I am going ballistic! (photos)

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It could be a Glock 18, but I think it's just a 17 with one of those thingamabobs that replaces the slide cover plate enabling it to be full auto.
Awesome shots Gunhead. Would you happen to have high res shots, especially of the 640? I would really like one if you do.
Shmooze Him..

GunHead, you said..

"The shots were made in complete darkness - the range master was a bit uneasy about that".

Shmooze him! Crank out a copy of your shots and have them printed on 8" x 10" glossy photo paper.. then offer them to him. This way when you ask to do it again, he probably won't hesitate.. or be apprehensive about giving you the go ahead.


P.S. Your photo's? As "Tony the Tiger" would say.. "THEY'RE GREAT!"
to sharpen the bullet you need a shorter flash duration. Are you sure it is on the shortest duration possible?
set the 'film speed' as high as possible, and use the largest aperture that is acceptable. that will minimize the amount of light that is required from the flash. a flash adjusts its output by changing the duration of the flash. less light needed means shorter duration.

or you could buy a dandy 4 nanosecond flash bulb :D they are so fast you can not even see it if you look directly at it.

Unfortunately a millionth sec flash costs 8.000-16.000 USD. That would completely freeze the bullet in flight. I have no money for a device like this, but I am in the (slow) process of building one...

What I used is a consumer flash which can produce (depending on the model) 1/20.000-1/50.000 shutter speed equivalent.
Couldn't you also slow the bullet by decreasing the angle of the camera shot along the path of the projectile? You'd have to be careful though, too close on one side and you'll shoot the camera and too close on the other and the muzzle blast could obscure your round.

Maybe you could take photos of colibri/super colibri rounds exiting a .22 pistol :)

p.s. I wonder if anyone's ever taken ultra slow motion video of a bullet failure, the type where the rotational speed of a bullet leaving the muzzle rips it to shreds?
Thus said mattz357:
voil (sic), it would look MUCH different if he fired .357! His is an older 640 that is only rated for .38.
Thanks for the FYI (I'm not too knowledgeable about wheel guns yet). But what about a similar revolver that *was* rated for .357?
AWESOME pics Gunhead and everybody else!!!

Thos would be cool as a desktop image (1440 X 900)!
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