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How long does it take to get approved at sigforums

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Reason? I wonder what that is. I have never ran into that on any forum before.
Para's mood? Are we talking about Para-ordinance now? Forgive my ingorance, im totally lost.

Regarding the "guess" comment, i was going to say to maybe cut down on anti-gun trollers????
"Para" is "parabellum, one of the owners. As far as a delay of a few days in getting approved, I've heard of them taking weeks to approve someone. Actually, they've got the longest thread running about some guy who took weeks to get approved and his first post was to curse out the admins for it. He lasted seven posts.

But they don't allow registration with free email accounts. That keeps down the trolls.
Sounds a bit like a middle-school popularity click.

Maybe ill look for another sig forum.....
I never did 9five or six months ago). Was trying to find info for a friend. Solved the problem myself and forgot about the forum. No interest in Sigs, so I'm getting by.
Sounds a bit like a middle-school popularity click.

Maybe ill look for another sig forum.....

Sounds a bit like a quick assumption...and you know what they say about assumptions. It's been the #1 Sig source for info that I've seen and without the Sig hating I've run into on most other forums. Also, it's way less sensitive from a mod standpoint than many other forums which is a breath of fresh air (don't have to use sweet sparkly words all the time haha). Also, since being a member I've gotten a bit in free gun gear (contests and such) so yeah...don't hate. It's worth the wait.
+1 Speaksoftly!

By the way, that fella that came over the the forum and cursed out the moderators was a hoot! I can't believe he got the attention he got. Para should have canned him at the start . . . but, it made for some drama.

The SigForum is not a bunch of elitist jerks, by the way. There is no better Internet source for Sigs (and really practically any handgun). I have been a member for the past few years and really don't recall the sign-up taking long at all. Send an e-mail to the moderator to find out what's happening.
By the way, that fella that came over the the forum and cursed out the moderators was a hoot! I can't believe he got the attention he got. Para should have canned him at the start . . . but, it made for some drama.

It was pretty funny but is a bit absurd when directed towards some of the coolest, most laid back mods I've ever run into.

I have been a member for the past few years and really don't recall the sign-up taking long at all. Send an e-mail to the moderator to find out what's happening.

Ditto, I think my registration took about 48 hours. I sent an email (a complicated process to some apparently) and got approved.
Signed up several years ago, but can't remember waiting very long before becoming a member. Good forum. And they apparently do allow gmail accounts. :)
Yeah, that sounds like a true story. (Rolls eyes) Those guys are legendary for their heavy handed, arbitrary and capricious moderating. They're so bad a whole 'nother forum was formed in protest to them.

Never had problems myself from them and I'm not the least abrasive person in the world. YMMV though. As for 2aforum, what's your point? Ok so there's apparently an anti-sigforum forum? There's also an anti 1911 forum, anti motorized vehicle forum, and anti internet forum...not impressed by 2aforum as I wouldn't be impressed by an anti The High Road forum.
The 1911 forum can be a bit heavy handed as well.

I was banned from there for siimply saying i wasnt sure "self-defence" was the appropriate term for a weapon designed to shoot greater than 100 yards away..... (a COMMON SENSE argument) to my thinking....

Sure, disagree with me, debate me, bash me, flame me...but ban me for life???

A bit much.. :fire:

Apparantly i got banned from the sig forum for dropping off of it for a few years (not content related..just....because i havent been around..) :banghead:
It was pretty funny but is a bit absurd when directed towards some of the coolest, most laid back mods I've ever run into.
This is the same Para who ran (past tense) the S&W Forum?
The 1911 forum can be a bit heavy handed as well.

I earned a warning for posting a question about Nighthawk leather in the Nighthawk, versus leather forum.

Was temporarily banned for using the acronym WTH. It's a little over populated with koolaide addicts, so I faded away.
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