Hurricane....what would you do with your gun collection?

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I vote for pistols in freezer bags,inside trash bags inside a portable ice chest,sealed and taped,inside my attic.
Somebody mentioned seal-a-meals for ammo... Maybe toss in some silica gel for good measure. :D
You know, I'm as much a gun nut as anyone else, but frankly there are more important things than guns.

Except with antiques and family heirlooms guns are replaceable, and room in a car or two is limited.

I'd take a couple guns with me for protection but most would be left behind to make room for more important things (not to mention the fact that time may be limited). Instead I'd be sure to bring a good collection of my library of religious books (at least the minimum 3 or 4 I need regularly if I didn't have time/room to take more), my cat (kept in a rather bulky cat carrier which would take a lot of room, plus food and litter), irreplacable family photos, important papers, a backup of important documents from my computer, plenty of food and water, a tent (don't know where I'll stop and if all the facilities will be full), a bug out bag, an additional first aid kit, etc.

This is a situation where you bring what you need, and frankly we only really 'need' one or two guns.
I wouldn't live in a hurricane-prone zone

I vacation in Buxton, NC. Been going down there for 40yrs, and lived in NC for 5. I've been asked by many why I never bought a lot down there, the answer is simple. Never leave anything you want to ever see again, within ten miles of the ocean. If you buy a house on the water or near the water, don't put anything in it you aren't prepared to walk away from.

It is no secret that hurricanes favor these areas. It is a game of chance that coastal towns play every year. This time New Orleans loses.
First...that's what firearm insurance is for,

Carefull with that train of thought. Flood is excluded in most property insurance policies. Make sure you actually read the policy instead of assuming that it is covered.

As for the guns, I'd throw a few in the cars and the remainder would get put back in cosmoline.
petrel has a good point. Most of the damage we're talking about in NOLA is going to be flood damage, and most general home iunsurance policies exclude flood damage.

With that said IF I lived in hurricane country, I think I would bolt the safe to the concrete floor, try to seal if off as best I could with silicone caulk, etc., and grab what's important and run for the high ground.

Wife and I talked about it. In hour or two, we could have both cars loaded with as much as possible and on the road for safety. Link up by FRS radio, keep the kids as happy and quiet as possible with the DVD player in the car.

When we got down to it, we actually realized that with advanced notice, we could get most of what really mattered into one of the cars and leave the rest with a hope and a prayer.
Hurricanes...and other perils

Easy answer here....I wouldn't live in a hurricane-prone zone.


With a track a few degrees westerly, you would be right in Katrina's sights....

There are few areas of this country that are free of enviromnental hazards. Forest fires, mud slides, tornados, floods, ice storms that take out the power for *months*, whatever. Remember, with Camile back in '69, the greatest casualty concentration outside of that ill-advised 'hurricane party' in Pass Christian, MS was Nelson County, VA, and that is a long way from any of the coasts. 18" of rain overnight sure makes living in hill country a tad difficult.

My home sits about 13' above sea level and a half-block from the harbor - and it's the highest point around. Still, tornados don't seem to like water. Infrequent as they are (like *maybe* once a decade), they are rarely over F-0 on the Fujita scale. Quite frankly, I'll take a hurricane - that I can see coming for a week or two - over an F-4 or F-5 I can't - something that'll suck the sill plates right out of a slab foundation.

And lets not forget earthquakes. Of the 10 most powerful earthquakes in the US, two had epicenters in southeastern Missouri/northeastern Arkansas. (The New Madrid earthquakes of 1811 and 1812 that re-routed the Missisippi River rung church bells in Boston. Seven others were in Alaska - California only comes in at the #10 spot in 1857....)

My point being: It's hard to be out of the danger zone. Droughts a result of global warming are causing forest and prarie fires in places that haven't seen such perils in recorded history. It's hard to find a place that's totally safe, so be prepared.

