Hunting dog owners beware..

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Staff member
Jan 28, 2003
I am writing this with a heavy heart. But please be aware of a tragedy that could happen to your puppy.

I came home tonight to two very sad little girls and sobbing wife. And the body of my now dead 10 week old Jadgterrier puppy.

This is a weird story and the reason I'm writing it is that never in a million years would I suspect that a puppy could kill himself this way.

My girls went to the store to pick up a few groceries and my 3 year old daughter who was seriously attatched to this puppy insisted that they take Zulu (the puppy) along for a car ride.

When they came out of the store 10 minutes later my 3 year old daughter found Zulu dead on the floor of the car with one of those $.50 vender type Dorito bags over his head.

Apparently he had stuck his head in the foil chip bag and suffocated.

My wife (who's a veternarian) tried CPR on the pup but to no avail.

So tommorrow we'll be having a proper burial for a member of our family. All because of a damn Dorito bag!!! All of you dog owners out there watch out for this one.
Sorry for your loss. I would hate to lose either of my girls.

There are so many ways that dogs can die it is scary. I came home one time and found my dog in the back yard with her head in the handel of a small bucket. The worst part was she was trying so hard to get out that she was about to fall in the pool. Luckily I was there and caught her.

Once again I am sorry.:(
I am ridiculed once in a while for treating my dog as if it were one of my children, but I have kept all of them safe that way.

Sorry to hear of your loss, that is hard enough on adults let alone small kids.............
So sorry for your loss, hard to give the life and death speech to a 3 year old...if you have not done so yet, go right out and get another puppy. Help you a little and help your kids alot.

Not to make this the sadest post ever but since we are giving dogs are in a fenced in area at the back of our property. The snail were eating all our plants so I spread snail poisen out. The snails ate the poisen, then crawled 20 feet under the fench and dogs ate the dead snails and they died. Never would of thought that could happen...
To all,
Thank you. I have already bought this dogs half brother and am picking him up on Tuesday.

I feel that it is in my daughters best interest and thank you for verifying that for me. I kinda felt bad about rushing out and getting another dog so soon.

Not to mention I can't see being without a good dog out on the ranch.

My three year old and her six year old sister made this drawing for us this morning after we burried the puppy. It is a young girls rendition of her dog going to heaven..:(
w/ our last litter of pups, i noticed that the dogs, a couple in particular, were bent on getting their heads into things. in fact, we have a hilarious photo of a yellow lab pup around 5 weeks old w/ one of those plastic trick-or-treat pumpkins stuck on its head...

anyway, after watching these pups get all manner of 'stuck on their head', we became acutely aware of hazards...

sorry for your loss, i hope everybody bounces back!
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