How to do a BLO finish with a shine

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Jan 3, 2012
Denham Springs LA
Here is a few tips to get the shine.
#1 prep of the stock before the finish is applied.
#2 Wax top coat.
#3 The harder the wax, the better the shine.

Here is what you will need to do.
#1 Strip your stock to remove any old finish and dirt.
#2 Bone the stock. This is done in place of sanding. It will compress the surface of the stock making it harder and smoother.
#3 Hand rub in the oil. Do not cut the oil. Your first two coats you want to be wet and you will need to rub each till they are warm. Allow the oil to sit on the stock for 30 min befoer wiping it dry for each coat and allow each coat to dry for 48 hours.
#4 next do two thin hand bub coats. You want to use just enough oil to lightly wet the stock and then rub the hell out of in. When you are dune rubbing you should be tired. ;) and the stock should look dry. Wipe the stock down after 30 min and allow 48 hours befor you apply the second coat.
#5 Apply a wax top coat. You will need to do this by hand and with a paste wax. Apply the wax and rub the stock until it gets warm. Allow it to sit for approx. 30 min and buff with a soft cloth. You will need to apply 3 to 4 coats of wax in this way. It is what is called Hand polish waxing.
What you are doing is building up a wax finish that will mimic the look of the built up surface of an old oil finish, but without the dirt.
* Key point is to allow the coats of oil to cure prior to applying the wax. If the oil is not cured it will seep into the wax, making it dull.
This finish should take you just over a week to do, but it should give you what you are looking for.
Here is a BLO finish with a hand polished wax top coat.
Nice job. I've done a couple BLO finishes but I basically just did about 20 hand-rubbed coats without wiping anything off. Applying just enough to my fingers to barely cover the surface of the stock (so it isn't dry to the touch) and rubbing it until warm. Let dry overnight, repeat the next day. Finish with 2 or 3 coats of Tom's wax. Took about a month.


Did you stain the stock above before BLO?
Thanks for the kind words.
I have always loved to do stock work and have found that showing others how to do stock work is just as fun.

No stain was used on this stock. It just the natrual walnut color.
It started out with the old Ruger factory finishs and some damage to the toe of the butt. Here are some more pics.



Gunny, do you ever use burlap, toe-sacks material to buff the stocks out? I've used this method a couple of times, it smooths the finish out, but yet doesn't give it that plastic poly look either. Then, if and when it might get that hazy, cloudy look, just buff again. You did some nice repair work on the bunged up toe!
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