicans.

Are you saying that if things are not all as you would like it is better to drop out? Not voting or being part of a less-than-1% voting block would just make me politically irrelevant.

Conceding to Democrats is unacceptable as long as they have ultra liberal candidates and senior members of Congress. Clean house or marginalize the tax-and-spend socialists, and we can talk.
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the sheeple love the 2-party system.

being part of a less-than-1% voting block just makes you politically irrelevant.

NO. Being a gullible, compromising, unadventurous party supporting stooge makes your politically irrelevent. There's nothing the Democrat/republican propaganda machine likes to see more than a disgruntled voter who still goes to the polls and votes like a good little citizen. Just like you're told.

Come one, come all, vote your choice, so long as it's a candidate "A" or "B"! It's a two party system, you have to choose one! Don't think outside of the box, don't cause any dissent, just do what we tell you and remember, if you vote for a 3rd party, you're throwing your vote away! Nice and orderly now... that's it.... now don't you feel better? Here's a sticker to show off to your friends, see? You're a real independent thinker, good job!

Seriously, how can you say voting for a 3rd party makes you politically irrelevent? If you vote for the business as usual candidates, how can you say your vote will make a difference? How are you encouraging change by sticking with the status quo? The green party has been siphoning votes away from the Democrats, and they are responding just as the republicans respond to lost votes to libertarians and, in 1992, to Ross Perot. If no one votes outside the system, the system will never change. While I think the two party system will be around for a long time, their policies are dictated by the small minority who vote for third party candidates.
NO. Being a gullible, compromising, unadventurous party supporting stooge makes your politically irrelevent.

I believe it means someone actually in government cares about my vote. Someone who has no chance of winning an election can't help me. In any case, there is no other party with a platform that makes sense to me. I am quite open to a candidate who seems to better match my concerns, as long as he or she seems electable.
All in all I give him a C

He is willing to go to war when need be reguardless of what the rest of the world think's. I like that we have a president who will tell the rest of the world to sit down and shut up. I also think in general he is a likeable guy. And I like he has lowered tax's. And while he may not have done the best job he is the best guy that we had the option of giving the job to IMO.

Now there are some area's he has failed miserably on. The border is so bad he doesn't even get enough for a grade. It is a total and complete faliure and he hasn't done enough to warrent a grade. If you held a gun to my head he get's an F-. I also don't think he has done anything to limit growth of the federal goverment, all he has done is give it more power.
He has finally convinced me to go Libertarian
That's probably the best thing he's done in office. And he's done it for thousands.

I think a better path would be to ensure the nation has adequate capacity for vaccine production - for starters. But...that requires PLANNING
It requires only a free market - which the vaccine market is not.
He sure told Mexico. Oh, wait...

Recent funding bills passed included funding 1000 additional border agents. It will be interesting to see if it gets signed and if the money gets spent, i.e the jobs are posted and filled. S'pose maybe they are for Canada? ;)

If Georgie boy wants to get popular or avoid having it be a partisan issue in an election, he will do something visible about the immigration controversy.

Since letting the military take the lead on big problems has become popular of late, maybe that will come up in a border control context. If you applied the same methods to the Mexican border as are currently being applied to the Iraq/Syria border, I'll bet the immigrant traffic would cool dramatically.

First you would have to decide the immigrants were not welcome unless legally processed.
Ok so..except for Mexico

But I like a president that will fight a war without giving a hoot what the world thinks
Considering that the Mexican army has been crossing the border and firing on US citizens for a long time, that's a truly impressive measure...

I think he has decided they were welcome. And that's what earns him an F on security. Homeland security, my Aunt Fanny...
You have to be joking, Jeff. Clinton was a horrible Pres...Bush is worse. Tell us why Bush is so much better, if you would. Without the standard cliches, hmmmm?
1) Passage of the Assault Weapons Ban. Showed total disregard for constitution.

2) Played around with Monica in the Oval Office while Al Qaeda built training camps with the sole purpose of training to kill Americans.

3) His complete utter lack of respect for the military led to massive downsizing and the debacle in Somalia.

The list goes on and on. Clinton had to be one of the worst presidents off all time. We owe our thanks to Ross Perot for getting him elected.
1) Passage of the Assault Weapons Ban. Showed total disregard for constitution.

The same AWB that Bush Lite said he's sign if it reached his desk? So, what does that make him? Either a traitor to the republican party, or a liar.

2) Played around with Monica in the Oval Office while Al Qaeda built training camps with the sole purpose of training to kill Americans.

Yea, like Clinton spent 8 whole years messing around with that chick. Why *IS* it whenever Bush's screwups are brought up, people have to jump up and down and point to Clinton / whomever? The thread is named "How do you Grade GW Bush," not "How do you grade Clinton / Kerry / etc. "

3) His complete utter lack of respect for the military led to massive downsizing and the debacle in Somalia.

Which the UN participated in. And I wonder if you really don't see the Iraq war as the fustercluck it is? If it was Clinton in office, I'm willing to bet there'd be quite a few here who'd be bitching up a storm "Clinton started another vietnam! What're we doing over there?!?!?"
It's unbelievable how people on both sides of the main political fence will just blindly follow their leaders, without questioning them one bit. And when someone dares to offer the slightest criticism, they bring up past leaders on the other side of the fense and say "But he was worse!"
The same AWB that Bush Lite said he's sign if it reached his desk? So, what does that make him? Either a traitor to the republican party, or a liar.

I love how California seems to produce all the Bush bashers. Wow Bush said he would sign it but has he? Or has he let it sunset? Clinton was the architect of one of the most unconstituitonal laws of all time, the AWB. Bush on the other hand has pushed for and said he will sign lawsuit immunity for gun manufacturers. Would Clinton have pushed for that kind of law? The big question is why are there so many disgruntled Kerry voters in California? Trust me Kerry didn't want to win, if he did he wouldn't have the time to do all the duck hunting he loves so much.

BTW, everyone knows Clinton didn't spend the whole time messing around with Monica there were atleast 5 others who he divided his time with equally.
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