How would you reduce gun related crime?

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Aug 5, 2003
Central FL
Imagine this - you are in the position to do something about the messed up gun laws in your municipalty. What would you do to try and satisfy the antis, keep the 2nd amendment intact, and lock up the gangbangers?

I would do a number of things:

1. Deregulate the call in program.

I live in FL, and my dealer calls FDLE everytime he needs to get an approval number for a customer. It seems to me that since my states chief law enforcement agency serves the state residents - they need to do more to serve state residents, especially on such an important issue.

I spoke with FDLE agents at a huge gun show in WPB at which point I asked them - if theres someone that I feel on the fence about selling to, do I as a resident of the state have the ability to do an instant background check as dealers so often do. Answer: Kinda.

I have the ability to spend $20 some odd dollars to have a background check run that can take up to 6-8 weeks. Instant? No way. Convenient? Hardly.

The antis make it a point to bash gun shows about how criminals acquire weapons there from unscrupulous individuals. Maybe if the average Joe had the ABILITY to check their background we wouldnt have this problem.

2. Proper Felon Identification.

If you are not able to accurately determine eligbility for your prospective buyer, simply have them show ID. I belive that anyone convicted of a felony needs to have "CONVICTED FELON" printed in red capital letters right under their state identification picture. No muss, no fuss. And for the anti gunners screaming "This will only drive them to creation of fake ID's" - I propose that we enact stricter penalties against uttering a forged instrument.

3. Deregulate FFL licensing. The anti platform has an annoyingly prevalent phrase - "Unlicensed Dealers".

Why is that? Simple. Ordinary citizens who enjoy the constant rotation of firearms, do not wish to be burdened by the ATF or the requirements of them to have business premises and an undue expenditure into the wonderful world of comprehensive liability insurance. (Side note: My parents had a restaurant with a $300,000 umbrella. Cost, $3000/year.)

Solution: Create another type of FFL (lets call it Type 001) that provides for a C&R type ability to recieve and keep track of firearms. Sales would be treated as normal OTC retail transactions with each state's department of revenue collecting appropriate use tax.

To keep the commercial type FFL's happy - prohibit distrubutor's and manufacturers to sell to type 001, whereupon the source of acquired firearms are limited to type 01 and 02 dealers, and common citizens in and out of state.

4. Promote LE Pro-active firearms enforcement.

I think that a lot of law enforcement agency overlook the fact that felons can get guns in the newspaper from an average joe. I think that every agency needs to take an approach at catching common criminals ATTEMPTING to acquire a firearm. Certainly that is (or should be!) a crime for someone whose lost their right to bear arms to attempt the acquisiton of one. A key example is all the denials of purchasers attempting to buy at FFL's. There are reasons for getting a denial number from NICS, but theres usually a good reason - meaning if the person lied on the 4473 about a prior, or a restraining order, or whatnot - ATF or local LEO's should be on the case as soon as the NICS operator gets off the phone.

Thats just my .02.

Anyone else have commentary? And yes- I know, some of it is a little radical but the antis keep ranting about "reasonable gun control" - so I'm led to believe if we deregulate the industry we'll have a safer one.
I've toyed with this idea for a long time, and I'm not satisfied it would work, but I'd consider making theft of a firearm from a home or place of business a 10 or 15 year federal felony, and do away with any kind of $ value requirement for firearms property theft. I'd make it a showpiece crime, too, with full blown CSI style crime lab scene analysis. To my way of thinking, it ought to be a serious priority.
I reject the whole premise being put forward in the opening post. It ENTIRELY puts the onus on legal owners and legal businesspeople going about their trade.

Punish the CRIMINAL.
Use A Gun, Go To Jail.
No plea bargains on violent crime, crime with a gun. MANDATED harsh sentences for same.
THAT is the only thing that will reduce recidivism, and raise the bar for idiots considering crime involving firearms.
I'd make an official pronouncement stating that all law-abiding citizens have a legal right to use deadly force to defend their lives, their homes, their property, and their vehicles. I'd declare open season on carjackers, burglars, rapists, thieves, and anyone else with evil intentions. Of course I'd also make it quite clear that anyone caught lying about the circumstances of a shooting or trying to use the law to settle a private score would face jail time up to and including life without parole. (Depending upon the circumstances, naturally) Basically, my public policy would be that if you're honest and the shooting was justified we'll support you one hundred percent, but if you're not we'll come down on you so hard you won't know what hit you.

