How many guns in this room?

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I've been made once, by a gas station clerk. He'd known me for a long time, though, so he didn't panic or really react, just asked me how long I'd been CC'ing.

When I was at the range for the instruction phase of getting the CC license, the instructor came in wearing jeans, a polo shirt, and a light jacket. He then pulled out no fewer than FOURTEEN various handguns, including a 1911 and two large Smiths! It was incredible, you couldn't tell he was carrying a thing at all, and he was a fairly little guy too.
Some folks don't care

In Texas there isn't really any consequence for being printed as long as you are not carrying openly. I know a few people who don't make much effort to avoid being printed. Nobody seems to notice in this area. Besides, our detectives carry openly with no badge showing. People just assume you have the authority to carry as long as you look and act respectable.

I've had some experiences after hours in my office when customers dropped by because the lights were on. I've had all manner of firearms laying on my desk because I was cleaning, tinkering, admiring or whatever. Never a negative comment. Sometimes they ask if I'm a hunter or collector. I'm not perceived as a threat by most people, regardless of whether or not I'm armed. Nice guy with gun = no problem. Not-so-nice guy with gun = nervous people.

I don't think I've ever been made. But really, how would I know?

I pay attention to people I perceive to be a risk based on their behavior/demeanor. It doesn't matter whether they have a gun or not. Nobody needs a gun to cause trouble or hurt people.
Lots of tech geeks and such in my area. Any bulges or shapes you see are as likely to be a "PIM" of some sort or cell phones or dayplanners or MP3 players or any other sort of gadget. I still play the guessing game for my own amusement.

I also play the guessing game as an exercise to see how I can do it better. For example, until I saw someone else printing I never quite realized that with smooth, solid colored shirts I might as well open carry. Switched to textured shirts in a darker pattern or an alternating light/dark pattern and they work much better.
Well, according to the VPC, Armed CCW holders are very easy to spot. They will be the ones "turning our streets red with blood over minor altercations."

I must be doing something wrong. I get made all the time when wearing certain clothes. Maybe my "Go Ahead, Make My Day" shirt with the revolver on it must be is too tight or something. :)
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