This got me thinking. Several people have stated they would take their expensive guns with them, which would include NFA weapons and in particular machineguns. I wonder what ATF's stance is regarding getting advanced approval to take your machinegun across state lines when dodging a hurricane. Obviously you would not have time to submit and get approval the official way. What if the state you have to run to has a ban on machineguns, does the '86 FOPA protect you?
seal the door and the little hole in the back of the safe would try to pressurize it alittle if I could put the ammo into dry cans and coolers and seal and tie them down somehow ( even though the weight might just hold them down) take apart my reload bench cooler it . pack up what I think is important take my bug out and my racecar and boogie . and don't forget the line I wouldn't live there sometimes is by neccessity not voluntary if you want to make a living .
I have pcv pipe set up as mentioned above. However, depending on the gun inside, most WILL float. So take that into consideration. All my loaded ammo is sealed in GI ammo cans with tested gaskets. They stay sunk.

Also, all the people being allowed in the superdome were being searched for drugs, kinives, and guns before being allowed in. Something to think about if you have to have this kind of help.
Also, all the people being allowed in the superdome were being searched for drugs, kinives, and guns before being allowed in. Something to think about if you have to have this kind of help.
That coment finally made me realise the real point. If you are going to surrender responsibility for your families safety to the government, you also give up the right to decide what you take with you. The bigger lesson is that government never gives, it has nothing to give. Everything it appears to give us, they are either giving back or re-distributing to those it feels are more needy. Government takes, because that's all it can do. When government appears to be giving you something, it's usually an incentive for you to give up rights to it, or become dependant on it.
Mix and match... If I was burying a gun I'd probably fill a PVC tube full of good HEAVY HEAVY oil, maybe now quite 100W gear oil but something like 50w or 60W, something that won't easily dissappear if there's a hairline crack. If the water table rises then I'd wrap it in chain first and bury it horizontally.

But then, I'll not be burying anything, because I won't *be* there :) I'd be saying bye-bye early with some guns in easy reach and all the others locked up securely. The ones I would use I'd probably deeply consider removing critical parts and keeping them on my person in case I made a tactical error and lost my vehicle, contents included, to a looter...
If there's time.

Sock the guns, Seal a Meal each of those, and put the less important ones in the safe. Caulk the safe. Hope for the best.

Absent a safe you could follow the same protocol, but put each bagged gun in a PVC pipe "safe". I like Mfree's idea of chaining the pipe safe. If you were interested in weighting the PVC down you could add ammo for ballast.

The very few truely important ones would get socked/sealed and transported.

This would apply to our collection of knives, crystal, china and art.

Consideration should be given to whether you're expecting a natural disaster that will sweep the structure away (scattering your carefully protected treasures) or just flood/flatten it in place where you can dig them out later.

None of this would be done if it delayed getting out safely. Things can be repared/replaced, people can't.
"...was Nelson County, VA, and that is a long way from any of the coasts. 18" of rain overnight sure makes living in hill country a tad difficult."

The estimate for one area was 37". I remember seeing a tractor trailer(well the trailer anyway) buried so deep in the mud that only a few inches of the top was showing. The death toll was 120 - more than 1% of the county's population.

With a little warning, I'd take what I could carry, put the rest in trash bags and caulk the door on the safe.

Back in the great flood of '73 (near Springfield Ill.) we had all of our new furniture tied to the rafters in the attic and a canoe tied to the porch.. as a kid it was an adventure... can't imagine how scared my parents were...

Dad was "off" from the Air Force for weeks to fill sandbags.

The Levee nearest my house was a mile away and NOTHING was in between us and it.

We had water on three sides of the house.

I went canoing in the cornfield across the street.

I don't recall what dad was planning on doing with his guns back then but I assure you... guns and family photos and other heirlooms would be in the truck on the way out, along with the family dog.
For those that I didn't take with me, I'd seal them in rafting dry bags, inside the safe, then caulk and shrink wrap the safe. Might work.

Of course, I live on a ridge 400 feet above the nearest open water, so it's an academic exercise.
So as we speak there are hundreds of thousands of cars, with the owners most valued possessions in the trunk, setting in the parking lot of motel’s all over the surrounding states. I hope the police and motel owner’s etc are adding some extra security.
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