How long do i have to get my SBR and suppressor work through?

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Nobody has a crystal ball of what will happen... But I'd say do it soon.. It's more fun to shoot than let sitting in parts :) For that reason and that reason alone :)
Is there even a hint of any new legislation pertaining to further restrictions of NFA items? I imagine you're JUST FINE. They'll blow enough political capital just trying to flog the losing horse of Ms. Fienstein's current bill.
If they did anything that would take effect this year, your already too late.
As Sam said, no one has even floated the idea of restricting already-restricted NFA firearms any further.

SBRs might be affected by a new assault weapons ban in that new SBRs would have to comply with the new rules, but that's assuming that ban gets passed, which seems unlikely.

Depends on your state legislature, as I don't see the feds touching laws regarding Title II firearms. For instance, there are concerns that the AW bill pending before the MD legislature will affect SBR's.
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