How to respond to your doctor if s/he asks you about gun ownersip?

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Many of you guys are missing the point. It's not about answering your Dr., it's about what goes to the guberment. So what if your Doc is pro gun? My ex doctor sells ammo, has a firing range used by the local SD, etc, but if you chit chat with him and admit you own guns as a good ol' boy, it still goes as a check in the "yes" blank and goes on your record. "NO" is the proper answer. I don't remember lying to a doctor being a felony. yet...
Never come up with my doctor--wife and kids have been instructed to not answer if asked in my absence.

I have brought it up w/ my eye doctor before, as it seemed relevant. Only problem was that he wasn't a handgun shooter and had to ask me to demonstrate about how far from my face the front sight would be. He said I should bring in my gun next time and try it out w/ the machine, but he guessed that he had a good prescription for shooting/computer glasses by guess (and he did).

On a somewhat related note, we go to a medical clinic with multiple doctors and a rather large waiting room. I find that this is an excellent place to drop off "Grandpa Jack" comic books
I'll just be saying "no". Why get into the beef? I suppose if they make me fill out a 4473 everytime I go to the doctor and "swear" as to the fact under penalty of law then I guess I will contemplate.

I'll just be saying "no" in the meantime.
I've carried concealed for many years so I guess it's public record. But I did have a company Dr. ask years ago, wanted to know if I owned one, would actually use one, was shocked at my answer and probably went back to NYC telling his friends about those crazy rednecks from KY, this was easy I asked him because he was about my age where he served in Vietnam. No answer on that just we're finished.
Well, my PCP is in my gun club, so we always talk guns when I see him! :)

However, my company pays for 4 visits a year to a certain clinic. I have only been there 2X in the last 10 years. The last time the nurse asked if I have guns. In a very polite, modulated tone AND using medical terminology, I replied, "When was the last time you (insert a certain sexual activity here)"?

She flustered and replied, " Um...ehh...That's none of your business sir!"

I smiled and said, "True, I shouldn't be so inquisitive."

She got the message, skipped the silly questions and got to the business @ hand. ;)

But, I agree w/ the other posters, just say "No" in a calm, disinterested manner when asked if you have guns in the home.
My wife and I were at an OB appointment when she was pregnant with our son. Her doc asked if I could get him in to the SHOT show.
My doctors generally never ask. However, the only exception was our family practitioner, where the topic came up in conversation (I was reading a sporting magazine, while waiting for him to come in, looking at a rifle ad).

Doctor: "Do you have any firearms?"
Me: "Yup. All locked up safe and sound" (smiling politely).
Doctor "Are you under stress or feeling depressed."
I replied "No, of course not, But then I haven't seen your bill yet."

He smiled, and went about the physical. Great doctor. Not pro-2A by any definition, but a nice guy. He passed on a few years ago. But, even though he was a nice guy, the exchange left me concerned about mixing doctors, politics and social agendas.
I offer to take him out to the range, and detail any safety equipment he may need, but he monitors my lead levels as well, it's not a surprise to him. .

He hasn't taken me up on it, but his Nurse asked a few questions about the range. ;)
>Everyone should simply say "No." End of discussion.

Though I ordinarily don't hold with lying, an improper question merits an improper answer.

Any answer other than "no" will be interpreted as "yes."
At my age I see several different Docs on a regular basis now.
Never been asked that question, but I wouldn't pull punches and would just state it was none of their business.
"Do I have any guns? Of course! I have caulk guns in two different calibers. But only for self defense (against moisture), and I know how to use them properly and store them safely. I'm thinking about getting a semi-automatic grease gun, and a small glue gun for concealed carry. As a curio/relic, I have a really old TV that contains some cathode ray guns. Next question."
No, not "get a new doctor!" - that comes later. I mean right then...

I'd assume the answer could vary depending on where you fit in on the scale:

A) Vocal pro-2A proponent
B) Someone who only a very few people, if at all, would know or even suspect you own firearms.

I'd suspect that if your Dr. is willing to go there, a simple denial might be better for you than telling him to butt out of things that are not his business (no matter that it's true). But if you're more of an "A" than a "B," it's not likely that they'd believe you anyway...

"That is none of your business don't ask me again."
I would simply counter with:

I have you ever considered cheating on your spouse?

The moral compass of my doctor is just as relevant.
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