How many $$$ for Defense COntacting?

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Sep 19, 2005
Gaston, SC
I was just curious, Im almost finished with over 20 yrs plus of Army Infantry/Ranger/Spec Ops. Im looking into going like Blackwater or something else. ANy suggestions or recommendations? And whats the ball park figure were looking at on pay? Im not in it for the rush...Im not freakin 18 anymore, I just want ot use my skills and get paid. ANyone else that says different Id say was full of ...."feces". Damn now IM a politically correct moron...Id use to have had ????...hehehe. - The Chu
There may be other boards better suited to your Civilian Contractor questions. Lightfighter and are both good. There are plenty of current and former contractors there who can give you sound advice.

You might also want to check out the Civilian Contractor DVD series:

Lots of information for someone interested in that field.
I gather the contracting companies who supply the Middle East are hiring South Americans. Much, much cheaper than using Yanks or Brits.
Black Water uses South Americans to work under the American BW personnel here in Iraq. There are always American supervisors running the South Americans. Some secuity jobs can only be held by Americans. I think most BW personnel in Iraq start out at $500-600 a day (perhaps a bit more). BW living conditions are better than those for the military personnel assigned here. I would imagine the other contract security companies pay their personnel about the same as BW. Good luck and congratualtions on your pending military retirement.
A friend of mine was offered a job at Blackwater. He also has an SF background. It was around $550 a day, if I recall correctly.

Now the big money is if you do some protective detail work for oil company executives. An acquaintence made an obscene amount of money doing that. I do not know what company he was with though.
I think most BW personnel in Iraq start out at $500-600 a day

Who pays for living expenses and equipment? That seems like an obscenely low amount of money. Can they make more with their per diem and such?

I have no idea what these guys do but it is strange to see someone doing a job in a hostile and unpleasant place for so little cash.

Housing, meals and equipment is provided by BW. I'm not sure if they rx anything in the way of bonuses and extra money.
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