I carry because....

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...Because I can.

Please, even if you don't want to carry a concealed weapon, apply for a permit anyway. We need to exercise our rights.
Why do I carry? For a variety of reasons here are a few,

1) God gave me the gift of life and the wonderful gift of a family. He gave
me these gift to use to their fullest. I was not entrusted with them to allow evil to destroy them. To allow that to happen is an abomination to Him. To save the world is not my intent.

2) I do not carry because I feel inadequate. If confronted with a situation in which I am not able to defend what is dear, I will have the ability to defend.

3) I do not carry to kill , but to protect my life and to live to an old age. If I must kill, it has not been my choice but the evil ( I refuse to give the thing the name human) that forced it.

4) I carry because I want to live in peace. Having seen evil in the world and in my neighborhood, I know that evil does not respect weakness. I do not and will not seek a confrontation, but if one is forced on me, I will do what ever is needed to end it peacefully if possible but if needed I will protect my gifts without hesitation or mercy. I owe that to my family and to my God.

Being a little older than many of the people on this forum, I find that the person who does carry, is usually more considerate and forgiving. I have seen and experience too much of this evil to think that I or my family is immune. Preparedness and watchfulness is needed. My wife carries also.
It took me a while to come to the place in my life where I could articulate it.

It's not about safety.
It's not about saving my life, or anyone I care about.
Bad things happen, and the presence of a gun in my hands won't always stop it.

I carry because I will not be subjugated to the demands of evil men.
... because the bad guys aren't exactly coming at me with wiffleball bats. I carry a gun, a knife, and a flashlight at all times because I have learned the folly of thinking I wouldn't need them.
--I'm too old to die...yet.
--I cannot fight nearly as well, nor run as fast or as far at 50+ as I could at 20. At 5"9", 150 lbs, I was never at a particular advantage anyway.
--I am unwilling to trust my continued existence to the scum of the earth that are all too prevalent these days.
Need I continue?
At last, my permit is less then a fully carry.........please don't remind me of being a lesser citizen with threads like this, thank you.:mad:

Welcome to Westchester NY, they refuse to recognize self defense and Warren v. DC. among others like Heller.:banghead::cuss::barf:

As you were, resume your regularly scheduled programming.
I carry because all the cool kids are doing it. . .

but seriously-

none of us are omniscient. We don't know what any given day may hold, no matter how much we try to avoid negative situations. The only thing we do know is that we want to live, and we want those who we care about around us to live. If someone attacks you and threatens your life, they already made a choice for violence. now its just up to you to decide if that violence occurs to you or as a response from you.
I've had family and friends impacted by gun violence, nearly all of them actually being an innocent bystander in the way of the perp and their target. I figured I'd at least like the chance to shoot back.
I've had family and friends impacted by gun violence

Its just violence, the gun didn't display any aggresion towards you, friends, or family. Lets try to not use the antis marketing terminology against ourselves.

To answer the question. It is the most effective way to defend myself or family from those who wish to do harm.
Had my permit for exactly one week tommorrow. Have yet to carry. I am picking up a concealable weapon end of the week. Can't seem to get my full sized auto to ride comfortably. In my younger days a fist fight or some other rediculous engagement with some street person didn't seem out of the question, now with a family to provide for I owe them the responsability of being there everyday. My job puts me in many undesirable places and till now my only recourse was to keep my wits about me. Now I'm legal and intend to exercise my right to protect myself.
Seems these days constitutional rights are use em or lose em. I would hope we all take the time to go to a class, pay em the money, and hopefully our sons can enjoy the same freedoms we do.
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I carry because:

A local college girl attending a concert was abducted and found dead months later in a field that police say only someone familiar with the area (local person) would have known how to get there. Perp still at large.

A young couple in a National forest area were shot and killed in their car by an unknown person. Perp still at large.

Young girl kidnapped from a local Wal-Mart parking lot, still not found. Perp still at large.

Man hiking on the Parkway, shot and killed. I believe this one was captured in another state.

Two campers shot and killed in the National forest area several years ago. Perp still at Large.

Wal-Mart missing persons board list dozens of young people missing. Location of victims and Perps unknown. Local Quick Stops have flyers posted asking for information on missing children and teen agers.

Etc, etc., etc. These BG's are still on the streets and will sooner or later strike again. We pass them every day in the shopping mall, at the grocery store and at the gas station. They are in the line at McDonalds and Burger King, the next aisle over at Wal-Mart and buying beer and in the local Quick Stop.

I have a wife, children and grandchildren. I intend to do my best to protect them from animals like these if it is at all possible. I understand that the odds of my encountering one of these individuals in a life or death situation is slim to none, but so did all the victims listed above. But, if this should happen to me or mine while I am nearby, I intend to do my best to ruin their day and at the least to leave a mark on them they will never forget.

Have a nice day and keep your eyes open.
How many of these threads are there every month?

I'm old, do I need a reason? Other than it's legal and I can?
My Sheriff's office didn't ask me for a reason when they handed me the card.

It isn't because of my god-given anything. It isn't because of some un-named evil (an evil that is too horrible to even contemplate naming, sssshh, it'll hear you and creep out from under the bed!). Meth-heads are not congregating on my street corner. Black sedans are not parked outside my home. I rarely run naked through the ghetto these days. etc etc etc
We all have a natural-born animal instinct to protect ourselves, our mate, our offspring, and our possessions....survival of the most prepared?
I don't ever want to have that feeling of helplessness again. When you're about to die in the next few seconds but there is absolutely nothing you can do about it because you are trapped and have nothing to fight back with. Logically, I didn't die. But it was only because one BG was afraid enough of the other for whatever reason. What I do know is listening to a couple of very crazy (armed) people get in a serious argument about "to kill or not to kill" me,(and 2 others in the room even more defenseless)) left an impression. And a serious resolve to change neighborhoods and habits. (in '70's btw) It was then I also got serious about self protection. I don't expect trouble in the future. Life is good now. But there's nothing wrong with being prepaired.
All roads lead to gun ranges, so therefore I'm always ready to go target shooting. Also helps with my arthritis in my back, having a gun there makes it feel better.
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