I don't get it. Neither will you.

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People that demonize tools fail to understand the human behavior required to implement said tools.

Logic is lost on many, and in its place is emotion.
There are far more anti-gunners out there who have NEVER lost ANYONE to a gun, but still have this head in the sand mentality. I feel for the people who have lost loved ones, but for the others...YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!

As with most liberals, they don't look past the immediate consequences of their illogical remedies to society's problems. No, I'm not calling ALL liberals stupid, but their political views are most of the time VERY stupid. In their scewed frame of mind they think they are actually doing good, but the thought of opening a can of worms that cannot be easily fixed never enters their minds. Liberals never seem to take into account the long range effects of their policies. One very good example is the cost of everything they want to force on the nation. They never figure in the long range price tag whether the price is money or infringement of a God given right.
There are far more anti-gunners out there who have NEVER lost ANYONE to a gun, but still have this head in the sand mentality. I feel for the people who have lost loved ones, but for the others...YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID!!!

As with most liberals, they don't look past the immediate consequences of their illogical remedies to society's problems. No, I'm not calling ALL liberals stupid, but their political views are most of the time VERY stupid. In their scewed frame of mind they think they are actually doing good, but the thought of opening a can of worms that cannot be easily fixed never enters their minds. Liberals never seem to take into account the long range effects of their policies. One very good example is the cost of everything they want to force on the nation. They never figure in the long range price tag whether the price is money or infringement of a God given right.
My favorite one is the anti-gunners who have a pile of guns, usually inherited, and then demand you give up your arms.

When I ask them if they'll follow their advice and ditch their own guns, they get huffy. Imagine that!
I love using vehicles as a counterexample. They are the leading cause of death in the US, and criminals drive them even if they don't have a license, so they should be banned for everyone.

(Except the criminals won't stop driving them no matter how many laws you pass, ...because they don't follow laws)
This example would be a little stronger if vehicles could be driven concealed (i.e. if criminals were able to drive without drawing attention to themselves by doing so). But it's nevertheless a great example!
Or how about the sacred institution of tobacco ? It out-kills guns well over ten to one, and the health costs associated with it are staggering - but just try to ban that ! Of course, that's a slower death than by gun, and stupidity certainly plays a major part in that ......
The problem is, that banning a substance, or item, doesn't mean it will not be available - it just results in a high-profit black market - with all the attendant crime and violence. For the historically challenged, try reading up sometime on how well Prohibition worked ....or you could look at our current War on Drugs .....
No, I'm not condoning drugs - but I am appalled at the multi-billion dollar cost of an ineffective effort !
If it's not guns it would be knives. If not knives it would be clubs. Evil people find ways to do evil deeds.

He is right about one thing, we all need God in our lives.
Like they say....don't argue with an idiot. Most weapons, I would think, were originally made for self defense, the murdering aspect came from the evil man not the tool.
I regret there loss, but I regret the loss of my father when an elderly man feel asleep at the wheel and hit my father head on.
I think they should ban anyone over the age of 60 from driving....elderly people just an accident waiting to happen.
I get it.

But this forum, being what it is, I can understand how many people here wouldn't.
The majority of killing innocent people & general mayhem with the use of a firearm is being done by people who already are restricted from owning them in the first place. The simple fact is most gun owners are safe responsible people that do not go around shooting up neighborhoods. The amount of pain & suffering generated with the use of a firearm is tiny compared to the amount of guns owned out there.

Even still, those of us that are safe/resonsible/law-abiding gun owners should not EVER have to sacrifice and give up a legitimate hobby/pastime that we cherish because of the mis-deeds of the few. I don't have a lot of guns but the ones I do have they are prized objects. I worked hard honestly to buy them. Sometimes I don't even need to shoot them to enjoy them. I'll sometimes just look at them and marvel at the craftsmanship that went into their construction then oil them up and put them away. To think that someone out there wants my guns BANNED is outrageous. It is wrong. It is evil. It must not be allowed.
Forget guns for just a moment and realize that taking away ANY legitimate pastime from decent folks because a few don't like it is not just wrong but dangerous for a free society.