It wouldn't take long before criminals started looking elsewhere for easier prey - either that or sticking to non-violent crimes like gambling, prostitution, loan-sharking, Internet scams, etc.
ghetto surprise

My "disturbed" fantasy would be going into the "ghetto" and handing out some very shiny .38 and 357 revolvers to all the senior citizens. All the gang bangers and drug dealers on the corner would be moving out in 24 hours !! :evil:
Legalize drugs. Wouldn't end it all, but you'd get a huge reduction right there. Also see a corresponding reduction in abuses of our rights by the police.

Caveat: Any law legalizing drugs must have a clause stating that any person using said drugs is solely and completely responsible for the consequences.
Two pieces of legislation:

1. Legislation similar to Florida's 10-20-Life law. Possess a firearm during the comission of a crime, add 10 years. Discharge a firearm during the comission of a crime, add 20 years. Shoot someone during the comission of a crime, life.

2. Legislation protecting citizens who use firearms to defend themselves and whose use of said firearm is determined to be lawful (by either the prosecutor or a jury) from civil suits.

I like the idea of putting "Convicted Felon" of government-issued identification.
Abolish the Welfare State which drives the subculture of crime.
And along with it, our absurdly high tax rates, which make it hard for people to get out of their economic situations.

However, we've reduced gun crime by huge amounts in the past 10 years (slight up-tick in the past two years). I would try to sort out the coincidental "causes" (aging population) from what actually worked.

Everyone is trying to make claims that their programs worked to reduce gun crime, but most of those claims simply are post hoc falacies.
Encourage every law-abiding citizen to be armed at all times. To promote this, enact a program where armed citizens get a 10% tax break on all retail purchases.

(This only makes sense… people who are unarmed need police protection more than armed folks, and therefore should burden more of the cost.)
Tort reform.... Get rid of the stupid civil lawsuits, hint to Judges, throw them out of court.. i.e. the MacDonald's coffee lady.
Teach juries that they have the power to say NOT GUILTY if they disagree with the law.
Throw out all regulatory laws dealing with size, weight or other trivial thing, but keep them for Environmental or Safety.

Hang any lawyer who loses a Civil case.

Have the Steel workers hold the ethics panel of the lawyers, no more self governing of the BAR

I kind of waffle on making drugs legal, but has making them illegal made any progress?

Make it real painful to break the law. If you get convicted of a crime then your punishment will be to have the same happen to you. Example if you do a hit and run you will be hit and left for the same length of time. If you commit a murder, your punishment will be to die the way and how your victim died.

Remove the MEDIA from the glorification of the crime, glorify if any the arresting officer and the winning prosecuting Atty.
Guns do not commit crimes ......

It is criminals using guns, and other weapons for that matter, that do.

Therefore the source of the problem is criminals, not guns.

So the answer is to go after the criminals who use guns and incarcerate them where they can only hurt their own kind.

Unless one can get criminals to respect and obey laws in general, and gun control laws in particular such statutes are worthless as a crime preventative.

None of this will make the slightest dent in the thinking of left-wing individuals. Their stock-in-trade is that the common people must be reduced to equal helplessness so that they can be saved and the adversities in life eliminated by a benevolent and all-powerful “progressive†government. Criminals after all are the victims of an uncaring, raciest and unfair society. Guns are nothing but horrid objects that should and must be eliminated. Thereafter we can all march to a crime-free Utopia.
-Create jobs, try to stimulate growth in poorer neighborhoods without resorting to welfare
-tough laws on violent criminals, they must serve their terms
-fair punishment for non-violent criminals so that they don't take up space, time, tax dollars, and overcrowd prisons to the point where other criminals are let out early.
duke? I have a problem with your question. Do you want to change gun control laws, or reduce crime? Your statement seems to assume they are related items.

I think the problem is in the courts. If someone commits a crime, they should be punished. If the crime kills someone they should be executed ( I think any state execution should be public, put it on prime time tv.) If capital punishment is not one of the things you can agree to, then life in prison will work (REAL life, not an arbitrary number of years, say what you mean, and mean what you say.) IF/WHEN you release someone from prison restore all his rights, he has paid his debt. If he is dangerous to society, keep him locked up.

Gun control, and crime control are different issues.
1) End the War on Drugs... it is a colossal waste of money, manpower, and lives. Prohibition of alchohol created a whole class of organized criminals (the "mob") and the war on drugs has done the same in the "cartels" (sp?).

2) Repeal all anti-gun legislation effective immediately.

