I Enlisted today...

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Aug 27, 2004
I enlisted today in the U.S. Marine Corp. :D So anyway, to keep it gun related I'm going to be an armourer, weeeee I'm gonna shoot...a lot....ya know..test the stuff I fix...
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Sir/Maam I regreat to inform you that your son has been totally brain washed and will stay that way for several years. Regeatibly USMC;)

Im in the Chair Force but live an hour away from paris island. After beating down 4 Marines out of boot camp, after seveal drinks on both sides. I decided the marines were not for me. However everyones gotta do one bone headed thing in there life right? Even if it is the marines :banghead: ;)

Well I stayed out of the navy after spending one night on a sub and 3 on a destroyer.... (shudders)

Honestly congrats and do enjoy it and I wont hold it against you when you bitch that us lazy Air Force are eating steak and complaining the AC is to cold.
My little brother was recently sworn into the Army Reserves. He leaves for Basic
on the 12th of Jan. I hate to admit it, but I am proud of him. ;)
Congratulations Bondage on taking the first step to the greatest experience in your life-also the most hated probably too :cool:

And never you mind about these slacking naysayers-your very act of signing enlistment papers for the Corps has caused their testes to shrival up in the face of a better man, and they're understandably upset about it :p

And Rev-he will enjoy his department of the Navy-the Men's department:neener:

(Maurice-he's doing an honorable thing-you should be proud:))

Boot Camp Memory: Around 2AM my bus stopped at the gate of Parris Island, and we all got real quiet, quite unlike the long ride prior. The driver opened up the door, and the gate MP stepped up into the cab. You could have heard a pin drop. After a few seconds of him looking up and down the aisle, he turned away and said "You stupid m-fers", and walked away. Hehe :D

Good luck grasshopper!

Chris, 87-94
Congrats on joining the best branch of the military.

Oh, and you better start learning now, Marine, Marine Corps, United States Marine Corps are always spelled with capital letters. :D

"beating down four Marines out of boot camp......." :rolleyes:
Congrats from a Cav Troop - Simper Fie dude!

First Team, Air Mobile!

Blue Max 68-P2
Gentle winds,
Conratulations BondageJaguar, you did indeed enlist in the BEST.
Armour huh......I hope your better than ours was.

Congratulations. It takes stones to sign up, even more so now that you know combat duty is quite possible. Now, go make the Marine Corps proud to have you.
As previously mentioned, Marines are in fact Dept. of the Navy...

The Mens Dept.

Semper Fi, and good luck! Going in the USMC was the best and worst decision I ever made! :evil:
Good luck, and enjoy the travel!
I spent four years in the USAF, protecting the Panhandle Coast of Florida from invasion from Cuba and Texas.
I then spent six years in the Navy, getting paid for doing endless Carribean Cruises, making the area safe for tourism.

The Grunts do the real work . . . ;)

"Semper Fi!"
I get to go to San Dieago on July 5th so that'll be a bucket of fun. Hopefully they aren't having snow still ehhh? ;)
Congrats. Start running. And doing pushups. And watching Full Metal Jacket. :)

I've spent the last two years trying to get into the Air Force (intel). Hopefully Monday I hear a "yes" on my Lasik waiver, then I'm IN!!!!!!!!!!!! FINALLY!!!!!!

If I'd enlisted in the Army, I'd have been in 2 years ago, but I'm going career.

USMC 1993-1997.

An armorer, eh? Sweet. I had two good friends that were armorers. Helpful, since I shot on the base team for 2 years.
By the way, the Air Force IS the BEST. Just remember who always gets called to save the day when the sh*t hits the fan...

Then USMC fixed and rotary wing aircraft are called-first-as USMC air attack assets are vastly preferred for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the men flying them are Marines, and are even required serve with ground units to further the concept of close air support (which the USMC created and perfected). The USMC is the only force that contains both fighter and ground attack fixed and rotary winged aircraft.

Not that Air Farce help would'nt be appreciated mind you, and nothing against our Air Farce friends as they do important things too, but USMC aircraft overhead, piloted by Marines and who are intimately familiar with the units on the ground and thier mission, are much more comforting in a close support role.

Save the day? It's the Marines who usually do that themselves pal.

Good luck!

Welcome to the best dang service going, give it your best shot and know you are one of elite. Been there and done that. Semper Fi bro. :)
You know how you can ID Marine Close Air Support aircraft? They're the ones with the teeth, hair and eyeballs on the wings. :what: :evil: :neener: Go get'em!!!

SunBear US Army '81-'84 ROK-DMZ '83
Reminds me of a little joke.

The Army "Gee it sucks here."
The Navy "Gee, it looks like it sucks over there."
The Air Force "What, no Cable? THAT SUCKS!"
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