.....and accidents? They say that even good law-abiding people can have gun related accidents? Well that's true. Unfortunatly it does happen.....but again it is quite rare compared to the numbers involved.
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Laws need to be made in these peoples small minds to stop such incidents.
That's right. And there is no shortage of sleazy politicians who will promise to pass such laws once they are elected.
"Why, I'll make murder illegal! That'll put an end to it."
I actually do get it. Antigunners are emotional thinkers, not logical thinkers. It's a bit lime arguing with a toddler: pointless. A toddler does not possess the faculties to make logical arguments and neither does an antigunner. That said, here is how I usually respond although I know at the outset that it's pointless:

if I could snap my fingers and get rid if all guns, I would. Would this reduce crimes? I really believe it would. A gun us more concealable than many other weapons as well as more impersonal. I think it would be much easier for someone to pull the trigger from 20 feet away than to stab someone in the heart with a knife. If you do it from afar, you are distancing yourself from the fact that you are taking soneones life. It's not so up close and personal. I do believe that there are far more people who would be willing to kill from a distance than up close and personal. So yes, I believe that there would be fewer murders if no one had a gun. As much as I love to shoot, I would gladly make the PERSONAL decision to snap my finger and uninvent guns.

Now, let's move out if the fantasy land and into the real world. Since criminals aren't going to give up their guns by the very nature of being a criminal, banning guns from law abiding citizens would actually make no sense and would cause crime to INCREASE (thus is if course supported by real statistics). Without the fear of being shot themselves, criminals would be free to do as they please with much less fear of personal harm. The presence of guns held by law abiding citizens deters crime.

To sum it up, gun control is a wonderful idea in fantasyland. Unfortunately we live in the real world where something cannot be un-invented. Guns are out there and there's no way to get them all back. The genie has been let out of the bottle. The only logical choice is to keep a firearm (or 10 in many of our cases!) to even the odds. Besides, they are great fun when used safely and responsibly!

Gun control emboldens the criminal element who by nature of being criminals do not obey the law!

If any of this doesn't make sense, I typed the whole thing on my iPhone... Sorry!
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Something was said on CNN the other day that made a lot of since. If a family member is killed by someone then the family members can not be on the jury during a trial because they would be bias. Then their opinion should not be considered on gun control because they are bias. Doesn't that make a lot of since.
I agree with JW2.

I think there's little doubt that more people have been killed with guns/bombs/explosives of the modern age (AD 1700+) than any other type of weapon. If they could all be magically destroyed tomorrow and all the knowledge required to make them, I've little doubt the world would be a more peaceful place, and as much as I enjoy shooting sports I would say it would be a worthy sacrifice.

However, that's impossible. A ban, as has been mentioned numerous times, has not, does not, and will not work. Its all about incentives. The law abiding have the incentive to follow the law, the lawless have no incentive to do so.

So I say, the more the merrier! Think of how less injustice there would be in the world if every common man and woman had a weapon for self defense! Ethnic cleanse THIS (racks bolt on AK-47)!
@ 84B20: Swords! Swords are perfect. The only purpose they were DESIGNED for was killing. If I stabbed, slashed or otherwise murdered someone with a sword NOBODY would call for a ban of swords. They would blame me and whatever pathologies I may or may not have NOT the tool, even though that tool was originally designed to kill men.

Wait a minute there, I believe swords are or are going to be banned in Britain. I hear they are also looking at long kitchen knives. It would make a good Monty Python episode if it was not true.
I totally agree with your statement but unfortunately the car analogy usually fails because they usually respond by saying cars were invented for transportation and guns were invented for killing. We really have to come up with a better one, me included.
Guns were invented to get a small piece of metal from point A to point B. Cars were invented to get a large piece of metal from point A to point B, but they whisk you along with them! Cars are much more dangerous.

The comments about anti-gun emotional arguments are why you can't reason with them using sound, logical arguments. The anti-gun people put themselves in a vulnerable helpless state and realize the guy they hired to protect them (police) won't always be there and it frightens them.

Everything that causes harm to another person involving firearms is already illegal. It doesn't make a difference, so the solution does not lie in more laws.
Everything that causes harm to another person involving firearms is already illegal. It doesn't make a difference, so the solution does not lie in more laws.


In all cases, whether it be gun laws, immigration laws, or drug laws, that logic is the same. If we are not able to enforce current laws do a large degree of success, more laws will simply increase the number of criminals.
Statistics are petty vague but I'm pretty sure there was a higher instance of murder before the invention of guns. Heck in the biblical account of things there were only 4 people on earth and one of them killed another.
Statistics are petty vague but I'm pretty sure there was a higher instance of murder before the invention of guns. Heck in the biblical account of things there were only 4 people on earth and one of them killed another.

Might be, but it certainly wasn't easier.
Like Archie Bunker told Gloria when she and the "Meat Head" were spouting stats about the number of people killed by guns in the US. "Would it make you feel any better little "goil" if they was pushed outta windows?"
Someone who's lost a loved one in a gun incident can be excused for thinking that way even though it's not logical. What's hard to understand is how so many intelligent people that haven't been faced with violence involving guns can hold those views.
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