3) Encourage high schools and/or colleges to add a required credit course on gun safety/marksmanship.

4) Impliment a flat tax that only draws anough money to provide funds for the common defense and a few other items actually mentioned in the constitution under the powers of the government.
I would certainly like to see stiffer criminal penalties for anyone who uses a gun in a criminal act. Adding years to a sentence is a good way but most states already have serious problems with prison overcrowding. Here in WA, the lame-duck governor has recently released some convicts from the state prisons. The courts take a dim view of states that have excessive prison populations and can force the state to either release criminals or use some other method like home incarceration.

Unfortunately, new prisons cost millions and millions of dollars and sometimes it's difficult to even hire competent correctional facility staff. A lot of states do not pay a reasonable salary for what staff have to go thru.

As far as the part about private sale of guns, I don't think another bureacracy with separate licensing and types of forms would be an effective tool. Too much red tape, time and, even dependency on the accuracy of the data would cause more problems that it could solve.

If there was a simple way to do a NICS check just like a gunshop does, that might be the easiest way out. Creating a FFL for a private seller would be great but I would want to see it as a strictly voluntary deal. Maybe even pay a tiny license fee but be able to call and get the same background check response that a dealer does. I would not have a problem with having a buyer complete a form similar to the 4473 that I could keep as a record. I'm pretty picky about who I sell a gun to. At a minimum, I want 2 pieces of photo ID and will only sell handguns to a current and valid WA CCW holder. And if I don't feel right about the buyer for whatever reason, I just plain won't sell. As a private seller, I can do that. I have seen some people at gun shops in the process of buying a handgun that I decide while I am in the store, I always keep one eye on them.
to reduce gun crime I would:

1) national CCW permit for $25 processing fee and background check.
2) mandatory sentance of 10 years for anyone posessing a firearm during a crime except in self-defense. No parole. No suspended sentance. No early release period.
3) tort reform that would prevent a criminal's relatives etc from suing someone who used a firearm in self defense
4) Instant check has 8 hours to check someone's status of whether they can own a firearm or not.
5) handgun ownership goes to 18. If you are old enough to die for your country and vote, then you should be able to defend yourself.
6) make prison a bad place to be. I'm not advocating making prisons as bad as they were before the turn of the century, but cable tv, weights etc have got to go. Put the felons to work making big rocks into little pea stone for 10 hours a day. Tire them out so that they are too tired to fight each other etc.
7) make a life sentance a true life sentance, no chance at getting out, ever, I mean it.

I've probably overlooked some other good ideas.

The same way you reduce assault, home invasion, robbery, rape and all other violent crime, you arrest and convict the perps.
Quick skim.

You don't go after any sort of "gun crimes" at all, you go after crimes against people - simple as that.

Doesn't matter = a ball-bat, a gun, a screwdriver = a crime against is.

A firearm doesn't make it more lethal.
Forget “gun violence.†Let’s work on all violent crime.

Restore the right to keep and bear arms. An armed society is a polite society.

Decriminalize drugs, prostitution, gambling, and other victimless “crimes.†Regulate, if necessary. Punish violent criminals severely, regardless of the weapons used.

~G. Fink
2) mandatory sentance of 10 years for anyone posessing a firearm during a crime

ANY crime? Jaywalking? Expired license plates? Trying to buy a beer while underage? Shoplifting? Illegal stock trades?

"Ladies and gentlemen we have reason to beleive that the defendant was WEARING A FIREARM while commit fraud over the phone. If convicted he will serve at least 10 years in prison."

Be careful about making broad statements such as this. It's what our legislators do and it ticks me off to no end.
1) Reinstate 2A to all free citizens.
Give some a second chance. Invalidate non violent acts as fellony in current context. Install protection from prosecution and civil suit for self defense.

2) Repeal all anti-gun legislation effective immediately.
I should be able to purchase an Uzi in 45acp and carry as I please.
Have legislators, judges, and other govt. funtionaries prosecuted for crossing constitutional law in any way.

3) Encourage high schools and/or colleges to add a required credit course on gun safety/marksmanship.
Make it criminal for parrents of children who are involved in accidental discharge. Parents should be teaching kids and keeping arms out of reach of curious preteens.

4) Make the tax system economy driven. Sales tax. You play hard you pay hard. Government will be more responsible with money and economy.
Smaller govt. also but not directly related to this thread.

Hang a few lawyers, judges, and lawmakers found to be treasonous.

Given time and study I could change my mind on some points. But not many.
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