Huntable State Land (New York)

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May 1, 2019
Last night I was checking out New York State Land that is open to hunting.
I,m alway looking for new places to check out and found a few years worh.
In Region 7 there are a hundred pieces of State Land open to hunting with over 178,988 acres avallilable. Some of it I have hunted and harvested deer, turkeys, squirrels, grouse & rabbits.
Much of these state land parcels I have not known about; but will be checking them out.

The smallest parcel is 500 acres, the largest is 1552 acres that is connected to another 11,000 acres.

Two pieces of the State land does not allow hunting with a gun, but do allow bow hunting.

Five parcels do not have the acreage listed.

Once deer season is open and the deer completly change their patterns I will be time to adventure in to these new places.
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