I am in favor of "people control"

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Barnbwt, unsafe at any speed refers to cars that were found defective(ie Corvairs,Pintos..etc). As far as I know most DUI's and drunken accidents were not in these cars. We all know how well prohibition worked, now don't we... You don't see protesters calling for the government to outlaw a certian car because "more alcoholics prefer it"... My point is that the people are the problem in the equation...
As a gun owner I think we are going to have to give in and do some more regulation on the assault weapons, BTW I call them assault weapons knowing the history of the Strumgrever 44. Gay does not mean the same thing as it did 45 years ago. A semi auto with large mag is what seems to be in the lexicon today so its what we have to go with. To argue over NO NO it means selective fire bla bla bla is to waste time. Maybe to make semi autos similar to NFA weapons. I don't' know but we are not going to win on our old arguments with this one.
Compromise away...you'll be pissed when they come for your duck or deer gun. And when they do....expect no help from me.

You either support the 2A, as written, or you don't. The real reason for it is to overthrow a tyrannical government, not so you can kill Daffy or Bambi.

Some people just don't get it.
While I agree in a perfect world everyone would be armed and know what they are doing, however it seems in a practical world that locations like schools, stadiums and other places where crowds gather that we often listed as gun free zones, could benifit from responsible colcealed carry holders, and as a practical matter it seem prudent that those people be trained to a higher level than a person in a less crowded situation. Would I like concealed carry for everyone (well almost everyone), yes, but would I feel safer knowing that the people carrying concealed in a crowded stadium, theater, shcoool, etc. had some degree of training beyond this is the end that goes bang, the answer is again yes, particularly if I were one of the bystanders.
As a gun owner I think we are going to have to give in and do some more regulation on the assault weapons
  1. NO, I refuse.
  2. "Assault weapon" has no meaning. It's whatever you want to ban, and I do mean YOU.
  3. If you were hoping to get real gun owners to just roll over, you're really in for a lot of disappointment.
Fast cars kill people? Hogwash! Utter nonsense!

Show me the car that ever started up on its own and ran down a pedestrian or the car that decided on its own (mechanical malfunction excluded) to go too fast for conditions and crash, killing its occupants. You can't, because a few untrustworthy car operators, not the cars, do that stuff, just like a few untrustworthy gun operators, not the guns, commit murders.
It should definitely be required to have at least one well armed guard at schools. By well armed, I mean a good handgun and some form of shotgun, carbine, or pdw.
It should definitely be required to have at least one well armed guard at schools. By well armed, I mean a good handgun and some form of shotgun, carbine, or pdw.
Who pays for this? Already cash strapped school districts? States? The Fed?

Gun laws have disarmed the populace. So now we are going to pay more government workers for something school staff could do on their own if they had not been denied their right to bear arms.

In all the armed attacks against schools, how many of them could have been prevented or mitigated by one or two members of the school staff if they had been armed?
+1 to Snakeman.
My wife and I already have plans to attend our next school board meeting to let them know that we fully support their allowance of CCW amongst their staff. If the great state of Virginia has already deemed them approved for CCW carry, then who are we to create "gun-free" zones? They can quietly make it known to their staff that they will allow the practice, and that shouldn't even make a fuss if they are worried about that.
I feel the necessity to be vocal in our support.
I didn't say that the principle or some other faculty member couldn't double as the guard did I? I'm also not saying that they should walk around with their long gun strapped across their back like rambo. What I am saying is that someone trained in the safe handling and use of firearms in a defensive or offensive situation should be available within the facility and have quickly accessible capable firearms at all times. Some schools already have cops on campus most of the time anyway.
I would prefer to seem them with long guns than handguns locked safely away in the teachers desk drawer, long guns are easier to aim which is important when there are a lot of inocent bystanders.
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