How many Americans would support a 2A repeal & door to door confiscation? Many would.

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Sep 21, 2007
California Colorado

“We’re just gonna repeal the Second Amendment and take the guns away form the crazy right-wing, white extremists,” Dice tells a man as he’s signing the petition. “And just make sure that only the illegal unregistered guns stay on the street.”

He tells another man that by repealing the Second Amendment, the country can have a “door-to-door gun confiscation against the white people, the right-wing extremists.” The man, who is holding a baby, replies “OK.”

“We’ll be much safer that way,” Dice says.

“Got you,” he replies. “I’m with that, man.”
And the footage...

"only the illegal unregistered guns stay on the street.” - This goes to show how little people really listen. The signer was anti-gun and signed without paying any attention to the words.
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We are always amazed when the late night shows do the same thing... People dont even know who's president, many of those signing probably dont know of the bill of rights, much less the 2nd amendment.....

I think you could promote literally anything and sombody will sign it.

still amazing to see thought.:mad:
We need to circulate a petition to go after irresponsible "modern" parents who aid and enable their kids to have backyard parties involving recreational use of dihydrogen monoxide infused with the poison gas used as weapon of mass destruction in World War One. I bet a lot of people would sign a petition to ban chlorinated pool water.
I understand the sarcasm of what he's doing, but I hope someone kicks his balls clear up around his ears for even asking.
They're gonna hit a little snag when they get to the hills of Arkansas. You can believe that :evil:

Seriously, are there people who actually see this as an option? I guess if you're born and raised in a place where guns are viewed as taboo, you really don't know the impact that such a decision would have. Gun rights are like many other things in some aspects. I figure half of gun owners would hand them over and have their freedom stripped quietly. But that other half................

It was hilarious when he actually told the lady that he wanted to make it where only the criminals had guns and not the law abiding citizens and she was all for it. Are people this stupid everywhere?
If it comes down to that, I hope he comes to my house personally.

I hope he was just doing this to show what idiots people can be. (If not see above.)
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When I was in med school, there was a classic study that asked the queston:

"If male, are you circumcised?" 85% said yes.

When they followed up, with actual examination, it turned out only 49% were correct. Think about that for a minute....

About half of all voluntary male respondents to a written survey did not know what their penis looked like.

Yeah - so even surveys about what your genitalia is like is 50/50 for accuracy. So since then, if someone shouts survey studies at me, I just laugh. And check my penis. ;)
What do you expect from a country dumb enuf to increase it's population over 200 million since 1945 & then elect a guy that will do almost anything to
start the process to take away our guns.
Obviously the people who would sign it failed history class.
I don't necessarily think so. The populace has been dumbed down and they now do not know what a 'right' is. They don't know what liberty is, and this video is a glaring indication of that.

The curriculum in public schools is a political football today. Kids are being taught that the 2nd Amendment is not a right of the people. I've also heard that modern curriculum is teaching that Christopher Columbus was primarily an environmentalist, that 9/11 was caused by American policy, that an entire history book had but one single paragraph on Abraham Lincoln.

Not truly knowing what 'liberty' is or what a 'right' is, today's American does not mind if their political foes are stripped of rights and abused by government; they do not care about it and in fact they believe the proper role of government is to dictate such things. The only relationship between the government and the people that they believe in is where the people are watched over, taken care of, and edified by the government.

Recently a Howard University student told Rand Paul that he doesn't want distance between him and the government, that he wants a government that will provide for him. The role of government is now what used to be the role of the individual.

Funny funny . People just signed like crazy. They dont know the issues, what is happening to America? Was this conducted in the NE? It could be different if you are in Dixie Country and Texas.
People have always been gullible, and react emotionally more than rationally. There was a famous prank done by some advertising agency employees right after World War II had ended. A booth was set up in Times Square, in NYC, with a sign encouraging donations for the widows and orphans of the Unknown Soldiers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. They received over $400,000 (and remember, this was in 1945!).
Kinda funny how stupid people really are. I net if there was something about money in there it would have gotten people's attention better.
Think this video is scary? Look at his man on the street video on the 11th anniversary of 9-11.

"So what are you going to do on the eleventh anniversary of 9-11? You know....9-11....when the evil Decepticons destroyed the Sears Towers in New Jersey."

Sad and scary. A lot of these folks might even bother to vote.
When I was in med school, there was a classic study that asked the queston:

"If male, are you circumcised?" 85% said yes.

When they followed up, with actual examination, it turned out only 49% were correct. Think about that for a minute....

About half of all voluntary male respondents to a written survey did not know what their penis looked like.

Yeah - so even surveys about what your genitalia is like is 50/50 for accuracy. So since then, if someone shouts survey studies at me, I just laugh. And check my penis. ;)
Am J Epidemiol. 2004 Jun 1;159(11):1095-7.
Self-assessment of circumcision status by adolescents.
Risser JM, Risser WL, Eissa MA, Cromwell PF, Barratt MS, Bortot A.
Department of Epidemiology, Center for Infectious Diseases, University of Texas-Houston School of Public Health, Houston, TX 77030, USA. [email protected]
People have always been gullible, and react emotionally more than rationally. There was a famous prank done by some advertising agency employees right after World War II had ended. A booth was set up in Times Square, in NYC, with a sign encouraging donations for the widows and orphans of the Unknown Soldiers buried in Arlington National Cemetery. They received over $400,000 (and remember, this was in 1945!).

"Prank " ?
$400,000 ? :what:
Ahh..i think that's called embezzlement. lol
It is time to wake the people up! Trying to win them over willnot work unless they SEE the truth with their own eyes! This is a sad but true reality! Even then they will still be under a false belief & will be easily deceived by the forces that are trying to destroy our heritage of a free Republic.
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