How to find property to hog hunt?

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Jan 3, 2013
I'm curious:
1. How to find an area abundant with hogs.
2. How to get permission to hunt them.

I've hunted my entire life (bow and gun) but never for hogs. I'd like to get into them in the future. I don't mind travelling at some point. I hunt mostly midwest states currently (deer, turkey, pheasant, quail, and waterfowl). My next animal (we eat what we shoot) is wild bore/hogs.
Are you willing to pay or do you just want free permission? If you are willing to pay, Google is your friend. If you just want permission, well that could be a little tougher. Being an "out of towner" makes most land owners a little weary. A little info about what state you live in might help. Also, some wildlife departments will post public lands that have feral hogs.
Kind of what bigboar said become friends with land owners or farmers, if you want to do it for free.

None of my friends have ever paid to hunt at our farm and have even let a few neighbors help solve the problem too. if someone want to charge you, they don't want to get rid of them bad enough.
A great deal depends on where you are and to some extent whether you're city folk or not. Isn't any different than asking permission to hunt anything else. If you are close to a city you might run into city people who bought a farm to be their vacation property and are anti-hunting. Just like you might run into a farmer who has had a bad experience with city hunters.
Cold calling strangers go door knocking any day except Sunday, not wearing camouflage or having a firearm with you and ask politely. If you are refused, thank the person and leave. It is not impolite to ask if they know of somebody who might let you on their land though.
A wild bore is a politician.
You could always ask at local gun shops and sporting goods stores or ask a farmer if he has a hog problem and ids there any work around the place you could do in return for hog hunting.
I've never seen a hog in the area. I do see deer and turkey regularly, coyotes rarely but I hear them at night.

I'd assume not seeing them out and about likely means very low hog population? In other words, where hogs are abundant, you'll see them out rooting in fields during the day?
At our farm they are for the most part nocturnal, it is rare to see them in daylight.

What is unmistakable is the damage they leave behind when eating.
Thus the
... become friends with land owners or farmers, if you want to do it for free.

So there you have it. You just have to figure out who has hogs and become their friends. That is...
1. How to find an area abundant with hogs.
2. How to get permission to hunt them.

All of a sudden, 777funk is back at square one.

The bottom line is that for the common way of getting access is that you have to know folks or have folks that know you that are familiar with the problem and then as a newcomer, you need to figure out how you can convince folks with the hogs that you have something to offer that maybe all their other buddies don't have to offer. Maybe you have NV gear. Maybe you can come when called. Maybe you are willing to help mend fences.

You basically need to be able to be perceived as less trouble than other options available to the land owner, often times just letting the hogs do their thing is seen as less trouble as enough landowners have been burned by hunters that come in and who then leave gates open, leave garbage, rut wet fields with trucks or UTVs, and in general, cause more consternation for the landowner than they had before they arrived.

Generally speaking, this is not a quick process. It is expedited if you live in the immediate area and go to church with the people at hand who may be in your need of your services. It helps if your kids go to school with the kids whose parents are in need.

If you live in the city and are looking for free hunting in the country, you have a decidedly tough endeavor.
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Buy some property near a major riverbeds and heavy forested areas. The hogs love cover and water .
Guess it could be a "how to make friends" thread, talk to people and find things you have in common. Work, church, a kids activity that other parents have to go to, partys. You never know who you are going to meet or where. I have even met fellow shooters through my wife.

If you want to meet a bunch of them all in the same spot get into one of the many gun games out there.
No immediate solutions —

Finding a place to hunt for free is sort of the Holy Grail of hog hunting. Maybe I should say, finding a GOOD place to hunt for free . . .

Most likely it'll take some time, but start by mentioning it to your friends and coworkers that you're an active hunter, and that you wish you could find a good place to hunt hogs. Let your family members know as well. You don't want to be a nuisance, but look for opportunities to mention it in conversation. It may never produce anything, but it has worked for me on occasion. Eventually someone says something like "Man, my cousin was just telling me how his farm has been hit by hogs recently, you want me to see if he'd be interested in having you come out and shoot 'em?"

Bingo! There's nothing like a personal reference. Your friend's cousin is FAR more likely to let you come out, seeing that his own cousin knows you and is effectively recommending you.

No guarantees, but good luck!
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