How to go from 5 ft 8 in to 2 inches tall in one pull of the trigger

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Harley Man

Jul 30, 2008
Arlington Texas
I would have to say I'm pretty secure with myself, and don't really feel the need to go to the gun range with pearl handled weapons, in fancy wooden boxes to impress my fellow range shooters. I do like now and then to take my S & W Model 29 44 Mag to shoot. I've noticed in the past when I let a round go down range the persons on either side of me give me the evil eye as the concussion is pretty noticeable. I throught the next time I go to the range I will be polite and let the other people in the range know what I was shooting so they would not strike me with the butt of there weapon. The next range day I took my 44, and as I was loading up 6 I noticed a couple of people watching, as it is (at least in my mind) a beautiful weapon, so I'm thinking now is the time to be a stand up guy, and let everyone know there will be quite a bit of fire and substantial concussion when I let go. You could feel the anticipation in the room as I took aim at my target.
The way you go from 5" 8' to 2 inches tall in the pull of a trigger is to load your 44 Mag with "COWBOY LOADS"!
I just laughed and everyone else had a "I'm calling BS" look on their faces.

Make sure you know what is going into your weapon.

Harley Man
Proud Viet Nam Vet
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