How to Free stuck nipple?

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Have attached this link to another (different) posting:

Have searched, somewhat; to the point, where frustration begins to set in. No one seems to carry a nipple wrench that will mate to this tool.

In fact, the more I look, the more it seems that there does not exist a nipple wrench, which is worth its weight in the metal, from which, it was constructed. Couple of reviewers even suggest that there is NO SUCH THING as a functional nipple wrench (like it was some kind of conspiracy). This, rather blows the idea of adapting an existing wrench to fit something like the Magna-Tip ratchet, right out of the water.

Sure would appreciate it, if someone might could rub my nose in the something I’ve missed. Likely, this would be that some thing, which has been right in front of my face the whole time. Which, is where stuff like that usually ends up having been, if one wants to discuss conspiracies…
I'd be happy if I could just find a nipple wrench worth a crap.

Are they supposed to chip and break so as not to damage the nipple?

And I have said it before, I'm not sure why I even want to take them out. Ya'll have explained it before but I still ain't sure.

How about recommend a wrench worth more than 25 cents.
Wonder how much a machine shop would charge to make a nipple wrench
out of stainless steel.
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